General Discussion

General DiscussionDifference between wc3 and dota 2

Difference between wc3 and dota 2 in General Discussion

    So for the past month, i am slowly transitioning from wc3 to dota 2. I have managed to play a lot of traning and bot game ( and i mean, a LOT ), and i have noticed something.

    Is there some difference between taking off agro from towers in wc3 and dota 2. I find, sometimes, very hard to take off agro, simply, because tower hates me.

    Second thing is, it seems almost impossible to be able to pull enemy creeps in your lane by clicking on enemy heroes which are in other lane. Example, you pull creeps to you, by attacking ( a+left click ) on, lets say, SF, who is on mid lane, and you are bot. That could happen in wc3, but here i can't seem to be able to do it. Was it in bug in wc3 or it was just fixed now, i D2?

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      No dude. You're jsut doing something wrong. It's the same on these mechanics you mentioned. You just don't feel 500 range in dota2 i suppose


        ^ignore him.

        anyways, that was a 'bug' that would happen because there was an obs in the game, usually a bot in observer slot hosting the game.
        it was never intended to work that way and it has been addressed in d2 fro the very beginning afaik.

        it's hard to say about other aggro stuff but for the most part it's been the same. for more info about the particular tower aggro look on google or playdota mechanics.


          Crap, and i liked that "bug" so much 😫.

          Anyway thanks Xan, i recall you from dlg. Good old days 😊

          Will look into pd and perhaps dev, hope there are some informations there.

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            Same mechanics different Engine


              already played dota 2 for a year and still not accustomed to this shit! takes at least a month to adapt from wcg dota to dota2 in terms of ranges mov spd turn rates att speed and other shit.... so just play a lot ^^

              tip: on taking off the tower aggro u have to time it correctly -> by this i mean just when the tower is gonna issue an att on you, u change the target by trying to deny and gg an advantage from that fucked up shit u can also att someone/harrasthe moment the tower issued the att and it wont change aggro to u xd :)

              one and half gun

                legacy keys is so outdated


                  Of course it's hard to adapt to dota 2 when you're used to maphacking wc3.


                    The time when using invoker in wc3 is the best.


                      @nevermort :
                      1. Bad use of you're and overall sentance
                      2. Don't get me with that bulshit thing called mh
                      3. I have never ever used mh in wc3 simply because it is darn stupid.
                      4. Don't get cocky over forums, thanks 😃
                      5. Ok, thanks for listening to me, bye.


                        Feed me more


                          I can't, we never played versus each other

                          Miku Fan

                            Was it easy to maphack on WC3? I never played WC3.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              wc3 dota seems to hit harder and faster. both prone to hitting enemy heroes across river. Taking off aggro is same on wc3 as dota 2. I think it's easier for dota 2 than wc3. Dodging projectiles with transform on LD is harder. The game in Dota 2 is more faster paced than wc3. Just take SF. You can hit an enemy hero going across your lane like 5-7 times in wc3, and only 3-5 times on dota 2. Situations where everybody gets phase boots it seems even less more like 2-3 hits only.