General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 3 things I love about dota.

The 3 things I love about dota. in General Discussion

    1.) That you get a ranked mmr from your old one after playing 10 calibrated games. Why not make me play 60 calibrated games to see where I fit in the new system. I was playing ixdl for 4 months and I never played any matchmaking before ranked came out. Now my solo rating is trash. But of course my party isn't makes sense being a team game.

    2.) Foreign people who are rude and have no room to learn. They only say noob, and Why you no gank lvl 2 faceless void.

    3.)(My favorite) Caring about hats, items, events, gamemodes. You know what I want? A real ranked matchmaking (not a big button that says ranked that normal matchmaking with a number), I want all the heroes ported already, I want maybe an open league, or how about a season ranked where it restarts every 2 months, How about a group replay watcher so you can analyze and evaluate replays together as a team, How about normal matchmaking turned into practice matchmaking with no winrate changing,How about a better intergrated chat system so play private lobbies like in dota1.

    I hope I'm not being too harsh Valve I'm really not. I just thought you would make dota1 with more features and a slight change of things on a newer Engine. Last video game I really have left to play and I forgot Dota and I'm play Doth (Defense of the Hats)

    King of Low Prio

      1. If you rating is lower than where you think you should be then you should be winning all of your matches.

      2. Everyone shit talks regardless of where they are from. I have more issues with english speakers on their mic because 90% of them have 0 social skills

      3. Valve has to make money to offer up a free to play game. As long as none of these items alter the actual gameplay I dont really care if some random idiot payed 300$ for a special pudge hook


        1.) If your rating is lower than it should be you have to go through sweat blood, tears, noobs yelling, reporting, and throwing your shit in the forest. But sure, you can get out.

        2.) I assure you, English speakers with arrogant attitudes is not as bad as foreigners with little to no input, sensitive attitudes where they have to grief you, and completely oblivious. Id go as far as to say its the culture part of the reason

        3.) I just said I would pay for a real league. I would pay my ass off to have a real ranked event.


          4 months ixdl
          pls tell me more u fucking noob cunt
          ixdl was full of crappy motherfucking 3k mmr noobs!
          now if u got that then thats all u r and the system is working perfect

          King of Low Prio

            1. MM gave me 3.4k to start off with which I knew was low for me and I started working my way up (4.1k atm would be higher but I first pick sniper too often........)

            2. I play on the exact same servers as you do and I can tell you from my perspective the whiny 12 year old virgin screaming and moaning over first blood is much worse than someone not speaking english (learn to use chat wheel)

            3. There are tons of dota 2 leagues


              I said nothing about ixdl being great. But I'm merely saying that it wasn't matchmaking. Ixdl was crap before its downfall but there were actually quite a bit of people that played that were probably the best in NA dota.


                yeah people like me who got fed by people like you in a teamoriented environment


                  i do agree with you that ranked MMR is just a number associated with ur base mmr, however i don't think there's a reasonable alternative to this. and they just released like 3 heroes in the last two months, that pace is fine imo. they'll probably all be out before ti4 which is fine.

                  also you have a 48% winrate in matchmaking which seems strange for me unless you were one of those sub-1000 elo guys consistently which is evidently the case. if ur mmr is really a problem for you just go win a bunch of matches by going mid with slark or something.

                  and ixdl was pretty shitty mainly because the lowest 2 elo players would play support and suck dick and essentially make games unplayable. it removes half the support heroes from the pool, not to mention you had people who thought they were arteezy with OD and ended up losing to puck and shit. the place was toxic and the ego problem made games unplayable half the time plus nobody wants to play support.

                  nyway ur mmr should be going up nicely now since ur winning all ur games. games will become playable and if u get foreigners they're not gonna be retards.