General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue?

How to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue? in General Discussion

    Suddenly From 4960 mmr in 6-7 days I drop to 4500 and yes I blame matchmaking. I m like 2 month 4700-4960 and now in 7 days drop almost 500 mmr wtf? I don`t play any worse even I play better alot that before and have much more skill and game sense.I must show you something guys look this game:

    Is valve trolling me all the time?I m done with this shit seriosly I get players with 2k mmr skill probably.

    Just look those pictures friends this is a joke:

    - 0 currier but we have wards yeah,just look their positioning:

    - well now,this is my mid player puck guess what 24 min. boots botle and 27 cs ok :

    - and here is the best one Spirit Braker without skilling 2. spell and 12 cs 24 min. :

    gg wp :)))

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      you play in EU west. at 4.6k mmr when i played in EUW due to server downtime on SEA.
      The players were generally scrubs with no game sense whatsoever. I think 5k+ mmr should be easy in your region.

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        What did you expect from a game where AM soloed a lane, BS jungled, SB and Puck dual laned mid and Silencer went solo offlane. Did you seriously expect to win that?

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          You picked AM, a hero well know to require a team capable of either supporting or handling themselves for around 20 minutes before he can come online, in a solo pub game, and you are making a post about how the game didn't work out.

          what did you expect?

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            I expect ppl to at least play at 3.5k lvl at my 4.5k lvl games so I can carry them,I can`t carry 4 feeders with 0 game sense It`s not about I picked Am. I picked Am second,not my bad they picked Bs after puck pick and useless silencer and spirit braker rofl


              antimage is a useless hero the way you build him without a ton of support help and hoping ur team is able to 4v5. with that kind of lineup gl with that.

              learn to pick heroes that arent as dependent on support help.


                I didn`t even needed much support in this lineup I was vs Tide solo 1v1 all i was need my team to not thrown every minute.


                  You had 143 last hits and a ton of denies. Had a pretty garbage team. Too bad. I don't think the AM was the problem here.

                  one and half gun


                    "VALVE TROLL ME"


                    one and half gun

                      did this faggot just say SEA is better than EU


                        even though my mmr is def lower than yours, even if i played my best heroes all the time, but its possible i swear!


                          *to win solo queue antimage


                            well AM is shit hero
                            so on high MMR is too hard to win with it


                              ^ alot of things got buffed and I think it is said that the introduction of new heroes renewed alot of his old counters from dota 1. I'd like to see how fun it would have been to play him before the counters!

                              Woof Woof

                                5 solo? if not then u know how things work 1k mmr+ difference between teammates isnt considered an issue by mm dev

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                                  wave MUTED This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings. , buying accounts etc. Can you be more sad plz it`s so funny.

                                  one and half gun

                                    what account did i buy


                                      In response to title: You don't


                                        wave MUTED Lol you bought that acc, didn`t you? You said in some posts few days ago that is not your account lololol


                                          Also you don`t play at account cos you know you will lose mmr,cus you can`t win a game without being carryed. You buy and make so many accounts and abuse game in every possible way just to show others your shity fake stats lololol, this is so good.


                                            Why pick a hero like AM in a pub, even a ranked pub? He's a good hero that probably more so than any other hero needs a team around him. Sucks for you but you asked for it.

                                            one and half gun

                                              quote me when i said i bought this account
                                              my dotabuff is disabled

                                              oh noes 5 more losses im in trouble, the more i read from you, i have to hit myself with a shovel to keep up with your stupidity


                                                @this thread


                                                  wave MUTED I was trying to find but I m lazy is too many posts there on dotabuff,maybe you lied than you bought whatever you bought or not I don`t care. Why you disable statistic?


                                                    Btw. you must be so good 6 commends at 660 wins LOL,that just show how nobody likes how you play and how far you faked it.

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                                                    one and half gun

                                                      i know its in ur nature to lie bogi, thats what gypsies do

                                                      can you quote me where i bought accounts, i know your english is poor and you confused "buying" with "selling", i just want to kill time now

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        i have 6 commends because theres a limit on how many you can give to others, before it was unlimited

                                                        [IMG][/IMG] i know why ur butthurt ecksdee

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          go ahead and call it fake, ur so predictable

                                                          one and half gun

                                                            bogi do you add front page players and ask to play with them often or did you think im #1 because i know i am #1

                                                            kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                              Even EE cant make AM work at 5.8k mmr, I doubt anyone can w/o stack.


                                                                DON'T PICK AM RETARD


                                                                  wave MUTED You again post that photoshop crap? HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL THIS IS HILARIOUS SO GOOD


                                                                    at everyone here, yes it is possible to win with AM without a stack, but obviously there are way better choices if you are solo queue


                                                                      wave is too fat


                                                                        Lol bogi you are one sad little shit, arent you?


                                                                          EU West >> US >> SEA

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            benao wanna do some qop vs puck to kill time?

                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                              or sf mid


                                                                                [ESP*] Wink Excuse me? Lol woot




                                                                                    history guy says:
                                                                                    [ESP*] Wink6 minutes ago



                                                                                      Everyone loves Chibi

                                                                                        You lost 500mmr because you dont deserve it. You know how to abuse Slark and even this isnt working anymore a lot of times. With other heroes you're probably not even at 3k. You win only if you get carried by better players, as its obvious from dmg dealt (you're almost never in top 5 in the game playing a carry). And if that's photoshop, then i'm a pope.

                                                                                        You wonder why you're losing so much lately? Because you're not nearly as good as your rating indicate.

                                                                                        This comment was edited

                                                                                          Dunno its photoshop or other program but some program for editing is for sure,cus I never had him in friend list and never talked to him at steam,he is so sad kid and have much time to make those un-real things..which never happened.


                                                                                            Sadder little shit than Vroksnak...


                                                                                              Your comment doesn`t have even 1% sense,go kill yourself do smth good for this world.


                                                                                                Says the guy who instantly puts 4 other people at a 51% chance to lose just by being on their team.


                                                                                                  loser always complain.
                                                                                                  my team fucked up, still can win.


                                                                                                    [ESP*] Wink Rofl what a answer !!! Btw. how i put ppl to loss 51% chance when I m 52% win rate doesn`t make any sense again do you know math? Actually is 48%. Stop being dumb please it`s starting to be really hilarious.


                                                                                                    Shut up please :)


                                                                                                      u should say that to wave.
                                                                                                      he is tearing u apart. lulz.


                                                                                                        It's never Valve's fault. If you can't accept that, well, go rot in "elo hell".

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!