General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinion on phoenix?

Opinion on phoenix? in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    So far it seems like a pretty decent hero. Its not broken nor is it as shitty as TB, ive seen a phoenix mid which was rather decent, how do you skill and play phoenix?

    Im kinda interested but ive never played phoenix :'D


      It's been a while since I played him...I remember feeding hard when I first played him, but he's very fun to play, lots of mobility and chaos :D

      He can deal a lot of damage early on and the beam scales...weirdly. I mean, since it deals a % of max HP per second as pure damage, at any point in the match you are taking roughly the same chunk of the HP bar from your targets at most points in the game, numbers be damned. Dive is a semi-reliable escape mechanism, Spirits deal good damage while taking away AS from your opponent...remember to always spread this before Nova, plus you are made of fire and vomit and poop even more cool is that? Just don't play against Troll Warlord, that guy is a dick. His Sun beam is really effective against massive pushes too.

      Well, that's my experience from Dota1, when I suppose I must have been a 2k ranked score player, but hey! Try him, he's extremely fun. FIRE


        tb isnt shitty though...

        and phoenix can play any role, but primarily as a solo offlane support, so kinda like windrunner. he can also be played as a sort of teamfight hero too, by getting veil, his damage output is very high. his skill builds are dependant on each match, but i generally do:


          I'll give you my two cents then.

          He's pretty good imho, if your team manages to defend your ass until you rebirth/keep your enemy in range of your ulti. The stun is massive, with a range that is almost unfair. He's a pretty good pusher as well, with the birds and shoop da whoop (which can push AND heal the creeps), while Icarus Dive provides a quick getaway. His laning phase sucks though, or at least 'till you get tranquils.

          Woof Woof

            seems op

            Sugar Show

              I used to play phoenix as carry, mid,offlane ,ganker and pusher but before *all nerf* . I find this new phoenix pretty shit, can't gank, can't support ,can''t carry, he lost all his synergy due nerfs : soulring+spiritis, terraske or bloodstone for sunray, dive for disarmar initiate or gank. Pretty useless hero, hope pitlord saves the game.

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              Quick maffs

                I dont know but i am buying mek on this hero


                  Pitlord will be the cure for cancer. I know he will.


                    Phoenix mid is very strong atm, and that attack speed slow is fucking ridiculous, it's bigger than untouchable

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                      I went mid as phoenix. He has a lot of fun combos you can work out, and the range on his ulti is a tad large.

                      Dire Wolf

                        He seems op right now, the dot dmg, he makes veno look weak. But he might taper off once people figure out how to counter. New heroes are usually way worse or way better than they should be because people don't know how to play them/play vs them.

                        Quick maffs

                          ^Well 0 armor, i guess he is paper, plus he is slow ( 285 i think )

                          The Struck

                            Just pick troll, that's how you counter him.

                            Ples Mercy

                              good idea pick a hero like troll against a hero which is very mobile and has an insane atkdmg debuff.

                              Quick maffs

                                Can you etheral blade the sun ? that would be sick actually, i would ask for a friend to buy it :D

                                The Struck

                                  Troll's ult can kill the sun.

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    if u can then...


                                    Highly situational. You still have mates etc. If u are worried about the sun, get mappo, naga etc.

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                                      just tryed my first game with phoenix was expecting more

                                      it needs really good team to utilizr that ultimate properly and rest skills are just meh

                                      4/10 would rather pick heroes with more impact to the game than phoenix


                                        phnx is super weak idk what u talking about ~ th only role he can do atm is support and its a bad suport if you want my opinion. he just do a mess in teamfights but every other support do better on laning phase. so its a waste


                                          Watching IceIceIce play TB today, it reminded me of riskier version of cancer lancer.

                                          Pheonix is just amazing, but requires skills. Reminds me of puck.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Cant he mid ? I mean his animation atack is sick if you ask me, plus he can clear waves.

                                            His W is so fucking good, no way someone is trying to fight you with that atack speed slow. Is 300 damage for every spirit right ? I guess they dont stack.

                                            The laser is pretty good too, i dont know guys if you ask me i think this hero is good.

                                            7/10 maybe 6/10

                                            Edit: His skills do almost no damage on the first lvl, i mean really bad damage. I think you could offlane with him without problem.

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                                              they dont stack but you can restack them.
                                              get phoenix and es in team, free wins.

                                              edit: meepo 2 shots the egg tho.

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                                                this hero is super broke, the spirits are retardedly overpowered


                                                  spirits are the only good skill ...

                                                  and they use up hp anyway

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    What do you think about phx offlane ? It can work ?

                                                    beast player

                                                      if u time and actually hit ur skills they can't even attack u in supernova hero is pretty good if used correctly


                                                        yeah I usually played it as a offlane.
                                                        his dive is huge, and you can usually fight off that pesky harassing support with your spirits.
                                                        make sure you stack up on salves tho.

                                                        no incoming chat

                                                          IMO he is pretty powerful. His nuking dmg is really nice & that ulti is just sick if there is no direct counters like Meepo, Troll, Ursa, Antimage, TB etc. I tried to play him as a support in 3 lane. He is too lvl dependant for that imo. Mid or Offlane is where he should be played. I like this hero a lot. I think he will be a situational pick in competitive play. We won't see him a lot, because of drafting structure - picking supports & offlane as first picks. Picking him in first 3 picks is too risky - he is too easy to counter.

                                                          Build I like when solo mid or offlane - Bottle, Drums, Tranquil/PT, Shiva. I think Shiva>Heart, because it works inside ulti & Phoenix has really poor armor.

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                                                            I've seen him as a pretty potent mid, his ganking is still pretty legit and if the gank goes wrong just become the sun and fly away.


                                                              I think this hero has the potential to be a better trilane support than visage.


                                                                I heard refresh is good ?
                                                                4x spells 2x ulti ?


                                                                  tank items. shiva, hot, meka pipe bkb w/e.


                                                                    ^^ Refresh is only useful for his ulti, as you need to channel the beam, you don't want to spam your Dive and his fire poop doesn't stack, only refreshes ithe duration. You mostly build Refresh to troll in an already won game.


                                                                      that fire bird, i understood it correctly, at level 4, it's 4 time 300 little aoe damage, or if you wait a bit 2 time 300 little aoe damage, i really don't think we can expect to wait long enough to put 3 birds on the same target, but still, that's shit load of damage, for a basic spell


                                                                        "dive in, egg ,dive out, refresh, dive in, nova egg, dive out?"

                                                                        btw source:

                                                                        may be interesting imo

                                                                        one and half gun

                                                                          that guy lost all of his credibility when he said radiance is core on alch


                                                                            You need a good team or just a good Treant or Magnus to keep the other team from hitting your nova, besides, a normal teamfight won't last long enough for the heroes to feel both novas.

                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                              im a decent phoenix player probably top 10 eu, basically when you use your ulti, you combine it with your icarus dive in the air above trees or w/e

                                                                              if you do it indifferent then you're garbage bye


                                                                                you'd knock on Satan's door if you'd be any lower in terms of skill.


                                                                                  ^^So, mister top Phoenix player, would you build a Refresher?


                                                                                    refresher is trash, i haven't seen the hero played that much but my friend raped the absolute shit out of all the 7 games i played with him yesterday by going tranq, veil, shiva. and he was support in all of those games. stacking hard camp and farming it with spirits yields some great money and exp early game

                                                                                    beast player

                                                                                      it's not only the icarus dive but throwin ur birds while ure diving, shit is op, pop nova, they cant attack u ez, but beware of windrunner counter pickers, that shit sucks ass


                                                                                        it's what happens in the highly ranked games, you wouldn't know since you can't leave the 2.5k mmr lowpool looooolowlowlow

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                                                                                        beast player

                                                                                          lmao i cant imagine how the 2.5k mmr bracket is, must be like joining trapemnoobsonly games


                                                                                            was reffering to LOWave, not to you


                                                                                              fun hero but weak hero

                                                                                              tb is same thing


                                                                                                Dive in + Shiva + Discord + Egg.

                                                                                                also did anyone remember phoenix as a boss hero on 6.69 patch which needed a 6 slotted ursa + 4 friends to kill it? (Dota 1)

                                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                                  oxen is indian and van art is a gypsy

                                                                                                  They originated in India and arrived in Mid-West Asia first and then in Europe at least 1000 years ago,

                                                                                                  i see a connection here


                                                                                                    Well, i love to play Phoenix in dota 1.. But, he need backup when doin his ulti.. More likely a hero with stunner area (like Sven, Tide, etc) or enigma :)

                                                                                                    And now, i can play him in dota 2.. ;)

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