General Discussion

General DiscussionWrong Hero Statistics

Wrong Hero Statistics in General Discussion
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    Shortly: Dotabuff statistics are completely wrong! I just watched overview of one of my favorite heroes (Bounty Hunter), and I was shocked. They have distorted my skillbuild, but that's not the worst thing. They replaced my own usual itembuild with shitty recommended items, including such worthless items (for this hero) like Battlefury and Vladmir's offering.

    We trust them our personal data, and they distort it! I always say that BH players who assemble BF are total noobs (in most cases I am right). But this system of dotabuff changes my REAL itembuild, and replaces with this recommended shit.

    This should be fixed.


      i agree

      Victor Wembenyama - Ede

        watched thru 3 pages of your bounty, u didnt had a single BF.