General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion Commander stat and stuff questions...

Legion Commander stat and stuff questions... in General Discussion
Giga Child

    I noticed that not venomancer's venom skills are not removed when press of the attack is used. Is this a bug? BH Track and Slardar's amplify damage is debuffed tho.

    Also, the friendly healing stat is not recorded here. it shows 0 even if I pressed the attack my team mates. Is it not considered heal?


      Nope, that's not a bug. The LC duel is identical in the debuff it applies to Doom, and Doom doesn't disable any of Venomancer's passives. The only difference between Duel and Doom is that Duel removes certain negative status effects (such as Disarmed) when you activate it. This is presumably for balance or flavor reasons. (I can see LC waiting for a disarmed foe to pick up their weapon before beginning in honorabru combat).

      The big duel bug is that if your opponent activates an ability that doesn't have a target (ie Shadow Fiend ulti, Brewmaster ulti) right before getting dueled, then the duel activates but the enemy continues walking to whatever their last picked path was. So if they click towards their fountain and then SF ulti right before getting dueled, they'll just walk away from you for the duration of the duel.

      Happened to me as LC and as SF recently. Sucks =\


        they also move through cliffs

        happened to me vs a luna

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Fun stuff. Love activating barbed armor right before a duel. :D


            LC's PtA increases the hp regen instead of instant healing