General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you deal with split pushers?

How do you deal with split pushers? in General Discussion

    As I'm increasing in MMR , the more I get people who pick Lycan , Brood , NP and the entire team builds Necro , they just push and I seem to not be able to do anything even if I'm fed as fuck.
    Example Match :
    What do I do , how can you counter this it's really starting to affect my games.
    Thanks in advance.
    I play in the 4700 mmr btw.
    EDIT: Fixed link to match

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    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Play for the early game. Urn, drums, medallion, SnY's, Mek & Hood and etc, that can give you the momentum to dominate lane and provide early game pressure.

      Your team didn't have an urn, a mek, or many mid game-ish items. If you're expecting to get rat doto'ed or pushed in with a chen lineup, maybe hand of midas isn't the best idea.


        Thing is they played it very ratty even if we dominated them big time early it's hard to counter there push , lycan would spawn level 3 necro along with wolves and invoker lvl 3 necro and forge spirits , then they'd rush the tower and omni would ult , even if we wipe them they get tower and usually team starts hesitating whether to engage or not and just end up dying going back and forth.

        Big Boost Big Boobs

          legion commander best push counter


            Yeah except he gets insta picked nearly every match and usually he's against me , bothersome.


              kill them while they try to push

              storm is best hero to do so

              Woof Woof

                tbh i dont think its dealable in solo ranked I just cant see how poorly working team can deal with masss necros and constant split push

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                  I think the most important thing to remember from this thread is that Legion Commander is female.

                  That is all.


                    rape them in laning phase so they dont get those necros ? :D

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ



                        jungle lycan/np is easy to counter . the first two wards can disable 3 camps (1 easy and 2 mid) and leave only 2 HARD camps.


                          A 5 man push can counter split pushing very well.

                          You'll be fighting a 5 v 4 at their tower while Lycan split pushes. You'll more than probably wipe the enemy team if they try to defend the tower your team is pushing and if that happens you will be 5 guys pushing against one Lycan.
                          He won't be able to out push a full team, no matter how many summons that damn nature lover has.

                          Ricardo Milos

                            Well, gankers and roamers are strong vs splitpushers, aoe and pushing as 5 is strong vs gankers and splitpushers are sort of stronger than aoe spells and teamfights.

                            So to counter splitpushing just pick roamers and early game heroes. Even if you dont finish before 40 min you should be able to kill 1 by 1 splitpusher.

                            Most common example (since furion is played alot) is picking SB, Pudge or even Wisp versus Furion.

                            Example match
                            Here, when ever SB charged our invoker on mid, followed by Furions tp, Wisp took Slark to mid and that was 2v3 fight under Invokers tower.

                            One really usefull tip: Hasted heroes like Weaver, Windranger, Lycan, (it can even work with heroes with leap or dash like) Mirana, Slark, Magnus can be outpicked with KOTL with mana leak, they wont be able to go away and thats simply the easiest way to win trilane versus offlaner with escape.


                              Whenever the other team picks Furion I always pick KotL.
                              When you see him heading to a tower you can wave all the creeps down for ez gold, buy boots of travel and turn his trees into $.
                              Recall a ganker to kill him & buy sheep stick to stop his flee.


                                Kill the split pusher, finish.
                                If u r really fed as u said.
                                And I don't see a bkb on lycan, so he is an ez kill, but the problem was ur picks, 4 slows, no stuns, 1 semi-disable (disruptor's kinetic field).
                                So he can just run away unless ur disruptor is gd at positioning, getting lycan back in between the 5 of u, and using kinetic field correctly.
                                Pick heroes who can deal with the split push, maybe tinker/storm/Io+1/etc.

                                Woof Woof

                                  ^ thats one of the reason why u cant win against split pushers with necro while solo qing


                                    YOU CANNOT WIN VS SPLITPUSH.


                                    We more or less lost the whole game and I was feeding horrible in my offlane. (This was at night, aka everybody was tired and did really stupid mistakes)

                                    However, we managed to snatch a roshan from a PA soloing it and win a fight. Kill poor guys who bought back and get some rax. Opposite team went for end push and me, brood and lycan just ended the game without caring about the people trying to stop us.

                                    No problem for sharing my story.

                                    i left her

                                      Grow some balls and go straight through mid xd


                                        Thanks for the advices guys , unfortunately most of them require your team to actually listen to you but that's exactly the problem , they never do.


                                          You can't do much against splitpushers if you play solo que.

                                          The only thing you can do is to go with some AOE heores(enigma, tide, Crix)etc., and try with smoke-wards to outmatch them by going to execute your combo earlier then them.

                                          At least, if you kill one of them, it will be a lot easier.


                                            Get Earthshaker
                                            Or Earthspirit


                                              if u are not muted ask your team to go necros too, get a mek and you're done. i usually go maelstrom to stop the pushes and lifesteal for whenever i kill those annoying necros