General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd matchmaking keeps sucking even worse

And matchmaking keeps sucking even worse in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    when a idiot afk farms in the jungle the game becomes 4v5.


      aantsi, what a spirit! You would make a perfect Gaben anal slave.

      Sampson, sure, but what does it have to do with me?




          aantsi, glad I made you happy, kiddo.



              stupid chinks get in my game and feed all game long while asking to report me for insulting them (IM MUTED FFS)


              King of Low Prio

                ^ had the only hero that can survive the offlane I am 100% sure you went mid

                HOW DID WE LOSE????


                  warlock insisted on going offlane saying he could do it (and in fact it worked, problem was our 3 peeps in the safelane feeding and feeding and making people feed with disruption and screaming in all chat REPORT QOP just because i couldnt answer back and because they asked for gankes 3 min in LOL.




                      Good analysis of that game Sampson. Winning has a lot to do with team composition vs another team. IDK how viable a QOP is not mid with huge rune control and then being stuck in offlane.

                      Really wish this bitch thread would already die a horrible death and it's bloated carcass is stuck in lie to me again's trunk so he get pulled over by cops and sent to butt hurt jail.

                      King of Low Prio

                        It wont ever die, I just like telling off these whiners


                          Yeah I may as well join in the fun.

                          Everyone bitching in here is mediocre at best. Come join me in mediocrity! You will never be the best at this game and will not win $1,000,000. Life is tough! Go to college and if you don't waste your time doing this crap.

                          P.S. It's really fucking sad that I live in U.S.A. and I haven't seen a pro league from any major game community (Warcraft/Dota/Starcraft 2/LoL) win a fucking big video game competition in over a decade.... yet we have the highest income per capita, time to waste and top 5 in education. You're all fat babies making me and America look bad. Go do a pushup and blog about that then eat a bacon sandwich with bacon bread. FFS


                            Love how americans assume everyone is american as well. what a bunch of stupid apes.

                            Quick maffs

                              why u heff to be mad, why


                                right now in a game with a 3-stack from peru, all with open mic and listening to retarded music and feeding, will post details later


                                if this aint a forced loss not sure what to say

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                                  i hope sampson can point out what i did wrong Kappa


                                    Here I'll help.

                                    You picked natures prophet your best character on a stupid ape server called us east. Keep on your own hoity toity servers so us ape people can play together with our peruvian poverty people.

                                    U picked a tower crusher and got 712 damage on a tower gg. Bad team composition is bad.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      picks NP and hides in the jungle again


                                        Yeah those are some chump items for jungling for 20 minutes a shadow blade some treads and a HoM. Jungling is lame.


                                          i had a rapier but i fed it to troll


                                            like omg ure so dumb u cant even look at my gpm rofl


                                              why would you get a rapier on a squishy turd like that you lost the game and threw it with the rapier. Way to figure it out. I thought tower pushers were supposed to push towers, not hand over weapons to the enemy team. derp.


                                                hahaha youre either a troll or you have legit downs not answering u anymore

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  get gpm win games dota 101


                                                    why are these games so easy

                                                    my mmr increased by 450 in 1 week


                                                      Yes I have downs and I am a troll. At least I'm not blind to my team lost it and not me when I lose and DROP A DIVINE RAPIER. Can't you just man up and admit when you fucked up?


                                                        cant win when u get peruvian scum in your team thats dota 101 folks


                                                          XD this is fun you're right Sampson... I hope this thread lives forever now too ez.

                                                          Hey atum after you're done jungling with all that cash can you run and get everyone a pizza on here? Oh wait you spent it all on a divine rapier and dropped it. LoL


                                                            rofl i said i wouldnt answer anymore but thats one of those jokes i'd laugh just for pity in rl ahahahaahaa


                                                              ^I'm hungry! Can we play a match so you can feed me some divine rapiers? I heard you like to jungle for 25 minutes!


                                                                lots of forced losses today! one more!


                                                         my latest forced win

                                                                  I'm not even sure what to think about this one. The puck on my team is supposedly a player with -41 wins who has never seen a puck before and often feeds. But in this game he knew exactly how to play puck and was even quick. He dominated his previous ranked game with Puck also... perhaps someone took over this account?

                                                                  The sven on my team has never picked sven... never before in over 500 games... but again knew exactly how to play him.

                                                                  Oh course everyone on my team seemed far superior to the other team. My team wanted to win and knew how to do it. We had 3 people buying support items so I did not have to spend all my gold on it. This game was extremely easy... basically our deaths are from fountain farming only. The pudge did manage to hit short range hooks on fountain farmers.

                                                                  Everywhere I looked this game I saw my team in strong positions. Every 40 seconds I hear an enemy dieing somewhere. Their lanes melted before us. I laned bot with bristleback and sven (roaming) against Luna and CM and they were cowering behind their tower from minute 2 onwards. But even though we needed no help... extra ganks from mid DID arrive so we could dive the tower and kill them several more times.

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                                                                    thanks volvo gods for forced wiN!


                                                                      Sampson, I cant see any whiners but I do sure see a lil kiddo that cant accept the truth with bh on his avatar. xd

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                                                               my latest Forced loss This Pudge has the true brain of Pudge. Watching him play am I convinced he was not throwing intentionally, unless picking pudge IS the throw. He really Is this bad at Pudge. When you think a Pudge in your game was bad... consider this. Was he THIS bad?

                                                                        My team was totally incapable of handling ANY of their lanes because they were to stupid to go to the correct lanes. I told bh to go solo top and AA + sand king to come bot. Those lanes would have been fine. But no, no BH comes to the safelane and hides stealing half the xp, while axe backlanes and weaver dives the tower at me. Bh of course hides... no problem for him.

                                                                        This game is an excellent example of how morons who suck at pudge still pick him anyway in ranked games.

                                                                        First Pudge does not block creeps. Why bother trying when you know you can't do it? By the end of the 1st minute Pudge has already lost 400 hp vs bloodseeker but has not used rot at all. He just got hit by creeps a lot because his control of his hero is so poor. But its ok pudge got tangoes... pudge proceeds to eat two tangoes at the same time. He missed 75% of the early lasthits but it's ok since he started with so little that free gold pays for his bottle by 2 min anyway.

                                                                        At 2:30 pudge rots himself to half health and misses a point blank hook on bloodseeker. Then he waddles around some more while bloodseeker happily farms in front of him. By 3:30 Bloodseeker has 21-3 cs, while pudge has 4-1. At 4:30 Pudge attempts his 2nd hook and misses by at least 400 units. It was barely in BS general direction.

                                                                        We have been asking for help bot from minute 1 since Bh is totally worthless. Pudge gets the rune bot and instead of ganking waddles back to mid. Why try to help when you know you will fail anyway? At 5 min Bloodseeker hits level 6 and immediately comes bot to gank while pudge stands mid doing nothing vs no one and does not call bloodseeker missing.

                                                                        By 5:30 Bloodseeker has already ganked bot but pudge still is just standing around mid, not afk... just not csing because why even try to do it when you can't? By 6 min pudge has finally realized he is alone and starts missing creep kills again. He eventually manages to get a couple using hook.

                                                                        At 6:30 bloodseeker returns having failed to gank bot. Now pudge is level 7 and BS is only 6. When blood seeker arrives pudge immediately retreats in fear.

                                                                        At 7:15 BS is standing still for a long time animation canceling to last hit a creep. Pudge finally casts a hook and because he gets lucky BS lasthits the creep that was blocking it just in time while in the same instant another creep that would have blocked it also dies to a siege attack so pudge accidentally succeeds. First Blood! Since no one is in the lane Pudge again sits still and contemplates his good fortune while the creeps go on fighting... no reason to try to farm now since no one is in the lane right?

                                                                        By 7:45 pudge finally realizes that he maybe could do something and gets one more lasthit by hooking a range creep.

                                                                        At 8 min bloodseeker ganks top and pudge follows in what I can only describe as accidentally sending his hero top when he intended to send an illusion. Pudge wanders through the fight rotting nothing for 4 or 5 seconds then a very stupid antimage who is nearly dead blinks next to pudge as he is roting and pudge autoattacks him once for the kill.

                                                                        Next Pudge attempts a hook but misses by so much its not even in the general direction of any heroes. Bloodseeker was low but pudge walks up past the creep wave and feeds him so BS can heal back up.

                                                                        Now its 9 minutes and pudge has only bottle and has lucked into 2 kills while actually missing all hooks. At this point all 5 of the Dire heroes have more lasthits than any hero on radiant. Valve says games are equal skill for both teams?

                                                                        At 10 min pudge ports back to mid but he forgot to actually get items so he immediately hides while he tries to figure out how to buy boots.

                                                                        The next 2 min:
                                                                        Pudge holds 4 obs wards standing around... fondling them I guess? then he walks top and stands in obs ward vision for a while. The incredibly stupid antimage helps Pudge again blinking directly to him so he can cast dismember without having to hook. Pudge now gets his third kill still having not hit any hooks. Pudge now feeds the bloodseeker another kill while he turns in circles trying to figure out how to kill the nearly dead jakiro next to him with a hook... but not rotting.

                                                                        At 13 min pudge places the first of the obs wards he has now been holding for 3 minutes. Then he wanders in a wide circle through the enemy jungle thinking about placing the wards but not doing it. After a while he decided to stand at the T1 top... but does not place the obs so he can't see to hook anything.

                                                                        At 13:45 a fight starts top. 20 seconds later pudge finally attempts a hook and of course misses. He is now 0 for 10 on hooks (I don't count the one Bloodseeker caused to hit himself by killing the creep that was blocking it.)

                                                                        At 14:15 Pudge gest his 4th kill by ulting a 50 hp jakiro that walked next to him.

                                                                        Seconds before the T1 top dies pudge places the obs ward that would have helped take it... now a useless lane ward.

                                                                        At 15:15 jakiro is standing still defending the T1 tower. Pudge misses hook by about 300 units anyway.

                                                                        15:25 Pudge widely misses another hook

                                                                        15:36 Pudge widle misses another hook.. 0-13 now.

                                                                        15:41 .... 0-14

                                                                        16:03 ... 0-15

                                                                        16:17 ... 0-16 This is why pudge got mana boots of course. He couldn't miss nearly so many hooks without it.

                                                                        Around 17 min pudge spends 15 seconds running away from an illusion of axe. He is so afraid of it he tricks BH into trying to gank it.

                                                                        At 17:17 Pudge makes his first non-terrible move and kills himself. Of course this was only needed because he kept walking with rupture on for a long time first and then got force staffed as well. Still he did get the deny.

                                                                        18:22 ... 0-17

                                                                        18:34 ... 0-18

                                                                        18:49 Jackpot!!! 4 enemy heros are standing in a tiny space killing sand king only 400 units from Pudge. He waits for 5 seconds while sand king is dieing then finally hits his first hook of the game. 1-18 unless you think he was trying to save the sand king... who was his friends qued with him. So maybe its really 0-19. Can't be sure.

                                                                        19:05 ... 1-19

                                                                        19:19 Axe is nearly dead and already stunned by AA. Pudge is 100 units from him and gets the ks with hook.... 2-19 I guess.

                                                                        He then rots down missing nearly everything until he had to deny himself again. But he does force Weaver to use time lapse so its not completely worthless.

                                                                        20:50 pudge misses dust... dust is hard to miss, but he can do it.

                                                                        20:55 Pudge gets ruptured and walks it out. Yes he really is bad enough to walk out a rupture and die from full health. It takes a lot of walking for a pudge.

                                                                        24 min Pudge standing the fountain contemplating his obs wards... he has now been holding them for over 10 minutes.

                                                                        24:30 weaver, who is nearly dead walks right into pudge. It would be another free kill but weaver has linkens. Weaver easily escapes by walking away. Pudge misses hook by maybe 120 degrees this time. He is closer to hooking away from weaver than the correct direction. 2-20 on hooks now.

                                                                        24: 42 ... 2-21

                                                                        25 min pudge feeds again, walking into 3 heroes alone

                                                                        26:01 Pudge misses again 2-22

                                                                        26:25 ... 2-23

                                                                        26:37 ... 2-24

                                                                        26: 44 pudge dismembers a creep that was sort of close to a stunned bloodseeker

                                                                        a few seconds later pudge gets ruptured and runs it out until he is dead again

                                                                        28:50 ... 2-25

                                                                        29:20 ... 2-26

                                                                        29:44 ... 2-27

                                                                        30:32 ... 2-28 A few of these have to be failed attempts to lasthit with hook since no heroes are even visible. But they missed so... I still count them as misses.

                                                                        30:44 Antimage stands still for 5 seconds hitting the rax and Pudge hooks him at about 600 range. This is the most legit hook of the game. I silenced AM as he is in the air coming to pudge and its an easy kill. 3-28.

                                                                        31:01. Axe is stunned by AA for 3 seconds... pudge somehow hooks AA instead who wasn't even close to blocking the correct hook path. 3-29

                                                                        31:13. Weaver is silenced and slowed to 238 ms. Linkens is already broken. Time lapse already used and down to 400 hp. Pudge gets close enough to cast dismember then widely hooks to the side. 3-30

                                                                        31:30 Pudge gets blink... now he can at least blink in and dismember even though he can't hook right? Of course they already have mega creeps so the game is pretty much over.

                                                                        32 min Pudge hits a long hook on weave who was standing still csing in our base. Linkens saves him. 4-30

                                                                        32:30 Pudge does a possible "save" hook on SWM who is called and about 200 units from him. 5-30

                                                                        32:53 ... 5-31

                                                                        33:06 ... 5-32

                                                                        33:22 legit hook on slowed and pre-silenced bloodseeker

                                                                        End hook score 6 hits (4 on stunned targets in dismember range) and 32 misses. At best a 16% hook rate and that's really very generous. Also Pudge never did place those obs wards. He held them for over 20 minutes.

                                                                        WHY would you intentionally play pudge in a ranked game when you are so terrible? I can only imagine he wanted to lose the game before it started because he was mad at the sand king he qued with for some reason.

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                                                                          i think, when the pick already over. With that lineup, its impossible for your team to win.


                                                                            Well if Pudge did not suck so very very much I might have been able to gank them enough with SWM. I ended up doing ok despite taking no farm at all and the game being a total disaster. IF they had just fed a bit slower I could have crushed everyone with SWM. The other team probably would have taken 50 minutes to realize there is an item called bkb that prevents SWM from killing you.

                                                                            Or if I had soloed mid maybe... but pudge would have just fed axe instead of feeding BS early. It would have been about the same.

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                                                                              My latest "balanced" game:
                                                                              If you watch the replay you'll see we played like retards.

                                                                              - At min 6 me and sven were both level 6 with 2 kills each while bh and bara were level 2 and 3. The other 2 lanes had no kills.
                                                                              - Then they grouped in our jungle and we started dieing one by one, even if we knew where they were. But we were fighting 2v5, 3v5 because we thought we have the advantage.
                                                                              - ~min 30 we lost mid rax and got wiped. Abaddon dived in our fountain, died, to solo sven; the rest of his team retreated for some reason when only sven was alive; BS was insisting to "let them finish".
                                                                              - ~min 40 we took rosh for free; we had vision in their jungle, we knew where they were. For some reason they did not have vision at the rosh pit.
                                                                              - somehow got caught and lost aegis also for free, but later we won a team fight thanks to enigma's 3 man black hole and took rax.
                                                                              - after rax we took rosh, their whole team came to contest it, enigma caught them all in BH and we finished the game.

                                                                              What could be a 15-20 min stomp transformed into a 53 min "epic game" because of stupid mistakes.

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                                                                                elo hell only exists for people who don't instacall mid during loading screen


                                                                         I just carried 4 russians,fucking disaster. Me 17-3 offlane and our safe lane troll free farm finished game with 3-8-7. 112 cs 36 min rofl


                                                                                    I get for this game + 27 pts total forced lose if I didnt played almost perfect..


                                                                                      They were like pushing I went back base, I said 10x times go back did pause and spamm again go back they still stay and thrown at their base,like 3x times in a row.


                                                                                        Moar and moar people think the same way I do. Naic. At last I fucking opened their eyes on what trash retards from Valve have done.


                                                                                          bunch of 3k's whining about their team how cute


                                                                                            qтσx Sry but I m 4700.


                                                                                              That's just the logic of these retards - if you dont say shit then you're good, if you point kiddos out that mm is terrible, you're 3k mmr.

                                                                                              Dat logic.


                                                                                                mostly the whiners are the retarded lows, prove me wrong


                                                                                                  I die a little bit more every day when I see this thread bumped again.

                                                                                                  Most posts I see from lie to me agen suggest he has no friends to play with and solo queues and gets angry. Maybe its "hangry" he is hungry and angry. Needs fed. Have the hot doge above will fill your hanger up.


                                                                                           Swiftending could not have won this game. NO ONE could have replaced me and won this game. Could a pro do better than me... sure... but not enough to win.

                                                                                                    I canceled que at 2 minutes 15 times. That's 30 minutes of trying to get a game with MMR close to mine. Clearly such games did not exist for AP ranked on USeast or USwast although the "average que time" is 1:50 for each sever.

                                                                                                    Finally I let the que run out. It found a match at 4:24.

                                                                                                    I selected only English, but I got a feeder alchemist who only spoke Spanish. My team were solos but I was placed against a 3 stack (pudge weaver and mirrana). My alch and lich are both Mexicans, but lich at least knew English, while alchemist did not.

                                                                                                    Instant random Zues calls mid so there is no option to win by soloing mid.

                                                                                                    The alchemist is so bad he is terrified of pulls. The only words he says in English all game long are "no pulls" and he ping spams at me any time I walk toward the pull. He feeds the mirrana almost immediately from level 1 by walking into visible arrows and tanking creeps so he dies. The rest of the team roundly feeds all over the map. The only time Alchemist is not feeding is when he is jungling. Of course he rushes hand of midas before boots... but since he can't lasthit at all and dies constantly it takes him 12 minutes to get it.

                                                                                                    Because Alchemist walks into arrows and tanks creeps I can't even keep him alive standing right next to him. Mirrana simply kills him and then leaps away with low hp. I don't have the move speed to chase her and finish her off because I have support items... not early phase boots from free alchemist kills.

                                                                                                    Meanwhile the Broodmother, who stacked up 655 broodmother games and 65% win... is actually terrible at broodmother. He does 17 dmg on the Tier 1 tower, goes 0-9-1 and rage quits. Why? Because he is likely 1,000 MMR below his opponents who are there to counter me while he and alchemist bring the average team MMR down to "balance" the game.

                                                                                                    We are down 30 kills, 40,000 gold, 35,000 xp, and over 11,000 tower dmg in a 24 min game. This is "1" in all 5 catagories... in fact far beyond a "1" balance rating in everything but time rating. NO ONE, no pro player could have won this game.

                                                                                                    Does this force me to be stuck at my MMR? No it does not. There will be other games just as unfair in my favor. What it does illustrate however is that sometimes matching is crap. In this case matching was terrible because no one is playing AP ranked in the US at this time. I did 30 minutes of canceled que remember. No one anywhere near my MMR was playing so the only way to balance the MMR was to give me multiple players probably 1,000 to 1,500 MMR below me, ignore the language preference and put me against a 3 stack.

                                                                                                    Sometimes Valve cannot provide a good match because one does not exist. Since the game you might wish to play does not exist (15 canceled 2 min ques for AP ranked in the US with English)... you have to play something else. If you still want to play AP ranked and use English then the only option is to play with very low MMR players or play on the EUwest, or play at a different time.

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                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!