General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for some good players to play with in EU servers.

Looking for some good players to play with in EU servers. in General Discussion

    Hey guys! :)

    Currently i'm around 3.5k solo mmr (3 wins, 7 loses) and i'm looking for some players, who'd like to give me a chance to prove myself i can play at higher skill levels. I played a lot with beginners in the past and since i started playing on this profile, i normally picked beginner so i'm probably lower then i could/should be. Currently i play with some friends who are 3.7 - 4.7k mmr and i manage to play without any problems (i played one with a player with 5.3k mmr today, and it wasnt too hard), but mostly i'm alone and i'd like to play with better then me and improve :) (btw - won all 10 party ranked games with 3 other players)

    I can play mostly all roles (my favourite is semy-carry/carry offlane), so if someone is interested, feel free to add me :) You can go check out my profile, i think i'm reliable player who knows when to initiate and how to position in team fights. I'm a team player too, just love teams who play together and win because of good team fights.



      hey man i was thinking the same thing i kind of wanted to start up a team.
      do you have skype though because I always skype my friends when i play


        Sorry multimatt, but i'm looking for players at least above 4000 mmr. Wish you all the luck tho! :)

        So.... anyone else interested? :D


          Hey buddy , i am interested , add me on steam :)

          King of Low Prio

            so basically you want better players to carry you? bump up your MM to prove that you are better than you 'think' you are. I do not know if you are or are not good but there are countless people who believe that they are 6k+ material when they have a 3k MM


              if you think you can play on higher skill levels just win more

              for example my mmr has gone 600+ up since mmr introduction and still going up, playing solo 100% of the time.
              and you managed to win with your friends higher rated because the other team had a lower rating, btw, not because you were playing 'gainst 5k rated players



                I want no one to carry me. I know i'm better than my ratings show atm, i just wanted some people to give me a chance to prove it (since it's easier to improve when you play with better players - not just rating, but especially the way how you play). If you read the title it says "I'm looking for some players" and not "Why i dont deserve to play with them", so haters - pls back off.

                I dont think i'm 6k material, but i know for a fact (since i ocassionally play with them and i do great on hardlanes and overall) i'm surely over 4k. Overall oponents are over 4k too (calculate mmr: 3.5, 3.8. 4.2, 4.7 + random a guy). But it's pointless to even debate about it, ill just do it.

                Players interested - still more then wellcome!

                King of Low Prio

                  what makes you special compared to every other 3k MM player? You can not expect people to have X rating when you dont even have it. Having your minimum requirement above your maximum is what normal people called wanting to be carried.


                    ok but you'll get nothing here just flame


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