General Discussion

General Discussioni've played weaver for 4 days straight

i've played weaver for 4 days straight in General Discussion

    i need a guide on how to play sf, qop, viper, storm, puck



      >Relax, you're doing fine.


        sf is hard, qop is ez, viper is relatively ez, storm is ez as long as u check your mana pool often and how fast it wears out and puck is fun and very flexible (you should just play it however u like it)


          cool.. I've been playing Luna for the past week I think

          I'm really happy that there is a ranked matchmaking already.. I can practice the heroes and role I really want to be good at w/o thinking of looking good publicly.


            sf is ez


              could you explain why do you not go for max swarm, or at least 1 point in swarm during early game?

                This comment was removed by a moderator

                  i haven't actually thought about stats > swarm

                  thanks for the constructive tip, i feel like a dumbass for maxing swarm because i thought it reduced armor lol :/
                  i can see a greater benefit by choosing stats over swarm because i've noticed how weaver literally has no hp and that linken is much appreciated item on it

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                    @meow the duration increases


                      well i still think swarm is better than stats in this case because the duration and damage per 1.35 second is important

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Yeah duration from 8 to 20 is sure a bad reason to level it up.


                          sam i saw you vs s4 in his stream yesterday ur so fucking good at tinker :$$$$$$$

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            ^I'm a next level Tinker player. Nobody could feed that well.

                            ♥ cieles†e

                              i always max swarm by level 5 or 7 when i solo mid as weaver, and i just dive for easy kills


                                sf is hard? lol, go play meepo


                                  my old thread disappeared somehow but ill be playing more tomorrow at and would appreciate if someone could criticize my weaver

                                  my past broadcast has one game only and it was 4 am in my timezone so i was pretty tired and i didnt do much in that game either so dont bother criticizing me for it lol.

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                                    i always max sukuchi and swarm first, with 1 point in gemini attack, and ult whenever possible.

                                    swarm lets u solo kill supports


                                      swam is good early because it allows you to tower dive easier without triggering tower aggro

                                      LL Poroksi

                                        50 winrate, enough said


                                          Holy Midas! Why, why would you build Midas on a hero who's goal is to ideally end things at midgame? ._.

                                 This is how you do it :D

                                          Or you can try the mek build, which I haven't tried yet, but someone here posted a very successful streak with that build. Dorkly I guess?

                                          Edit: Nope, Vandal it was.

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                                            i know its not high teir shit, but i also have success with the mek build quite a bit and vouch for it, i enjoy going mek-treads-ulti-linkens

                                            sometimes you dont get that build obviously if you need to be a harder carry etc...

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                                            Know Your Place~!

                                              @Poroksi keep in mind im playing him alone a lot (mb 1% team matches), doesnt matter what the enemy composition is and 30% of my matches have lag and internet related issues. Just look at sk rating, same story. or look how many abandoned games i have. That however doesnt take away experience. Was i bad with viper id get much less winrate under those conditions. Also u dont really dominate pub at this level, not with any pick while playing solo. I get matched with people who have 1000+ wins regularly, and some are better than me.
                                              i see you have so many viper games. Explains a lot, u think u are better so want to put me down. But you arent op so who cares.

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                                              Quick maffs


                                                "very successful streak with that build. Dorkly I guess?"

                                                "successful streak"


                                                ueheueuehehueh my viper n1


                                                  ^ Hey, it's not my fault you are one of the very few players here with a nickname that's easy to both remember AND pronounce :P

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    I am going to change it for some russian name then :P


                                                      I want streams
                                                      where the streams at


                                                        why would someone even go shadow blade on viper, really.


                                                          im going to try going mid with weaver and see how that goes


                                                            stream offline !!



                                                              That's me having slight tunnel vision. I once saw it among his most used items, thought: "Why not?" and kept on stubbornly buying it all the time since then.


                                                                weaver mid is retarded pls dont suggest it again

                                                                andy timmons

                                                                  Mid Weaver is legit, I play weaver mid most of the times I play the hero. And every time someone picks Pudge, I instapick Weaver to counter.

                                                                  Weaver have a low mana poll early with low regen, so the first item that I get is Aquila>Treads>Magic Sticky>Linken's (from my expirience you should get these items between 15~24 minutes. If you get under 20 min that means your doing good. Then go Desolator and the rest is situtional.

                                                                  Edit: Weaver is good mid and safelane, Weaver offlane sucks, if you go against a triplelane it's a disaster and other heros do better against trilanes then Weaver.

                                                                  Never go midas too, Weaver is so powerfull early game that you should abuse it and gank and farm a lot. And if you go midas you can get punished early game since her mana pool is very low.

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                                                                    Alwaysless- If your talking to me about me being Edit, I couldnt care less about your build i was simply adding in that i have success with the builds that i do, As far as im concerned im the best their evar was (i know this is very VERY wrong, but just syaing) and if it works for you fine just sharing info is all

                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                      That cat is wearing a tie. Ha ha.

                                                                      Feeder Chan

                                                                        Why don't you show your real dotabuff/steam account rather than an one game smurf?


                                                                          called dotabuff admin "jason" like it still says on his steam page and they banned me from posting for it because of some "zero tolerance policy for calling ppl by their full name"


                                                                            @LeD when you said "never go midas on weaver" you destroyed any credibility you had in your post sorry

                                                                            andy timmons

                                                                              I can understand you @Sano, and I think you are right, but let me explain better to you. I never play parties, you can see on my dotabuff that is just one guy but it's probably one guy that got matched with me randomly 4 times.

                                                                              I said to never go Midas on Weaver just because I always play solo, I don't know how my teammates play and I can't rely on them. And what I said in the previous post is valid too, when you choose midas over aquila and treads your mana pool is really low and regen is garbage. You can check my KDA ratio and you see that I do good with the hero.

                                                                              And I like how almost everybody says that Weaver is a easy hero and everybody do well with it, but when you check their KDA/ winrate /builds you see a lot of mistakes and poor choices.

                                                                              Anyways, anyone can find the play style that fits you better. I'm only giving my opinion based on my expirience with the hero. Cheers.


                                                                                idk, I think basilius gives enough mana regen for the early game, then if the farm is good I go for the midas, if not, straight to perseverance... but even late midas is good sometimes. It's very subjective. But I got your point.


                                                                                  so you actually go mid with weaver? whats ur rating because i dont see how weaver mid is viable over 5k+

                                                                                  andy timmons

                                                                                    Mine is 4.1k.

                                                                                    Well, I can see Weaver more viable going mid than offlane like you can see very often. I go mid weaver a lot against pudges (the most picked hero), that's why I start going weaver mid in the first place. I know like almost every hero can demolish Pudge mid, but weaver is my first choice. But you can go Weaver mid against almost any hero, once you reach level 2 you can farm easily with gemini attack.


                                                                                      just watched sam's game against s4

                                                                                      what does "s4 ne siktin be" means?


                                                                                        LeD is right, weaver is my most played hero too and buying midas is garbage.


                                                                                          Is hod good on nw?


                                                                                            Depends on situation, mostly it's good. But plz don't tell this to noobs coz they'll flame you for not buying the precious linken.


                                                                                              weaver is best midder in the game, obviously.

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!