General Discussion

General DiscussionHi Admins, creators of this website

Hi Admins, creators of this website in General Discussion

    I know you must get this reqest a lot and I know that you will probbly not do this but this match was an early abandon...
    I will play all games to completion from now on as I did not know that you couted the game if the early abandon hero even gets eactly 1 cs... Im pretty sure. the Chen who left knew this exploit of DOTABuff and did this purposdly to throw my stats as he knew I would leave and he was just a 1 game smurf... Im really sorry for bothering you must be busy people but please make this in an exception and make this game a non real match :) I will be buying Plus in the month on Febuary hopefully :)


      If you would like to know I was 1-0-0 at the time I left...


        I believe the Chen who was a 1 game smurf knew he would lose and did this on purpose.


          Awwww poor smurf account has a loss :(

          Yeah the chen knew you were a smurf, because he probably just joins games and then checks everyones dotabuff profile just to ruin their stats? The reason it's a loss is because some of your team played on.

          Go create another account, or maybe get a life?


            What if I said I was a close friend of MAson would it make any difference? Do you guys like him or not I don't even know whatever I tried...


              No one cares about your stats except you. You have played 4 games and you are suggesting the chen you played against conspired to ruin your dotabuff stats.

              Get 400 games and this 1 loss won't even matter.


                no the reson its a loss is because the Chen purposdly got 1 cs... it would not count if he didnt get 1 cs. and 0 exp.

                King of Low Prio

                  plz do not reproduce


                    Make new smurf.


                      Wow crying about 1 loss


                        OP never going to happen. Please now go and get a life. Please then enjoy said life. Then realise DotA isn't that important.

                        You're welcome.


                          Kill yourse- No wait,
                          Torture yourself then kill yourself


                            I have a lost too. Can it count as an early abandon too, please?
                            ty :)