General Discussion

General Discussionepic win by the radiant

epic win by the radiant in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    my last game is the most intense game i had experienced.

    i would like to know what should i do to improve my viper.. my skill build is not really a problem atm i think... but suggestions are welcome.

    please watch ty

    Miku Plays

      i dont know how to upld it online though.. can someone tell me please.

      Saudi Prince

        I like going Mek Treads Ultiscepter Linkens, the linkens makes him so much harder to take down, he does not really need damage items to do a lot of damage the longer hes alive the more frustrating he is and a linkens is great for it, Spelll sheild regen stats Its perfect...

        Generally unless its an agressive lane opponent (even if it is one.) you should grab the orb at level 2 its so op now with a 0 second cool down with nether toxin and orb nobody can really afford to man fight you at level 2, i like to go toxin orb toxin skin toxin ult toxin orb skin orb ult orb skin skin stats

        He is best played as a hero that DOES get focused so a shadow blade is really not that ideal you want to draw attention because your actually pretty tough to take down for a lot of heros, and you can dish out the punishment just as hard.

        I find it best to actually rush the mek before getting boots and then go to gank if you have a less then 10 minute mek a lot of times when you go ganking the enemy wont be ready for it and it will really swing a gank or an attempt to save a team mate under fire.. viper is one of my better heros.. He can perform with a carry build but i dont think he truly scales well enough to warrant it, hes best in the 2 role as far as things go best in mid with that good early farm and mostly roaming past then getting treads pointbooster into ulti scepter after the mek.. but thats just my way of playing him so who knows maybe im a scrub :D

        Saudi Prince

          also, storm cant really fuck with you in midlane so certainly you go aggressive on him hes very low hp pool and you should abuse it, I often dont find my self getting abottle on viper either i find it to be a waste of gold, However thats not an excuse to let you opponent have the runes.. i just find it better to go right for that mek boots and go fuck shit up.. ! looking at it, it looks like zeus went mid.. seems wrong vipers best spot is mid theres not really many heros that can stop him mid silencer can try... but eh... Zeus is at least more help in the lane then viper is... the nukes and his passive can fuck up multiple heros.

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          Miku Plays

            i tried building meka first but still kept my phase boots :D and he pwns. thanks :)


              Lol FV with heart. That money coulda been an AC or Mjolnir or Daedalus. Gj you beat some scrubs on AUS

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                you could try a different skill build
                after the recent changes, poison attack has 0 cd on all levels, so 1 lvl is enough
                maxing corrosive skin is really good, sometimes you don't even have to harass, just let them hit you and see their hp melt


                  Mek on Viper, never thought of it, and won't even do it.
                  Even though it worked a bit with Greatlubu


                    Carried the game almost by myself with a feeder LC on her first game with Legion.

                    Phase vs Treads

                    Treads are sometimes the better option as it lets you tank up alot earlier. Rushing treads into Point Booster + Ogre Axe makes Viper very hard to kill early. Phase is a better option in a matchup where you'll need the extra damage - for example against OD.

                    W vs E

                    Against most matchups corrosive skin actually works alot better. Its damage is obscene - A QoP that Shadow Strikes you will take more damage from your corrosive skin than you take from her Shadow Strike. Throw in added magic resistance and nobody will want to take a fight with you head on.

                    Mek is a strong item for Viper. It is a good item and has been gotten competitively previously. However, if an ally is able to get Mek, it will allow you to better transition into a semi-carry.

                    Manta doesn't really do much. If you want the defensive capabilities, just go BKB straight. No need to worry about people kiting you because you have 3 spells that slow them, and 1 through BKB.

                    Saudi Prince

                      The thing with the Nether toxin is, It gives you way more last hitting power and can give you more man fight power but i do love using the Skin to its so strong..


                        you were carried by zeus <>


                          ^ is right. I didn't notice before. Your score looks good, but viper should be topping out on hero damage. Sure, there's a zeus, but your hero damage is way too low to make sense too. You probably played too passively - viper is an excellent front line tanker with one or two core items.

                          Miku Plays

                            :D i know he is a good tanker but fv loves to disable me quickly thats why i play quite passively in this game as you can see i have the least number of deaths which implies my passiveness ;w;


                              epic anonymous lowskilled game

                              Miku Plays

                                @fpz sorry if its low skilled ;w; im just a newb

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  dang zues & LC were so bad. LC got caught on that hill in middle.. zues... farms contently mid while LC get's raped. Zues doesn't max aura... but max chain before aura... You had to lane with kunnka. Althought not the worst kunnka. I feel the bottom lane LC was just wasted. Zues died so much mid-game to ganks cuz he didn't ward. WR died a bit too much considering she had shackle shot & windrun. Pretty amazing game considering you guys shoulda lost this game. Since Storm had bloodstone/linken at 36 minutes. With a strong void & jug combo.

                                  YOu guys got lucky void & Jug have no idea about item countering hero spells. Like void shoulda gone bkb instead of heart. Jug shoulda gone shadowblade instead of manta. Heck he coulda gone sceptor instead of glass cannon build. Storm didn't USE orchid not once since he bought it. He gave up teamwork at 50 minutes in and choose to split push. Which is a BIG no no. He should ball in hold one or silence another with orchid. In a way he kinda threw it from their team. Good game nonetheless.