General Discussion

General DiscussionYear of the Horse

Year of the Horse in General Discussion

    was checking the Dota2 website this morning and i came across this:

    anyone has any idea of what it might be?


      Half-Life 3 confirmed!


        Chinese ----> New year ---> Gunpowder --> Techies.


          i will never play AP again if techies get released


            Dota 2 is my first Moba. Heard horrible stories about these techies. Will they over take Pudge as the most picked?

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              ^They will be picked more than the amount of other heroes being picked in total.


                It's a new years event celebrating the chinese year of the horse so maybe something to do with the 3 spirits or I dunno..

                Woof Woof

                  new set for ck and kotol

                  Woof Woof

                    + most likely valve will find new way to milk playerbase more like pre game celebration where you can shoot new flashy fireworks for 5 euro per set


                      My bet is on some sort of party where ppl can participate and during that party we might see techies coming
                      but its all just pure speculation


                        fuck techies

                        Quick maffs

                          I have a friend that is going to love techies so much.

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            new mounts and hats!


                              it's a hat creating event like the polycount, this time with chinese new year as theme, but i guess techies will be in part of the update too


                                I love techies lol


                                  there's gotta be some explosions, seriously :)

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    Sunsfan would be happy! him and his horse song & bronies!


                                      i got new horse item for abbadon pls volvo ?


                                        Watched n0tail play techies on WC3 dota while servers where down. Looks fucking annoying and pretty strong.


                                          i think that hero has a strong potential early to mid game to give your team a strong kick-start.
                                          After that it depends more on the team itself.


                                            giff hats


                                              techies with aghs is the most broken shit you saw, or didn't.
                                              sleep into vaccum into 3 mines, all hell breaks loose.

                                              btw mirana/sf/pudge will always be 3 most picked heroes.