General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked Matches @ Dotabuff

Ranked Matches @ Dotabuff in General Discussion

    Hi All,

    We're currently treating ranked matches as "significant" - they count toward your Dotabuff W/L record, show up in recent match list, count towards aggregate statistics, etc. We've also added a "Ranked Match" label next to ranked matches in your recent matches list to make them stand out a bit.

    We'll have additional features for ranked coming along in the near future once we see it in action for more than 5 minutes. :-)

    Any and all feedback is welcome, thanks and good luck in ranked!


      I would hope dota buff can track normal, ranked and team ranked win/loss separately

      Feeder Chan

        You think there will be friend bot that you can friend up to get your ranking posted on the site?


          why cant it be separated?

          Feeder Chan

            If there is no way to differentiate between Normal and Rank games from API than you can't separate normal and rank games on this site.


              We **can** differentiate between normal and ranked matches and will offer personal statistics for both modes individually once we better understand the dynamics of the ranked system. Soon!

              Feeder Chan

                Any plans on a friend bot to get official rank posting on this site to possibly replace Dotabuff Ranking, especially for the top 50 rankings?


                  We're definitely looking into ways that let you track your ranked progress. It's a sticky issue that must be handled very carefully. We're keeping a close eye on ranked and looking into available options.


                    yea, should be separate

                    and perhaps a ladder of some sort


                      Its broken as fuck....solo ranked game, faced a stack and lost horribly. I mean wtf come on....if I wanted to solo queue then let me face other solo queue ranked gamers.



                        Just asking, what differentiates normal matches from ranked matches? Aren't normal matches significant too, and appear on recent games?

                        Woof Woof

                          ^^ haha valve at their best full blown autism
                          i cant wait for all those rage threads cuz for some reason people thought valve would fix mm just for ranked

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                            @ Havoc Badger: Looks to me like you were stacked with blunt. You really gonna tell us you randomly played the game with him?

                            If so, that is a hell of a coincidence.

                            @muted guy above me: ranked will take longer to find a match with teams that are more even apparently. normal match making allows for less even teams.

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                              nah i bet he stacked too
                              u just deserve to lose since blunt was stupid enough to go commander and u guys didnt have synergy enough to counter them (nice tryhard picks) in any way


                                My last game I just played versus a 5 man stack - we were all 5 solo players on my site. We still won. You have to remember that the matchmaking system gives my side better players in average to balance out the teamwork of a 5-manstack. I can't really see the problem. What did you expect?

                                Also: Wont be long, before people will whine about their rank - that they don't deserve it, elo-hell - I am this rank cause of my bad team, russians etc.

                                Get your rank (dont matter how good or bad it is) improve from there.

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                                  Do we still have the solo queue option? Because I did not find it.

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                                  Woof Woof

                                    no valve removed it from ranked and normal


                                      i played 1 solo and 1 in a stack ranked

                                      it counts towards your normal dota 2 w/l counter so what dotabuff is doing is fine i guess


                                        Maybe differentiate between solo and party ranked as well, if the API allows.

                                        Sōu ka

                                          they are not separated
                                          played against 3 and 4 man stack while soloing


                                            The matchmaker tries its best to separate but it will give in if the queue takes too long / not enough solo queuer's online at the time.


                                              "Maybe differentiate between solo and party ranked as well, if the API allows."


                                              why? you get a much higher rating if you play solo instead of a stack. i think the difference is 500~ between solo and stacking and if you lose vs stacks, you dont lose much


                                                tx for keeping us updated!

                                                LUX >

                                                  why on my profile doesnt show my ranked games...


                                                    @ DOC: Your profile is set to to private.


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                                                      ´hello jason how are you


                                                        hi i'm bad thanks for asking

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                                                          why can we no longer filter between insignificant matches and significant ones (ones that count towards DB win/loss)


                                                            Short answer: Insignificant matches will generally appear as greyed-out in your match list.

                                                            Long answer: We're deprecating the concept of a match being "significant" or not and will be releasing much more powerful tools and views to better understand your stats very soon.


                                                              Thanks for all of your guys' work!


                                                                í love you jason


                                                                  I'm aware that they're greyed out, but there's no way to choose between "all matches" "recorded stats only " and "no stats recorded" like the previous filter system


                                                                    @Androgynous Correct. We added a bunch of new filter options and the significant/non-significant didn't make the cut given the other changes we're deploying soon. Sorry for the inconvenience and please bear with us during this transition.

                                                                    King of Low Prio



                                                                        I don't know how you'd do this, but I'd like to see my statistics for games where I randomed a hero. See how much it really causes me to suffer, you know?


                                                                          Can you guys IP ban anyone?

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!