General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed pudga advice

Need pudga advice in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Most kills were from fountain hooking, the thing is, im basicly a medicore pudge and cant rly snowball like most people do ( i need be bettarrrr). Can someone check that match and tell me what i could have done better to snowball like very good pudgeplayers do?

    King of Low Prio

      throw more hooks, too many people are afraid to miss a hook that they hold onto it and never get better. The more you do something the better you get


        MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Normal matchmaking pudge is fun.

        Ples Mercy

          lobby type != skill bracket.

          I think my cat has a higher IQ than you do.


            Get a few kills and then just walk around, enemies will be afraid.

            "pudga is missing, better hug my tower"


              I prefer dancing in the river in range of a ward, peeps come and try and kill you.

              Ples Mercy

                only works in normal retard bracket, but thank you, at least you're trying to help with your very limited skills and knowledge. :*


                  I guess it will help you out fine then.

                  Ples Mercy

                    Not even remotely, but its always nice to have an opinion of the lower end of the skillset. I know it's hard to understand that 95% here are so much better than you, it sure must be frustrating as a trashplayer.


                      with a KDA like 2.22 I would suggest playing blitzcrank on lol.

                      Ples Mercy

                        With that mmr i suggest you should switch to LoL.

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                          I love lol. Nidalee is my best.

                          Ples Mercy

                            Well how about you stay at LoL and stop playing doto? Might be better for your health since we all know you start hitting shit when you lost as usual.


                              I love hitting shit. its so soft, like a mans arse cheek.

                              Ples Mercy

                                Well then look under your chair, there is a bucket. You might start hitting the content of that bucket, its soft brown and smells weird. Sadly your tardness made it impossible for you to have any kind of bladder control, but at least you have a bucket full of stuff to hit.

                                -apm 400 player

                                  ^K TO THE O.


                                    If I don't have bladder control, does that mean your dad likes German sex?

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      Your trying hard little guy, so far im making you cry and mad. You're getting more and more lame and nonsensical. I think you're about to explode. :(

                                      Can you at least try or do you love it to get humiliated by me that much?


                                        If that last sentence made sense I would attempt to recuperate a witty reply.

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          yep, you're done. Sad :(

                                          ANNNNNNNNDDDD THEEEE WINNERRRRR IS BLUUUUUUUUUUNT

                                          This comment was edited

                                            You make less sense than Diana did you a wall in Paris.

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              So since i destroyed Tommy hard we might proceed with my thread, so advice are welcome. I need Relentless type answers =D