General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Very High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside

[SEA] Very High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside in General Discussion
`b U u

    What am I looking for ?

    - Friendly players that play well in team environment
    - Strictly no ragers, players that'll be able to put up with others
    - Committed players, willing to put in effort towards building the community

    Goals of the Guild :

    - To have a small community where solo queue players can party up with one another
    - to build up trust within the guild
    - to have teams within the guild to join small online tournaments

    Requirements :

    -at least 400+ wins ( in order to keep the standard within the guild )
    -must be consistently playing in the high/v.high bracket
    -knows each and every roles in dota 2 (improvements will come along)
    -must be able to speak in English

    just add me up if interested :

    Once Invited :

    - kindly read the info tab to avoid confusion
    - dont be shy in asking for parties
    - be fun and keep the level of the guild above average

    Since the skill bracket is not shown at the moment, ill be basing your applications using this site :


    `b U u

      currently we have 70 members :) and is still increasing