General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow fiend lacking a slow or disable?

Shadow fiend lacking a slow or disable? in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    how do you even chase people with SF, i know his dmg is high but he has no slow or stun.

    \-/ JayDimo \-/

      Eye of skadi. It's like made for him

      Scrubbius Maximus

        if you read the labels that sf has, part of him says "Nuker". Which means ur supposed to be able to blast a shit load of damage in a small period of time, like about 2 seconds? which i doubt some1 can run away from.


          He has a stun When you ulti on der fuking heads like boom dey get stunned try it BOOM!


            That's what's the support heroes for... sf is just the nuker. Or if you wanna be one man army you can go for hex, skadi, diffusal, abysal and stuff like that.

            TikTok Uncle

              thats what a blink dagger is for ...


                if you got slot lefts get the venom orb since it gives you 1 or mby 2 free hits. And why sf is so hard to play and kill with is because you have to bait to be able to kill enemies, unless you have dagger or lothar you won't be chasing. You have to stake your life on the field, making it so that the enemies stay at your attacking and raze range!


                  no he has 900 damage nuke from 3 razes + ulti who can deal another 1k damage and rightclicks who hit 150 dmg per hit on level 10


                    Eh easy....go the BoT's and manta build :D it actually works


                      Rape Thread :D


                        just make abyssal blade :D