General Discussion

General DiscussionI have no friends(

I have no friends( in General Discussion
максим генералов

    In my profile's page i see that i have no friends,but i can see all my another stats.

    максим генералов

      Few months ago i can saw my friends , but now i cant. Why?


        It clearly says "Friends This Month"


          if your friends hasnt shared their match history ,so dotabuff can take data, it cant show them!


            Also it's not friends, but people you queued with.


              Players who que with u in ur party the last month only, its a bit bugged, might be a bit off, but also they must have their match share history on as everyone above me said


                u suck :D

                Sugar Show

                  That is because you're a nasty dota player

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    you're foreveralone


                      I thought this thread is about emo boy :)