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General Discussion[EU][HS] Carry Player Looking For Team

[EU][HS] Carry Player Looking For Team in General Discussion

    [EU][HS] Carry Player Looking For Team
    What I'm searching for:

    - EU Team which communicates in English only
    - Experienced players who know exactly what they're doing
    - Understanding of the game
    - Serious gameplay
    - Competitive team

    About me:

    Nickname: Valex
    Age: 18
    Have been playing since: WC3 Dota, Dota 2 6 yrs exp
    Microphone: Yes
    Languages: Fluent English
    Playing 60h+ per week
    Can play whenever we have to


      I got something to tell u about DK (Dragon Knight)
      u get 1 lvl of Dragon tail at lvl 1, then max breath and armor, and u get 1 lvl of elder dragon form at lvl 6, and don't get another until lvl 15&16, this is because u can push towers much faster with lvl 1 dragon form than lvl 2..
      Desolator doesn't work with MoM

      Hoo Hoo

        Those are some HS farming skills right there


          I'm sorry but I must question someone who claims to be high skilled and with a smurf only manages a 21-8 with a pudge in their second game, which is your best score return. Given that you would have been against absolute morons as your first game (10-2) that wouldn't have moved you up a bracket. The majority of your games you hit about even kills to deaths, which for a 'carry player' who is after a competitive team I must question.

          Woof Woof

            new account again ! :D

            dude stick to one cuz noone will take player with 20games played srsly especially when you are not known from dota 1 or some inh/scrims

            This comment was edited

              :D mapzor lane vs sniper and pudge wtf can i do ffs without armor and breath to take creep are you kidding me ?


                Wow, ok, an info, breath can get u more farm than armor, and I said 1 lvl of it only, I didn't say max it ASAP


                  yeah but it was shit to take that tail was uselles i would have never used that + sir feeded like shit mid with morph and it was my fault that i didnt skilled tail


                    well, still about the ulti, dragon form lvl 1 is better than lvl 2, but lvl 3 is better than all, so I let the thinking to u


                      you were talking for 2nd skill not for ulti i know that


                        "u get 1 lvl of elder dragon form at lvl 6, and don't get another until lvl 15&16, this is because u can push towers much faster with lvl 1 dragon form than lvl 2.."

                        I stopped talking about 2nd lvl because I felt u won't ever understand, so said, lets skip that, and try to get u better in someway


                          LOl you just dont understand man if you were in that game you would

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