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General DiscussionDota 2 Matchmaking problems

Dota 2 Matchmaking problems in General Discussion

    well, the problem is when I pick a carry, my team doesn't pick a support and if they do pick a support hero they play it like a carry
    if I pick a support hero, our carry player fails getting no farm or feeding
    what's the solution to this problem? my friends don't play Dota 2 so I need a logical answer to this mythical matchmaking problem


      If you want to get an answer, give a link to your main account.


        that's not relevant, in every bracket you go it's the same problem, trust me
        win rate doesn't matter and you can't prove me wrong


          A good joke


            if you say so sir, if you say so...


              Okay, let’s forget about win rate. What about the total number of games?


                around 1000


                  If you pick support and focus on last hitting instead of harassing, then your carry has a good chance to fail (he is getting considerably less last hits if you do so). Also, if you don't buy wards, most likely your carry wont be able to jungle without getting ganked.

                  This is the kind of supports I see in most games (except CM ones), so my bet you are one of them.

                  Good luck!

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                    Yes it happens sometimes, and no it isnt problem with matchmaking but with people

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                      One Man Army

                        The matchmaking is suck, my team level around 20 (4 of us) and the last player is level 2, we dont know that, we let him play as carry (PL), he get 0 kill and 5 die, he spend 35 min for battle fury, and yeah, we lose

                        If valve cant fix the matchmaking, then just show us the level of player, lose the wining game is suck


                          Go play "snowball" mid hero like qop, pudge, ns, na etc.

                          Josh  :D

                            PL with a battle fury? Well, that's interesting.

                            To the OP, that's just pubs for you. It may be that your carry is just having a bad match, but often times folks pick what they want to be good at vs what they're actually good at. This was the first moba I've played outside of xbox (not sure if that even counts) and so I've learned a lot about it over the last few months. Although I'm sure this will invite the mockery of some folks, I'm a pretty decent PL. I can farm well with him and get good CS to begin with. I have a buddy that LOVES playing support. Him and I have a good win rate when we play together because not only is that a good mix, but we're used to each other. One of the biggest challenges I've seen with pubs is the miscommunication on things. Even with folks I'm friends with I play with, I end up getting killed because I'm ready to go balls deep and they're thinking turning back is a good idea. If guys I've played tons of matches with aren't always on the same page as me, how can I reasonably believe a random on a pub is going to have a good synergy with me? It happens sometimes, but more often than not it's just something you need to be aware of.

                            Ways to help address the issue:

                            -Find at least a few friends you can play with. I think I have around 100 friends on dota. Only a handful of them are people I know in real life, most of them are just people I met in pubs. If you see someone on your team (or the other team) that does well and/or you're having fun with, just send a friend request. Eventually you get a good crew going and if you have at least two or three other folks in queue with you, it works a lot better.

                            -Use game chat. If you're using a mic in game and there is good communication between you and your lane mate, beautiful things happen. It helps if right off the bat you are picking heros based on expectations. If you tell your team that you'll support a good carry in safe lane, that's a good offer. Of course everyone is going to say they're a good carry, but you'll get a feel for who's telling the truth and who's not. When you find a good one, again, send a friend request.

                            -Pick a utility hero like Viper or Gyro, they CAN carry, but they can also be excellent supports. If you're in a lane with someone that is completely losing it, you then have the option of taking a more assertive role. I think viper is underrated as a support.

                            -Become an EXCELLENT carry. One of the things that's frustrating about supporting, like you said, is doing everything you can to get your carry fat, only to have them fumble around. If on the other hand you can carry, even with a lousy support (or one that's trying to steal your farm), you can carry the team. PL, PA, and AM are good examples of that. If you're an AMAZING farmer and your team can keep the game going long enough to let you hit critical mass without losing base towers, any of those heroes can really get out of control. You could probably add faceless void to that mix as well.


                              I have the same problem as well.

                              I pick offlane and im doing what i can against the 3lanes or doubles that harrash,ward and pull always.

                              My problem is that the our easy lanes looses always no matter what.I think its because players like author go to that lane.

                              Also your mid will loose almost always.Especially if your mid is Pudge or SF game is lost before it even starts.

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                              Josh  :D

                                Your mid will almost always lose? SF and Pudge are great mids.