General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff is really smart in their marketing of DBR

Dotabuff is really smart in their marketing of DBR in General Discussion

    Differentiating themselves from the standardized term MMR. Once this goes live it will be a huge increase in traffic to the site. They could've just called it MMR and when competitors come into the field the rating will be watered down. It's easy to say DBR and everyone is already using the term in every post.

    After this upgrade dotabuff will be the new SC2ranks, only thing I don't agree with is the possibility of paying for the service of seeing other people's ratings. Someone could potentially come along, offer the same service for free (with banner adds like sc2ranks) and take a large portion of their market.

    I'm obviously for DBR, never really used dotabuff before, but can see myself using it a lot now. Also see myself playing more dota now that there is something to strive for - haven't played close to as much as I used to.


      I presume they use separate term because there's already some sort Valve themselves have a MMR value for players, and while there is a correlation, regardless of how big it is, it's not the same thing - thus, to avoid confusion, it should be called differently.


        As far as I know, the "MM" in MMR is matchmaking. Since this rating is not used for matchmaking, it would be flat out wrong to call it MMR.

        Woof Woof

          mattieshoes is right