General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: Do not count losses with leavers

Suggestion: Do not count losses with leavers in General Discussion
Serbian Hammer

    I find that counting losses caused by assholes that ruin games by leaving should not be counted, as they feel very cheap. Now the point of Dota 2 games is to see which team can outpick and outplay the other, and although its not a great feeling to lose you can look back and learn from your and others mistakes. However, games that are lost just because they are 4v5 should not be counted as full losses as you had no way of turning the game to your advantage.


      You win games cause someone leaves on other team as well. In the end there is lower chance of you having a leaver on your team than on opposite in the long run anyways. 4/5 vs 5/5