General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay dirty to win, or play fair to lose

Play dirty to win, or play fair to lose in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Yeah cause Ice Frog comes from a place of " higher knowledge and understanding " right?

    IceFrog is a slave to his own game, Dota 2. Just like how you're a slave to insecurity, so you have to go around preaching to people about " how little they know about their lives, how little they know about life in general " as if you come from a place of better understanding, and are trying to teach us as if you actually have things worth teaching to us.

    Oh, and I see you didn't re-accept my request, how did I know, I know you too well, even after the short time I knew you, you always let stubborness and negativity decide your actions Lyrill. If you're going to judge people off one mistake, does that make you any better? Probably not, maybe even worse.

    I'm not your enemy Lyrill, you don't have to go around hating every human.

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      you didnt answer my serious question

      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

        No seriousness here. I am having my own fun, sorry it doesn't align with yours, but you are selfish just like everyone else.

        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

          And yorkey, it's not your fault you like to teach me about my insecurities, I don't have to expose you because that's what you like to to do others and I'd hate that you take it from me as I already told you million times, or anyone else, since that pleases you and I should thank you for so much as pretending to care, as I respect art of trying, no matter how vain, nevertherless sadly for you insecurity is what drives me and what a shame you can't come to terms with basic human qualities as if you look any different naked just cus you dress up to people but already people can see through you prentending you aren't also preaching just as well yourself, among many other accessments coming your way and ending just where they came from, as they can see through anything else on the internet or in real life when people actively propells a senseless clusterfuck of tossing hateballs around because they are themselves first and formost, and quoting yourself "stubborn and negative"

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            it would be more fun if ur texts were more understandable
            try to be shorter and sue paragraphs
            thios way it looks a bit too much like tldr crap


              ^it would be more fun if ur texts were more uznderstandable
              try to be longer and use paragraphs
              also learn to speak english elegiggle


                to me dota is about practice so i like to play fair, dont really care about winning
                i destroy my items if i random a hero
                dont kill dc opponents etc

                Livin' Real Good

                  sigh* freakin Lyrill, whatever you say. :)

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                    For those of you who live in relatively free societies, who have access to freedom - know that these freedoms all exist because they are specific Christian teachings that became law and practice because Christians were in control of governments and made those rules.

                    Freedom of speech to say what you think even if its unpopular, even if it disagrees with religious teaching, even if it disagrees with governing authorities.

                    Freedom of the press to publicize your views, not merely speak them privately.

                    Freedom of association to meet and organize with groups of like minded individuals.

                    Freedom of religious practice to worship God, or not, as you choose.

                    The right to live... rather than be killed by the powerful who don't like you or what you do or stand for.

                    The right to liberty - rather than to be enslaved by the powerful according to their whims.

                    The right to self-governance to have a political voice rather than be ruled by others.

                    The right to equal protection under law rather than be subject to injustice at the hands of the powerful.

                    These things and many other basic concepts are all enshrined in the American Constitution not just because they were popular ideas in the late 1700s... they were not popular ideas then, or ever before. Rather they are Christian principles based on Jesus teaching on how to live. Before this, Kings , Tyrants, Warlords, and Religios pontifs ruled all the nations of the world autocratically for thousands of years.

                    Compare that American system to Sharia law and you will very clearly see the radical difference between Jesus and Mohammed. If you want to continue to believe and act as you choose... then you must realize that Christians uphold your right to do so, while Muslims will certainly take it from you permanently and enslave or kill you if you object. Many of your nations currently face the threat of Sharia law taking over your country. And if you do not fight against it, you will remmeber, ten or twenty years from now that I warned your what would happen... as you and your children are forced to learn that Islam means "SUBMISSION". You will bow, or you will be enslaved and die if you do not fight and defeat it.

                    Do not be decieved. You will weep bitterly when your friends are brutally executed, your women become sex slaves, and your children are forced to devout their lives to the religion that erases your culture. Do not accept the politically correct, post modern lies. All religions are not the same. All belief systems are not equal. These things will have profound consequences for your life whether you want to accept the massive battle tank coming to run you over or not. Your opinons and prefrences do not matter and will not change the grim reality that Islam is a totalitarian belief system determined to conquer the world for 1500 years and counting.

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                      Dude, cant you write normal lenght post for once or you're too retarded to say what you mean and not using whole page to do that?


                        Sir, I congratulate you on your fortitude and courage to be so daring as to face death to recieve this critical information.


                          ayy lmao?

                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                            that's the first post I actually read by relentless and subtracting the last two paragraphs I agree

                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                              Because science did not solve everything and still has ways to go is why there are god believers and in that context, for them to believe in something higher than the secular world and act upon its virtues and morals, it is the right thing to do, if not better than even the best and most socially responsible scientist however useful their inventions may be. Because again science doesn't involve in human dignity in the morals of our motivations as much as religion does and that is in fact what seperates us apart from animals, along with human logical reasoning as part of it. And more importantly because everything AI can or will ever achieve has yet to solve the humanity aspect of logic, which indicates the current governing force our morals have on our logic.

                              But I don't need to believe in god to know what is the right thing to do. Nor does anyone else who call himself a human being. "Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath. [Slaps Balian] And that is so you remember it. Rise a knight, and Baron of Ibelin." Remember why such things exist in Christian teachings. Remember why Christianity or any religion forms. Remember why science forms. They are all formed because humanity tries to save themselves from descending into lesser beings, with lesser emotional and logical capacities, which equate to animalistic behaviors which is exactly what you can use to sum up any evil motives and doings human beings are capable of. They aren't so much so as some practices to entertain the ideas more so the recognition of the qualities and potential we are born with. And the same goes for Muslims too, whether it be nationalistic inclinations or religious inclinations you are trying to preserve a larger self and making certain sacrifices of lesser self and who are you to question their beliefs and effort for a better world for their thing, just cus you are not part of it? By that line of logic you would not just go to war with fellow human beings, you would go to war with any aliens, cus duh they are fucking aliens why not, right? right?

                              And just because there is no suffering like it was when religion was born, or at least for a dota player who's certainly not shooting ak 47 rounds somewhere in Africa against his own tribe or his own family, doesn't mean you as part of human race can be so bigot as to ignore the obvious, just because again for your own blissful ends. It is never, for anyone, whether you believe in anything or not, about the end, as is life never about the death, because even if it seems like life is mostly hell on earth already, it is still the life given to us, for us to act upon, chained or not, we can dance. And dance we shall, not as dogs, but lions, dragons, for that is what lives in our each and every soul, to whatever end might come. The more chained we are, the more certain death we face, the more it makes us human if we still manages to shatter the earth and our voices heard to distant skies.

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                                yea some ppl are actually incapable of expressing themselves in one paragraph.


                                  ahahahaha, relentless
                                  i live in russia, dude. russia.

                                  the realm's delight

                                    petition to ban op

                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                      Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. Just because maybe people DO it only because they CAN in a modernized money driven result driven massproduct consumption mass connection zero originality world, doesn't mean they aren't going to a collective human degradation and self destruction and that you have no part to play in it other than to go along for the hell ride.

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                                        To a generation of coddled, pampered, grade inflated, indoctrinated babies paragraphs of cogent thought seem painful to even attempt to read. Someday you will realize that your education was nearly entirely trash and you should be angry at the adults who swindled so many of you into pileing up moutains of debt in exchange for sofistry and artificial accomplishments which no one who has real accomplishments and education respects.

                                        The millenials have largery become a generation of suckers. You are more naive, more gullible, and have less critical thinking skills than any group of people in history. You are a bunch of sheep cabable only of being led to be shorn or slaughtered as your masters preference may be. You don't posses the wherewithall to discern the differnce between reality and fiction nor the ligustic skills to convey any thoughts you might develop as your pathetic attempts to expresse yourselves on this forum daily and continually, conclusively demonstrate.

                                        If any among you hope to amount to more than forever the servants or slaves you have been trained to be, you will take my words to heart and realize that there is much more to learn than you have imagined. The vast majority of what you have been taught are lies, provable falsehoods. Your "science" is merely imaginary and does not agree with experiments. Your philosophy is written by imbeciles. Your politics comes from cynical tyrants who expect you to become their slaves. Your culture is rage and nonsense and will be blown away by the slightest breeze. Your work will be futile. Your wealth will be confiscated. And your soul will burn with resentment and flail about in helplessness or drown in despair unless and until you reject the vacous moral relativisim of your generation and discover absolute truth. There is only ONE reality, not a multiverse. Only ONE opinion can be correct, and if you don't hold it you are wrong and will always be wrong. There are not gray areas in life intrinsically, only situations and ideas you have failed to clearly understand.

                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                          ^take that to yourself it's not for everyone. And I mean starting with the science part

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                                              im out
                                              u r retarded


                                                most terrible not related to dota dunning kruger ive ever seen

                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                  religion can be cancer, belief isn't


                                                    in b4 TripleSteal replies to this thread again

                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                      belief isn't cancer, and human dignity never will be, at least not for humans.


                                                        who is arguing with who

                                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                          Because human dignity means sticking to your own morals even if the whole world is against you.

                                                          Because the primal animalistic greed and collective inclinations make sure that we starting from individuals to a collective, tries to maximize our own benefit naturally even if it's at the cost of others, and want to belong instead of be alienated. The bigger this collective gets, the more powerful and enlarged the benefit of the collective gets and also the greed, and then that greed is no longer an ugly thing, but all of a sudden some holy thing. That's what cancer is. That's when an expansion of collective personal greed spread enough for it to tip through the minority into the majority and gets legitmized just because they feel like they used to be at the end of the knife and now, finally, at long last, it's THEIR TIME to serve their justice. And often times you see the harsher they were subjected to, the more valiant they paint their efforts and success stories.

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                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                            Androgynous, just ignore everyone and only read my comments, short of those few that I kindly replied to, not that they were actually engaged in any mutual conversation I started


                                                              i asked you a simple question, how much a dollar cost, for some reason you failed to answer.

                                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                That is, if you believe a bit in humanitarian effort at all, because, as we all fucking know, comparing to dogs everywhere smiling as they rip apart what few sheeps left and instead crying as they rip each other off, the rains of reason and morality is but a tickle.

                                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                  I thereby rest my case, you all made your point of giving zero fucks, go back to whence you came from, have your fun while it last, work your desires as it may, may you live long lives and prosper.

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    But a tickle huh, are you ticklish? I think so.









                                                                            To me freedom is when I can wake up and have a nice of coffee in front of my Dota without worrying about my parents blabbering on me.

                                                                            #Freedom in Asian's country :D


                                                                              BAN3 what kind of Quran did you read? And I suggest you look up Dr Naik Zakir.


                                                                                lmao relentless is funny.


                                                                                  Dota = life
                                                                                  You do it the fair way u lose :D

                                                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                    ^duh, read the title again

                                                                                    And yes for those who spend majority of their lives yes dota is life, but even then there's a point where you can't say, even for beethoven, that music is his life, because there are other things he care about such as, girls, and yes, if you read up any beethoven life stories it would have girls in them too, imagine that.

                                                                                    So when I was talking derogatively against, whether it be sex or girls, I don't mean that it's not part of anyone's life, but that it doesn't actually hold a moral highground, no matter how you put it--sex, or sex appeal, which is a major driving force in relationship with grills for most male dota players, is animalistic and it doesn't even take any shred of mental acuity that playing dota (may still at certain scenarios and certainly not only restricted to some random elitist group of people) requires.

                                                                                    And it's the same when I talk about the fact that you CAN buy accounts, even 7k accounts, you CAN buy cheat and script to your hearts' content if you so choose to and with just some petty effort on the internet and your consented acknowledgment of any outcome whether it be scrutiny from anyone who finds out or punishment from valve if they find out. it's that simple and profound fact that makes, even if just 0.001% of the community doing so, when in fact you know damn well the number is much much higher, that it discredit all the valiant protectors and white knighting of mmr system that's supposed to match you with the same skill level or at least small range, of game quality ensured partly by the mmr, and all that good shit, just by themselves, not even talking about anything you might argue as "not strictly by the rules cheating", that there is no such thing is fairness at all exactly because there is no incentive -for more and more people- to adhere to the lost value of fairness, and please note that what I was always hinting at, is that unless you are actually punished, any form of means to bend the rules play along the grey areads or break the rules, so long as it gives you unfair advantage, it doesn't matter if it was within the rules at the time, or whether you did end up getting caught or not later, or whether it gets patched soon or not or ever, you are effectively a cheat, and by doing so you not only disregard the mostly "equal" aspect and pricinple guidelines of such a "competitive" game, you promote and encourage unfair gaming and gaming ethics to whatever influence circle you have and whatever individual (collective) ripple effect counts (partly) on your head, and that unless you ever gets outdirtied, you will never, ever give a fuck what influence you have left.

                                                                                    Honestly to think that most of you out there have already and if not so would happily do when prompt-- have the audacity to claim to fellow players: I don't care I just play to win cus that's what everyone does and that's what counts is quite possibly more shocking than watching 100 "shocking interview" videos. Because you all act as if you aren't making a joke out of yourselves, when it is you putting your game that you play on the line, you making collective pushes of your game down the drain, just like what the whole gaming industry is doing to their players, their fuckin customers, their fucking games, disregarding whether they actually want to make money or not, whether they are good at making money or not, etc, etc.

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                                                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                      Or that you equate the winning moment ( fountain raping or any other kind of shenanigans included or not) to some kind of mental climax, and that justfies all the boring foreplays during the game, however boring but necessary, or regardless if they are boring or not, not comparable and mentionable when you talk about just how sweet it is to savor the end result, thus whatever you did whether it be fair or not matters even less

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                                                                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                          Or if you want to go so far as to equate a competitive game to a dirty game in nature, that anyone worthy enough to be "good" at being competitive must also have enough savagery in them, the merciless edge in them to trample through in that kind of cut throat environment because, as you can well argue, "its just a game and that's what (kill/compete related) games are for, compensations for our savage desires and tribute to that savage past or even simulators of competitive military training for the general crowd against possible savage future"

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                                                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                            and if indeed that's the absolute non negotiable truth, then indeed whoever so much as utter the word "fair" or pass accusations of "cheat" should, and I'm again quoting you guys " kill urself"

                                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                                    OP's bullshit and religious bullshit don't cancel out each other.

                                                                                                    They just make things... more entertaining.

                                                                                                    Seriously how tf did this thread become so religious

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      AoE cancer with refresher