General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make friends in college

How to make friends in college in General Discussion
boni top fan

    So my first day of class in college is starting soon and as a retard with social anxiety, I dont know what to do

    picking fun heroes

      They have not rank Immortal, that's all you need to know. chill out

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      Kabir singh's bo0ster

        Just tell everyone u have a blue star.


          Try to make sure the first guy u shake hands with is not already friends with other people . And make a duo with the first guy u shake hands with . In short find a guy whos new to everyone and be friendly with him . As time passes people will start to understand .

          DISCLAIMER : im not responsible for any corona spread

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          AT&T Samsung Galaxy

            say that u are british


              dont call yourself retard for being different

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                Seems hard to believe you'd have real classes for college given that the numbers of corona on Singapore keep on rising

                as for online classes, just log into the google meet, watch netflix muted and if the teacher asks if you're hearing say something like "yes we're listening to you teacher"

                100% la creatura

                  donworri dun be scared i tink u can git friends very easily
                  friends come in naturally anyway as long the school goes,usually people who hav sam like stuff or someting

                  maybe some tip is just like dun stand in retard positions or keep eye contact den smile a little ( not too long )


                    Friends will come, if you're willing to see the connections.

                    boni top fan

                      a its online classes, im pretty awkward online, we have a messenger group and I never use social media, online interaction is different

                      100% la creatura

                        lol i have no idea if its online classes prolly peopl dun even care


                          i was shy to talk to them the first couple of weeks (and mainly i was alone and from time to time i talk to 1-3 people), but after that when i talked to them for different stuff i got to know them as a person and i got more comfortable to talk to them. Just go outside and talk more. And if you are studying from your country you'll probably meet people in your class in high school at the university. At least i know i did.


                            Friendly tip: Don't ask them a lot of questions or talk to them about university. My friends at uni got annoyed by my questions all the time. But do whatever you do. Make sure you don't have twins in your group (joke) after 5 years i still don't know who is who and thats it. And usually after school/uni if you don't keep your connections with them the only friends left will be at your neigbhood since they're closer to you and you can meet them often. Usually in my uni people come from different cities or different part of where i live and the only way to meet might be at uni or some sort of party and so on.

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                              I made friends now during my summer sem's online classes. It can happen, just gotta be open to it. Even simple shit like "yo bro can you help me with this HW" then see if that interaction can grow


                                i have 0 idea for online, but i made all my friends in college through the esports club

                                boni top fan

                                  Yeah im still at the same uni as my high school, i dont know anyone in my new class, I made friends in high school because we shared the same interest which is dota and sometimes fps games.

                                  In my new class however, everyone seems not fond of playing cuz our course is difficult and i chose the wrong course

                                  flourishing new leaf

                                    Play it cool, smile, say hi and ask questions like: so where are you from? bla bla. If you feel some vibe with people ask for their contact info. Or if they ask you, just say yes, regardless of who asks.


                                      ok, how can find gay freind in collage ??


                                        take part of all class events and partys thats what those things are for, getting friends and socialized!


                                          Challenge your anxiety and join social events, expose yourself little by little. It is tough in the beginning, very, but the only way to come out of the shell is to make that jump. You will feel like the most awkward person in the world at first, know that it's normal, but don't let it stop you and keep trying while also doing things for yourself: cultivate a hobby, take care of yourself, whatever thing. Try being as less avoidant as possible, no matter how the first social events go, as that creates a sense of defeat and you'd prove your brain it's right to think you don't deserve company or aren't worthy enough. It's not true. Prove your brain wrong. GL

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                                            if you are an awkward retard like you said then there is nothing you can do , so you shouldn't worry about making friends lol.


                                              Best answer: join clubs.

                                              People you meet in classes wont become your friends. You hang out for a term and do homework/share notes but after its over you have nothing in common so you don't really keep in touch.

                                              During your school's clubs week (1st week) take the time to find a club you would be interested in investing your time for a few years. Debate Club, Chess Club, Anime, science club of whatever major if youre in science, etc etc. If you go to a decent school there will be a ton of clubs to join and you can make some great friends there.

                                              Tu tayta

                                                Is there absolutely nobody in that college that you knew prior to joining? You can always fall back to old friends if you have trouble making new ones.

                                                Also, I'm not sure how online courses work now, what with the corona issue and everything, but my college professors would eventually organize group activities that'd force you to interact with other people anyway. You can scout potential new friends there.

                                                boni top fan

                                                  ^yeah im the only one who took this hard course and its 100% online classes

                                                  boni top fan

                                                    yeah im in the esports club but my friends there are from different courses.


                                                      wait, which country from SEA are you in, so that we know the context of society, online classes, etc


                                                        Just cover your face doing online classes. if showing of face is not necessary then it will be easier

                                                        boni top fan

                                                          Im from philippines

                                                          100% la creatura

                                                            mayb u can tri work hard on the subject den lader have ppl to discuss with about the subject too since its hard

                                                            gives u big grades+friends too
                                                            two benefits at once

                                                            boni top fan

                                                              very hard to get good grades in this course but i am practising meth every night


                                                                Ayy puta iyan pala eh
                                                                give me 3 guesses: UST, Ateneo or San Beda


                                                                  I swear, Abyss posted an almost exact similar thread when he entered college last year xD
                                                                  Dude, just be yourself, most colleges and universities here block systems. You'll have "blockmates", a set of people from your course with whom you'll share multiple classes with. Find out who they are and see if you vibe

                                                                  卍pudge king卍

                                                                    Kys abyss

                                                                    boni top fan

                                                                      thanks i'll keep myself safe

                                                                      yes i'm abyss but i didnt post a thread like this before


                                                                        if u are abyss then who is mark, and why tf does my steam friends all have wrong name nicknames


                                                                          Oh ffs Abyss I completely forgot this was your smurf tangina


                                                                            did i nickname all the seatards the wrong name or smth lmao

                                                                            boni top fan

                                                                              Abyss/tonitrus/Feachairu/Mark are all my nicknames


                                                                                oh i see, all along they are one and the same

                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                  What do you mean by college? Is college a 16-18 year old thing where you commute from home or is it a many years thing where you live on campus? The two are pretty different and the ways you would make friends are different for both.

                                                                                  boni top fan

                                                                                    its an online class thing, no face to face classes

                                                                                    ReoNa - Karera (Acoustic ...

                                                                                      just relax and find someone with similar interests as u

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        If its not even face to face then why is making friends important?

                                                                                        100% la creatura

                                                                                          i tink is prolly like since hard subject nid friends to share knowledge

                                                                                          but ye i agree is jus online no way u can make friends lol

                                                                                          dat guy is abyss,not feachairu ok

                                                                                          boni top fan

                                                                                            just in case I survive in this course so when the pandemic is over so I'll have friends to rely on when im struggling with this course


                                                                                              don't say stupid/mean things, be open-minded, find an opportunity to spend time with them, find someone with mutual interest, don't be afraid to start a conversation, and stay away from drugs. 3-4 years will go fast, I hope you make the best memories out of it.

                                                                                              EbTox's Boyfriend

                                                                                                u are 2100 rank bro. why u need to make friends with some donkey trashes? i suggest to stay away from that piece of shits.

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  u are 2100 rank bro. why u need to make friends with some donkey trashes? i suggest to stay away from that piece of shits.

                                                                                                  Ah yes, being a high rank in dota certainly makes you superior to poeple with functioning social lives... who needs friends?

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                                                                                                  卍pudge king卍

                                                                                                    -sagiri pic user

                                                                                                    boni top fan

                                                                                                      If I could swap my dota mmr for irl mmr then I would lol.

                                                                                                      I never had anyone close to me, I go to school everyday hoping to see things get better but in the end if you don't fit in society's standards for human relation, you'd just end up all alone.

                                                                                                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                                        Cosplay as your favorite anime character, preferably female, and go out like that. You're pretending to be someone you're not, you're a degenerate weeb, own it, be proud of it, you will make friends by finding degenerates just like you that share the same interests.

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