General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Abadon on low mmr? Im doing right?

Offlane Abadon on low mmr? Im doing right? in General Discussion

    Watched some replays, played 2 games

    Is my itembuild right? Or should i go radiance-octarine-aganim in most cases?


      Also, what about midas? Should i buy it?


        abaddon is not a core hero right now, and u can check the meta item and skill builds here


          @Kowareta thx


            Pos 5 and thats it. I played a offlane aba game but im pretty sure omni or necro could of done it better


              you should not go midas bc that promotes afk farming habits. get phase boots, drums, then a vlads and if you're snowballing get a radiance, if not then go something like greaves or AC and spam your dispell on stunned allies and save them, while being this frontline tank always on them in all fights.

              Don't always max passive, get some lvls in q and w and be a core that can always be there

              if you have a lategame lineup, you can go midas, but don't go so balls to the walls early game

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                you will win so much more games if you just pick heroes with stuns or slows. Stop trying these no stun heroes just ruining games even if you play it correctly had you been a hero with a disable everyone in the game will have a better game.

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                  Lul nice logic^


                    Pos 5 abba is amazing tho