General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage winrate

Visage winrate in General Discussion

    Visage currently is a top1 winrate in 3k, top2 in 5k+ by winrate. Yet he is only picked in ~1% of all games. What the actual reason for his high winrate?
    I tried to play 2 turbo games with him and both were actual stomps, like you win lane, you get godlike, you end the game.


      speaking of which,i actually want to learn this hero
      anyone can gib me insights?


        Reason is its getting pick in good situations by the people that know how to play him, everyone else avoids him, thus high winrate.

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          He have a high winrate coz everytime someone picked a Visage, he knows his shit, e.g. a counter pick agains the enemy. And also a low pick rate coz only a few can play him, and has a lot of counter. (I can play Visage, not the best but with a respectable 4.53 KDA and a decent 53% winrate)

          AOE disable hurts him. Underlord is his worst enemy (imo). Medusa, Drow and Gyro makes his bird like creeps.

          A fun hero to play. I really hope he get buff on later patch


            >I really hope he get buff on later patch
            you are kidding, right? he has 58% winrate in top bracket, behind only Lycan. No way he got buffed further.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              His new passive is op. Both the hero and the birds are unkillable. He pushes fast with hotd.


                fucking hate that hero the most by far


                  ^coming from a tinker spammer LUL


                    his winrate would be much lower if he was picked a lot. its easy to spot the broken heroes - they are the ones with both high pick rate and winrate.


                      People think he’s hard and therefore don’t play him. Those who are woke and have stomped with him know he can be op af sometimes

                      GRANT MACDONALD

                        Visage is a greedy hero for sure. You can support with him and pull for levels but ultimately the best way you have impact is by nuking in fights, getting items and snowballing. Your team will hate you for KS'ing unless you play as a core.

                        IMO he is best played mid but thanks to what is probably the slowest cast animation in the game, I find it hard to CS with him. If I think I'm going to get harassed in lane, i start with cloak and then go with an 1-3-1-1 build. Grave at 5 since you need it to set up kills with your birds when you get them at 6.

                        From there, you need to start farming heros. Visage isn't a great laner so i dont mind leaving the lane with birds if it means I can get a doublekill somewhere else. Sure, you can sit in lane, micro your birds and get all the CS you need from the 6th-11th minute when everyone starts rotating. Tranqs into HOTD, find yourself a useful creep or get tomato bear or satyr and hit towers.

                        I dont have the skills to set up micro groups, so I give unified orders with CTRL+move, tab thru the minions if need them to do something and F1 if I need to pull my hero back.


                          Taught ya stuff


                            i tank you very muchy for the coach @Knifepony

                            any stuffs you want from my inventory?


                              having very high win rate in pub does not necessary means it's an op hero. Visage just like meepo are one of those unpopular hero that it's much harder to deal with, so if a 3k player can play well, it can easily dominate. And in 5k case visage is just annoying to fuck with tbh as his early mid game is powerful if you don't have something to deal with, especailly cause most meta hero are nuke base and not dot base so it's very hard to kill his familars.

                              Also like huskar, the reason huskar has a high win rate doesn't mean it's op. In high tier mmr, it's hard to see huskar picking before 4th pick, and you usually see oracle dazzle or omni those kinda of hero who can synergized super well with huskar. In those game huskar may have the highest kill but it rly is the support that carry the game. sometimes pick matters a lot and if u have a very good last pick it will usually fuck up the enemy hard when they got no counter.

                              Like picking a melee owner like omni, axe undying against mostly melee team. A pusher against a team with no wave clear, or aa against healer alchemist huskar team.

                              casual gamer

                                permanently broken hero, literal garbage can players fail at him so hes constantly getting reworked for 0 reason

                                give it a couple patches and theyll randomly up brid damage and hell have 60% wr 5k again again again

                                casual gamer

                                  haHAA i have 12 sexonds aoe stun


                                    I wish I cud play this hero but alas I am a literal garbage can PepeHands


                                      He's not that hard really, just learn to micro LUL


                                        ^my visage micro is shit
                                        I can make do with something like Chen with the one game I have because beyond the early game where you have like 1-2 creeps, you don't need to have the same impact past a certain point that a visage would need.

                                        casual gamer

                                          2 button is birdies, 3 is all units

                                          q and tab buttons working? u good to go

                                          at most u fly ur friends over fog trees so u can atk faster when u slow

                                          oh no my positioning sucks while i micro. good thing i have 99999 ehp and grave chill xd

                                          This comment was edited

                                            ^i still die idk

                                            Campo Santo Janitor

                                              People think all micro heroes are Meepo and are afraid to try them.

                                              Visage is a good introduction to micro if you can afford to be greedy in your games.


                                                visage is not even that hard, you don't even need keys just mouse is enough haha, u put those damn birds on auto attack and chain the stun, with solar crest and ms first ability, and u can kill a guy in 2 sec

                                                Ebola Chaser

                                                  I honestly have no idea. Visage has been my favorite hero for a long time. I pick him for mid without thinking regardless of enemy's picks.


                                                    situational hero,but so strong.


                                                      i think chen is easier than visage to learn micro tbh


                                                        Birds unkillable. Try going mid vs him, I lost as QoP.

                                                        I never lose mid as QoP.

                                                        He took nothing before he got his lvl 6, after that i only cried.


                                                          If filtered by mid lane only (available for Dotabuff+) Visage is #1 winrate in all skill brackets except <2k, where he is still #2 behind Zeus. That means that either anyone can win with him or he is abused by boosters.


                                                            @Fun Police what the kurva dude I found your profile pic on r34 site starting with P.