General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for ingame

Question for ingame in General Discussion

    1) how do you play kunkka roaming i use to play riki roaming bh roaming since they are pretty good at harrassing mid lane since they got invs to get close.
    2) i want to play od mid. Is he like the very old school od which everytime opp want to lh you astral him. Goal lh for a 0/0/0 od at 10/20 min assuming enemy mid are the same skill and level.
    3) is sf rushing dragon lance good? Or should i make the 1hit build euls blink/sb agh.
    4) is playing at 100 ping acceptable

    Tnx for ans if you ans if you dont tnx too lul


      100 ping is not to Bad, but should Not be higher.


        3. Sf with dl is good imo, gives sf what he needs, you can get it before or after your sb/blink


          I watch baumi's sf video(newest) he goes for euls then dl and he dont build aquila. I think that is a mistake since pike also grant some mana. Personally i like aquila then pike and i dont like getting blink and sf, i think the only moment i will buy se is when i see opp pa is getting farm and good.


            Kunka roaming is with torrent and x marks build where u have inly 1 point on tide bringer just keep x mark more than torrent place wards and help gank like thrall :)
            Its easy and build aether lens if u want which i usually get and glimer or force depending on situation :)


              Roaming Kunkka is dead.


                lmao roaming kunkka is dead after torrent nerf. if u want roaming hero better not kunkka pudge is better. kunkka with max torrent first is trash