General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is party ranked so shit?

Why is party ranked so shit? in General Discussion

    I'm at least 800 mmr lower in party. Game quality is shit n to be expected be us of low rating. But I can't seem to carry it to victory


      From what I see, when u play in a party u need reliable midder, possibly a decent invo + puck player.

      If u have a good midder, u win in most cases since most people know how to play carry.


        When your in a party, you're typically against a party. How much do communicate with those you party with? Are they close friends you always have Skype up with? Or are they randos you met online that you're simply partying with.


          i mean, i play in SEA. im guessing there's nothing special about being in a party cept your playing with a friend. i mean i get that 5 stacks have more coordination n communication and stuff. but i usually am just a 2 stack. so its kinda like solo ranked level of communication. but how are games so bad though? like i can see that players and plays are bad, but i cant win them like in solo

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            U play on normal skill so probably u are bad yourslef. Why people cant realize that they suck at the game, and blame others ? Pls tell me. How the hell are u so blind. U are in normal skill. U can work on everything !!

            When I realized that im bad and i need practise on this and that - i gained 1500 mmr in 3-4 months.

            Optimus Drip

              Like you picking chen. You need to realize your shit with him. Oh wait.... almost like you made a thread about that. Carry on then.


                Probably your party does


                  guys. ffs.

                  my question is not that im too good for my games. rofl. what is with dotabuff forums.

                  my question is why party is so shit compared to solo. ffs. i know alot of ppl come on this forum to whine about this shit. but pls read and understand what im saying. i don't give a damn if i suck at this game.

                  i wanna know why there is a disparity when there shouldnt (800mmr) between solo and ranked. when the party games are noticeably shittier because i have 800 more mmr and i can understand that its bad.

                  im guessing most people have lower party mmr than solo too. does anyone else feel the same way? like its shittier plays, shittier players, but still harder to win?

                  Moon Moon

                    I have the opposite experience. My party MMR is at least 400 higher than solo, once it was about 1k more. I mostly play as a 2 or 3 stack. And we communicate a lot during the game. An example: If someone gets ganked he tells the rest quickly and usually the 2 tp to the one being ganked, often ending up in turning the gank and landing one or two kills ourselves. We also talk about possible strategic paths that are open in certain situations. Sometimes these things work in Solo ranked too, but when I suggest a strategy many people say "fuck you tryhard" and go do their solo thing as if they are in a bot game.

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                      i'm 5k solo and for some reason i can't go above 4.2k party
                      all games are just lost


                        do u use skype or whatever? the level of communication is expected to be higher in party ranked so if u play it like solo ranked ull lose out


                          hmm. so 3 person stacks with communications make a difference. but what can a 2 stack do though? sometimes i use voice, but most times i dont cuz i thought it owuldnt make a difference..

                          @birdperson. that makes a lot of sense. i guess if u actually put in a lot of effort to execute certain strategies in a game, that which i admit i don't do in party ranked, then ur party would be higher. i tend to go with the flow like in solo ranked. guess maybe thats why im shit at party. there are often no strategies involved.

                          @reese. what u think is the reason?

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                            @razzledazzle: i don't know, either i play in 5 uncoordinated stack with people higher than me and lose to people more coordinated, or i play with people lower than me and they just feed

                            i always use teamspeak


                              i cant get my party to 5k it seems. Every time i get paired against a stack of 6k players with 4.x party. that said getting it to 4.5+ was pretty easy since you dont have those huge mmr gaps yet

                              Sergei Kalinka

                                dont understand what u mean, I just went from 2,4k to 3,1k mmr increase in 1 month party mmr ;)


                                  2 man party is so easy since you can get people who still Q solo. My party used to be 1000 more but now I've risen my solo below 100 thanks to party games I believe


                                    ^^ if your party is 1000 more. That makes equally no sense. Esp if ur in a 2 stack. Unless u got carried?

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                                      Its 2v5 instead of 1v5 so It's alot easier


                                        It sucks because if you arent a party of 5 then you've got a split team w friends just working w friends. And who evers the party of 2 loses cuz they'll get overpowered by the opinions of the 3 other people. sad really.