General Discussion

General Discussionwhich support should i pick

which support should i pick in General Discussion

    when i want to deal some damage and i don't want to lose my lane instantly against some cancer like tusk/undying/viper/lich/etc
    generally how to play against these strong duallanes?

    Riguma Borusu

      I'm trash but I think something that has sustain and heals/safe mechanisms like dazzle or something that's just tanky as fuck like ogre are good, it's also important that the carry doesn't pick something immobile and squishy. Abaddon/omni should be pretty good with some levels too.

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          Lich is everything u need

          < blank >

            Have you ever tried Oracle?


              Dazzle, wd, omni, warlock for lvl1 doing ok, lich for overlevelling them, ogre, venge, visage for sapping xp from lane and then raping them, the list is rather big.. Oracle, lina, lion, shadow shaman..
              Strength of supports is in synergy with core and levels, not needing any farm etc.. Remember you need to pull / stack and pull to deny them as much as possible, if you pull three+ times and they go to kill you in a jungle for 150 gold you still did well, they are losing farm and xp. If you play vs viper, undying / other cancer heroes with no stun, just pick dazzle, harrass the shit out of them, shallow urself and tp out. Or go to get denied to jungle, then tp back to lane. If you are doing well, your carry will get ahead and you will win. If you are doing well, your carry gets fat and you still lose and they blame you, welcome to dota.


                ^ 3k a Čech, vražedná kombinace

                how am i supposed to play and skill him? just trade hits + brain sap and nightmare one when they're running on my carry?

                Riguma Borusu

                  "bane bane bane"

                  Well, it seems like bane has it all, harass abilities, a sustain mechanism, huge movement speed and is actually tanky af.. I should probably play more bane when I get to support.


                    Lich/Bane/Disruptor all pretty good


                      You should always listen to Pilot, Minerva, and Mekarazium when it comes to supporting. They're the best on DotaBuff in supporting.

                      I would offer you Windranger as Support with two points in Powershot but Shackle (and Windrun if you're facing someone like Huskar+OD) maxed. Arcane, Mekanasm, (Force Staff, if necessary), Scythe of Vyse. Basically, EGM style. You could always transition yourself to semi-carry after those items.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Skywrath is the answer here.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^skywrath dies in two hits if anybody comes close, and tusk has a way to close the distance, while undying has a way to slow him to hell (and movement speed is one of the things that make him survivable to begin with). Might be good if you can play him really carefully, but literally one mistake and you're over.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Yeah, no. Other than Bane, no other support is different. Dazzle also has a heal, but Skywrath is the best at harassing and even getting kills, so.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Ogre is too tanky, dazzle has a heal, WW can arctic burn away/embrace, etc, so there are some ways to not get completely rekt, but nobody has a long range harass like skywrath (other than ww).


                                Lina would be better than Skywraith, imo. Skywraith has, like, negative armour when he spawns. You'd like to max Stun on Lina as position 4.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I don't like disruptor as lane support vs a dual actually, he doesn't have a ton of harass. His kenitic field thing is awesome for scoring kills so he's good with a strong partner like if you have a jug or something. But I wouldn't want him if I am say spectre.

                                  Ogre suffers from being not ranged. He's plenty tanky enough to trade hits but against a dual lane he can't zone out both. Again he's quite good aggressor but maybe not as good at denies and zoning out. Great supporting a ranged carry.

                                  lich just wins lanes period. I also really like veno, awesome at zoning but very fragile. Warlock is really good if your carry has some kind of cc to let chains and dot do dmg. Like with slark or Sven.

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                                    Pick IO :3

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      We aren't only talking about Tusk here though. Ogre can't do shit against Lich or Viper, but Skywrath can.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Yeah Bane is actually the best, even against two heroes, but I hate playing that hero so.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          @Dire Wolf: You don't pick ogre with a melee carry, you pick him to bodyguard your ranged carry, so yeah he can work that way, in a dual melee he's only good against other melees.

                                          lm ao

                                            banes good


                                              Also Bane nightmare lets you set up the hook for the pudge that's probably on your team. Can also set up things like lina's stun or Mirana's arrow.

                                              Treant Protector is also decent at keeping people alive in lane, but not very good at harassing.

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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Right it all kinda depends. Like ogre vs axe blows imo. So even there, axe is melee but needs ranged counter.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    You know, one of the funnier things about axe vs dazzle matchup is that axe has an ultimate that goes through shallow grave so it's considered a counter, but if axe's offlane AGAINST dazzle, man is he going to have a bad time. Surround yourself with units? Np axe, I will healbomb you. Want to run away axe? Np I will slow you down and kite the shit out of you. Want to come in for a last hit? Np I'll hit you 4 times and you can't do anything about that. Need one more counter helix to kill my carry? Np axe I will just grave him, but I zoned you out before so you're level 3.

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                                                      Visage Visage Visage Visage Visage Visage Visage


                                                        Fuck support, play Dragon Knight and never die in your lane with that op Passive.


                                                          Abaddon and omni