General Discussion

General DiscussionCurrent Acct or New ?

Current Acct or New ? in General Discussion

    Currently at 2290 mmr, all normal skills. My smurf Acct after 30 games at mostly all high skills and couple of VHS. What is easiest to 3K mmr, this acct or smurf?

    King of Low Prio

      unranked and ranked are totally different. While you will 9 times out of 10 calibrate higher on a smurf account you will drop if you actually play ranked on it


        700 MMR is 28 more wins than loses, but since you won't win 28 in a row, even at a 60%(this may be unrealistic) winrate that means 140 games on your main, if you aren't winning well over half, its going to take a LOT longer.

        Given that you can unlock ranked MM after like 120 games on a smurf (i think?) if your goal is just to get 3K, its faster and easier to make a smurf and try hard in calibration games.

        But, keep in mind over-calibrated smurf accounts are a very large reason why solo queue ranked is known to give cancer, ebola, Brain AIDS, and all other sorts of fun shit.


          dude, grind it you have 2290 mmr just grind it upward... remember all the time you spent grinding it.. it'll pay off you'll get better

          help midlaner !

            Just create new account(like my this) and play 30 games for group mmr or 1 game solo mmr
            Play hard like MIRACLE- (maybe with friends)
            70%winrate its too easy to get 4500+ (if you can understand what you should do)

            Also 1 game in solo TBD instead 10 because abuse is nerfed and you cant leave before download(you get ban anyway)

            I know : very high skill but 37% winrate start with 3600
            with 47% 4100
            with 67% 4400
            If you can deal damage bigger than your mates you can get fucking start with 4500 or 4600! i think you need full party and ONLY win

            When im playing solo 4 game(as bloodseeker) enemy lone druid has around 5k or 6k
            Fucking hell.


              Dannyboy at wat mmr range
              Was ur tbd game??

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!