General Discussion

General Discussioni want to learn invoker, looking for someone to teach me

i want to learn invoker, looking for someone to teach me in General Discussion

    i want to learn invoker
    i want to crush opponent mid laner regardless of a hero he picked
    i want to be a total dick that will hit every single sunstrike and taunt enemy in allchat
    i want to be a piece of shit who instakills anyone who appears in my vision

    please, someone. teach me how to play this hero

    D the Superior
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      waku waku

        hmmm, lost last game vs invoker = check
        but of course


          yeah i know
          but on my defense, i wanted to do this a number of times since apparently everyone in this shit bracket but me knows how to play him

          Miku Plays

            play q w voker only 3 spells for 30 mins


              Your skill is too damn high to be a total dick or a piece of shit to fellow players so all the learning may end in vain.


                Good god he got nerfed yesterday

                waku waku

                  i love that strength nerf maybe i'll finally be able to pudge him down before he invokers me

                  lm ao



                      6.83c Alacrity lvl1 10 dmg. God bless IceFrog!


                        wow i found someone who is interested in learning invoker too


                          If you need to think how to invoke a spell you already lost, same as if you need to think how to Blink + Poof as Meepo


                            patrice wilson is a good invoker


                              what is the combo to invoke pudge with invoker memelover?


                                QWE-R =======]]]]]

                                7Mad About You

                                  learn to use Quas Wex Invoker, its good for teamfight and teamwork


                                    ^ easier and more flexible and able to gank early :)


                                      I can teach you, I believe I am qualified enough to teach anyone under 5k how to play Invoker.

                                      Il Separatio

                                        @Neverswatafly, can you teach me? The last time I played Invoker was one year ago /:


                                          @Quinkerros Sure, But I don't have unlimited time to teach everyone. Feel free to send me an invite, and I'll do my best.


                                            i still have no idea what im doing with invoker


                                              @HotSalza Judging by your Dotabuff, you seem decent enough!


                                                dat first combo was daaaamn...


                                                  ^ stop advertising worse invokers than me PLEASE AFEECT



                                                    This guy is giving me a big erection.

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!