General Discussion

General DiscussionMost annoying hero

Most annoying hero in General Discussion

    What heroes do u think is the most annoying ? I think its huskar , his passive is so ridiculous and his burning spear hurts so much


      I fucking hate huskar strats

      waku waku

        disruptor, phantom lancer, undying

        Pale Mannie

          Pudge, rightclick BH, Axe offlane


            I also want to add 1 more , wr.her shackles is just ridiculous


              Enfeeble has to be up there as the most annoying ability. especially for shadow fiends.

              lm ao

                Most annoying hero



                  Earth spirit (if its a good earth spirit player)

                  Dire Wolf

                    Wind ranger's pretty damn annoying cus she's near unkillable for most safe laners.

                    Slark. Slark very annoying. Winter wyvern just cus his ult and cold embrace, you'll be so close to killing someone then nope, not gonna happen.


                      Wr unkillable? Ever went slark or disruptor?

                      Dire Wolf

                        Well I can get free farm against her, but unless you have a support who times their stun just right she'll always get run off and sprint away. Just obnoxious. Like with disruptor, how many good disruptors out there can time the glimpse into kenetic field thing right? It's like 1 out of 10.


                          most fucking annoying hero is omni
                          then slark, wr, good meepo, clinkz

                          Dire Wolf

                            oh riki is super annoying too, cus his smoke bomb is actually very strong and having to constantly place sentries sucks. No where close to as bad as old techies but still bad.

                            Keke LM

                              Quas wex invokers



                                Dire Wolf

                                  exort invokers with euls suck too


                                    huskar sb

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      winter vvh0re

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        winter wh0re


                                          fuck invokers

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            People who are predicting the victory with any hero

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              that's to play against though, on my team I hate tinker's cus they take all the fucking farm on the map and do nothing with it. Ohhh a lane's finally pushed in for me to go farm safely- oh wait... shit nvm tinker already teleported there and double marched it gg.


                                                Nothing comes close to Techies in my opinion, just a dogshit hero.

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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  well yeah but no one plays techies anymore. I can't remember the last time I've seen one since the mines nerf. Maybe once ever.


                                                    Most annoying hero by very far is medusa in ultra late game. She just will rape every team 5v1 no matter what


                                                      455 dusa games, holy moly




                                                          it normalz skillz ppl don't know how to stop a medusa

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^well but that is balanced by the fact that normal skill medusas have 450gpm given completely free farm. And also start their build with a fucking linkens.

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                                                            Covenant of Blood

                                                              RAT AM trying to split push win

                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                AA, Earth Spirit, slark, meepo and invoker. They rarely feel affected by patches, and AA is just anti-fun.


                                                                  Jungling lc, mid alchemist, all those carries who say we need wards and roaming mirana.


                                                                    Naga. It is just stressful to play against.

                                                                    Win Yo Fagot

                                                                      shit shakerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - fuc^ing Mr.Kaolin - winter - Mr.17%(not annoying till you get 3 bash in a row)

                                                                      and cold snap + orchid + urn is a annoying hero too :)))

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                                                                        Dagon carrier like BH, Riki, or Nature Prophet. They tend to pop out of nowhere to kill support hero :/

                                                                        Sexo Meister

                                                                          Ice dragon pucci

                                                                          Good spider puss puss

                                                                          Ginger pucci (all of them)

                                                                          1 punch walrus (if good player)

                                                                          And that guy who can make u dumb permanently (srsly wouldnt gaining str like pudge be better than stealing them?)


                                                                            Last pick huskar + dazzle = R I P 2 5 M M R

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!