General Discussion

General DiscussionWand vs ROA for Medusa in late game

Wand vs ROA for Medusa in late game in General Discussion

    Which will you keep? I think wand is much more valuable.


      i basically only get wand on medusa if there is massive spam going on in my lane aka enemy bat rider or enemy bb ect other wise ROA is way better


        Wand gives more if you have around max charges
        RoA in gneral is better if you need the aura- to increase durability of your creeps. Also effective stats I feel are in general better than the burst from wand. By then you should have amybe a linkens or a skadi and more stats ain't bad


          1) Wand got buffed in 6.84 --> cheaper with better stats. And Medusa benefits from all stats.
          2) Since medusa is always in the middle of teamfight, you can get minimal of 5 charges. You need not use it immediately and can wait at the last minute to gain more value as a surprise heal. Mana restore has great synergy with mana shield.
          3) Mana shield block damage before reduction. This means that wand restoration has more synergy than armor on Medusa

          But ROA is more expensive, provide great aura for teamfight and provide slighly more damage. I think the trade-off between these two are minimal on Medusa, but I would just like to obtain some opinions.


            ROA is more damage and last hitting power that you will need with medusa in lane


              honestly try not to worry about little cheap items with medusa your goal is big items by the time your online you will have sold that wand or ROA its only to help you early mid game


                at first i thought ROA = rod of atos lol


                  I get both for early-mid game. My dilemma is in late game.


                    it really does not matter late game but Id say keep the ROA more dmg but honestly its situational some games you might want to keep wand. If your getting a lot of charges form heroes that spam spells you can just use wand alot more often


                      Also keep your road of atos Kappa


                        remember +1 armor on RoA, can be pretty good too

                        im so bad at artifact

                          They're both small, cost efficient items that you sell as you need space. Personally, I'd rather sell the wand first, as it's cheaper and usually you'll find yourself in need of DPS rather than survivability at the point in the game.

                          But the question is poorly worded, if you have both a wand and RoA (and whatever other small items you might have like MoM and/or Yasha) then I wouldn't really call that "late game".

                          Wand isn't even an item you should get every game to begin with. You don't need stick every game, let alone the upgrade to wand. Whereas aquila nicely builds out of your starting items and gives some fairly cost efficient early right click.


                            I am going for a build of Phase/Drum/Wand/RoA/Radiance(or MKB depending on enemies line-up)/TP scroll.

                            This is when I need to sell either RoA or Wand for the next major item. I agreed stick is not needed every game and I started off with wraith band. But then in the games that I have been experimenting, I tend to get stick more often than not. And since wand has been buffed and has a minimal upgrade cost, I just complete the upgrade.

                            Personally, I think the trade-off between these two at this point in time is minimal. But it seems that more people favour RoA. I guess I will sell wand off in the future.


                              Always Rod of Atos ;)