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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Muhammad Sumbul

    Bob ross is real lol.They have cancer heros but it seems your heros were more cancer

    Piece of irrelevant information:Played party ranked for 3 games and now solo unranked match is in hs from vhs . :(

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      @HatsuneMiekuah : yeah, few players go with Bara in this bracket so i thought the glimpse - counter inititiation would work fine. Allso i told VS to just rat & join safe teamfights for she would only pick up the pieces. Congrats on ranking up!

      @Ancalagon : total annihilation. must be a feel - good game for you right? ggwp


        Weird item choice - Pipe?

        Seems like an ez game, but u still lost almost 10k lead at 18:30, so that's kinda of weird.


          i like the windranger build


            @Morning Dota-Healthy Dota : I picked the wrong talent, 15% magic resist and i thought no one else would be tanking for us other than me doing suicide swaps so i opted for Pipe to maximize the reduced magic dmg.

            Skip me for having losing streak even in Ability Draft.


              Grimm it was a hard game for bs with their heroes. But you managed to ride out the meepo/huskar shennanigans and you won, gj


                Nice pick but Classic 2k match with 1 hard support , no spacemaker in their team and 3 hard carries . Still invoker decides to go QE instead of QW .Still its not bad that u managed to stomp them i have seen people throw these kinda games .

                Muhammad Sumbul

                  Absolute Stomp.Good days mate ,good days


                    Awesome job on void, that must be the bashiest game I have ever seen in my life lol everyone and their mom wants to bash


                      Nice KDA on Necro, your team was in sync from the very first minute of the game. Well deserved win. ggwp

                      Gullo Cutter

                        Feels good when all that supporting pays off.Monster amount of heals.Basically made the spec unkillable late game?With the grave and the heals+ww

                        Forget me not

                          Nc early game you almost won all of your lane.but a few mistake on the midgame fight make the game last longer. Your team could've ended the game earlier. Typical dagon eblads combo for your nyx destroying pugna and axe. I think eul is good in that game.


                            everything can work


                              Pretty good just 5 deaths as ES and most assist in the game so u were all over at right time


                                there's nothing insightful about my last game as shaman

                                Story Time

                                  there's nothing insightful about your last game as shaman. Maybe dont play support, because it does not fit your alpha male personality

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                                    IT WASN'T A SUPPORT SHAMAN. I had to run shaman as a pos 3.
                                    Morph first picked his hero, kotl joined him in the mid lane, then a random pleb picked am to counter storm (16k dmg in 45 mins) and riki.

                                    Story Time

                                      ^true Alpha :D

                                      PS you should have gone top to help AM in a trilane versus moneky and then he would have Bf faster and also you would not feed bot much

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                                        What part of am vs mk 1v1 u didnt understand

                                        Ant Eater

                                          rip support shaman


                                            TB itemized as per his team's line-up & early skirmishes, you should have won the game except having techies. It always makes me feel an auto -1 player for every team he goes in.


                                              A quite long-ass match that is eventually worth it


                                                I fucking throwed the game


                                                  Bad game, bad luck!? Everyone have those sometimes

                                                  Story Time

                                                    ^"I am with stupid" that is about you and your party player :D


                                                      Was his 1216th game with Silencer on this account.


                                                        @Kotato How so?

                                                        Story Time

                                                          @MulliPullervo I just played a few games but then could not stop collecting intellect points... you see, I need them to finish my phd

                                                          Gullo Cutter

                                                            Looking at the items i'd say the pango caused a shit load of trouble, nice job on all that warding m8


                                                              nice zues kda. is this ur smurf?

                                                              Gullo Cutter

                                                                ^More like the account i use to party up with others and to helm them with lp,shit like that.I only solo queue in my main.Technically yea a smurf but no at the same time,partying up in my main results in more loss than win usually
                                                                My main is the Ancalagon one you can see it on this forum.
                                                                Want that account To show totally VHS(doesn't mean shit but still,the legend of VHS :)) not possible when i party up(falls to HS or NS) so .......Made this get a lot of wins on this acc that one i can keep All VHS.Win-Win situation for me and my friends.
                                                                PS:Give me spec tips pls.Just cant seem to make the hero work no matter what i do

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                                                                  i dont play spec. this is just an acc i use to experiment builds and gameplay


                                                                    Turbo players (gawks). Prolly a smurf, so nothing to commend on. :D


                                                                      ez pt mmr, nice kda on tb too. good stomp & well deserved win

                                                                      100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                                        nice backups based on ur assists

                                                                        Gullo Cutter

                                                                          Too much turbo games


                                                                            Zero death PA very ez game XD


                                                                              BS abandoned, enjoy ez win


                                                                                Weird itemization for a roaming CK but good KDA... since I like to play CK as carry and! support I recommend to go for treads and soulring instead of manaboots. Drums are a good choice and urn aswell... depending on the farm/kills/assists u get in the early game u still could have gone for armlet.


                                                                                  WTF u lost your safelane when u was there as grimstroke and supporting MK

                                                                                  Why u pick new hero to ranked game? U want to lose?


                                                                                    I dont think that game is winnable. double mid, pa double daedalus with mael, agha mirana... even though youre jungling u had the most impact compared to your teammates. 10/10 unwinnable


                                                                                      Skip me just replying to GhostDE
                                                                                      1) I stayed top for the laning stage, I wasn’t roaming, save to get runes.
                                                                                      2) I was pos5 CK, my main goal was to sustain teammates while taking out the backline supports of the opponents.
                                                                                      3) Armlet against AA? Kek


                                                                                        I actually was top first and we killed top a few times before my monkey whined too much and I went bot to help out but he fed him already and was like 3 0 /4 0 on axe against my monkey/silencer lane
                                                                                        I stabilized the lane for monkey as good as I could but it took a few minutes.

                                                                                        1->Dotabuff said u were roaming... so I assumed that
                                                                                        2->I didn't critizise your CK support and your focuse there is the right choice
                                                                                        3->sry... totally forgot the AA pick in the enemy lines u can just forget about my armlet suggestion

                                                                                        SKIP ME


                                                                                          @G-zooz : filthy grimstroke picker


                                                                                            brown boots is a fucking joke

                                                                                            Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                              Looks like you guys didnt have enough right clickers for late game


                                                                                                Well played, nothing else to say..


                                                                                                  your team draft is bad nobody can neither burst mk down after bkb nor 1v1 fight as carry cause of the jingu bang and ring oh also storm spirit sucks

                                                                                                  Gullo Cutter

                                                                                                    Looks like a stomp,but how tf did they get megas???
                                                                                                    Also i prefer going aghs after rad,but looks like the game wast oo short for that

                                                                                                    federal agent

                                                                                                      Looks like your CK did heavy lifting, but you had good hero damage and had a decent-ish KDA. Not sure about the skill level, looks like low 3k. Nice megacreep comeback :p

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