General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay Sven.

Play Sven. in General Discussion

    soul ring is fine. your ulti and storm bolt pretty much deplete your mana pool instantly. its not about mana rege, its about piss poor int gain and mana pool that is sufficient to cast 2 spells.

    stupid hero challenge anyways.



      thats my point, this build is not about fighting early. Apart from punishing a careless offlaner or tp-ing in to clean up fights, I do not intend to join fights before Blink at least. I plan to farm. And for that, cleave is superior.

      mid game, when I finally am ready to join fights, I hit for over 3-400 a smack with level 2 GS. I would rather stats ensuring I can pull of GS-stun-warcry than a little more magical damage.


        May i know the trick how to kill all 5 creeps with low level cleave or early battlefury?
        Last hit like usual or hit the ranged first or something like that..

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          Sven is my fav melee hero. I downloaded and watched your replay and I tried to play like you. I still can't farm that fast, partly cos I still don't know how to stack creeps, partly cos I don't have a babysitter, I need to buy and place wards myself for safe farming. But I've improved a lot. I played 3 games on this account as Sven with 595 average GPM. Of all 3 games, I contributed the most HD in my team. On my old account, I played 88 games as Sven with only 358 GPM.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!