General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck out these QoP Games.

Check out these QoP Games. in General Discussion
Scorpion Smoker

    These are all of my QoP games, linked for your convenience.

    I have a decent grasp of the hero, don't build stupid items, and usually manage a decent KDA, but I still lose without fail. I don't feel like I'm bad at the hero, but the QoP losses are so consistent that I must be doing something fatally wrong each game with her. I know she isn't exactly the strongest hero to begin with, but you would think that after winning mid hard, snowballing and ganking other lanes, and pressing the early advantage in teamfights, and still managing a decent KDA in tough games I could win a game or two.

    TL;DR Rip my QoP item choices, GPM, XPM/picking QoP in the first place and me in general apart, I suck.


      You should calm down and realize that nobody cares about your stats.

      In fact, there's very few or none people who cares about other people stats, expect if they care in educational purposes.
      Where they want to learn something from someone.

      Nobody care about my stats, expect myself. Nor do anyone care about a guys stats on Queen of Pain, who he clearly can't play.


        Terrible farm on everyone on your team (Vanguard Venge?!?) and you farmed more than your team on a hero that should be out roaming and ganking. Protip - Never pick QOP vs a Skywrath and Storm it's just asking for trouble even with a BKB.

        Again, you farming for no reason and for nothing, your friends are feeding and have terrible builds and no one has any escapes vs their team which is appalling and sad.

        For 5 stacking you guys sure are bad, stop picking Venge, none of you know how to play the hero correctly. You do decently this time round but did you genuinely think that your lineup could beat theirs with farm?

        Again surprise!, you're farming for nothing again and their team just utterly stomps your weak 5 stack. I think you've heard enough so here are some tips.

        > You friends need to get good at the game
        > You need to get good at the game
        > Stop doing the same build over and over it's obviously ineffective
        > Stop farming, QoP is a good semi yes, but has the most effectiveness early which you're hurting by farming.
        > Stop letting your buddies pick Venge.

        This is what a Venge log should look like

        00:36 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman placed a Observer Ward Observer Ward
        00:50 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman killed by Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit's auto attack. Gave 409, lost 30, dead for 3
        00:54 Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit placed a Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
        01:02 Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit destroyed a Observer Ward Observer Ward
        01:60 Double Damage Rune Double Damage Rune has spawned bottom
        02:15 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman killed by Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit's auto attack with Brewmaster Witch Doctor . Gave 209, lost 30, dead for 3
        02:22 Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit got a 2x multi-kill
        02:22 Earthshaker Earthshaker killed by Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit's auto attack with Brewmaster Witch Doctor . Gave 209, lost 29, dead for 3
        02:29 Pugna Pugna bottled the bottom Double Damage Rune Double Damage Rune
        02:52 Pugna Pugna activated the bottom Double Damage Rune Double Damage Rune from their bottle
        04:00 Invisibility Rune Invisibility Rune has spawned bottom
        04:09 Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit activated the bottom Invisibility Rune Invisibility Rune
        04:40 Kunkka Kunkka killed by Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit's Magic Missile Magic Missile with Brewmaster Witch Doctor . Gave 227, lost 90, dead for 11
        05:12 Kunkka Kunkka killed by Brewmaster Brewmaster's auto attack with Witch Doctor Vengeful Spirit . Gave 227, lost 90, dead for 10
        05:17 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman killed by Witch Doctor Witch Doctor's auto attack with Brewmaster Vengeful Spirit . Gave 218, lost 60, dead for 6
        05:36 Witch Doctor Witch Doctor purchased a Observer Ward Observer Ward
        05:43 Pugna Pugna destroys the Radiant Tier 1 Middle Tower
        05:52 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman purchased a Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
        05:60 Haste Rune Haste Rune has spawned bottom
        06:05 Tidehunter Tidehunter activated the bottom Haste Rune Haste Rune
        06:21 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman placed a Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
        06:37 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman placed a Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
        06:41 Earthshaker Earthshaker purchased a Observer Ward Observer Ward
        06:50 Earthshaker Earthshaker killed by Witch Doctor Witch Doctor's auto attack with Vengeful Spirit . Gave 227, lost 90, dead for 11
        06:56 Shadow Shaman Shadow Shaman killed by Brewmaster Brewmaster's Thunder Clap Thunder Clap with Witch Doctor Vengeful Spirit . Gave 227, lost 90, dead for 10

        Taken from an SCL Tournament I was standing in for

        This comment was edited

          U FARM A SHIT!




              oh wow havoc actually cares :impressed:


                havoc best dotabuff poster



                  Quick maffs

                    I am awful with QoP too chill



                      benao > havoc :D

                      Dire Wolf

                        Without going into detailed analysis of your games, just commenting on the hero in general, she is weak, one of the weakest mids currently. 9th worst win rate this month, 10th worst this patch. So understand you're playing a not ideal hero.

                        She's weak mid cus popular mids right now beat her. Bloodseeker handles her harass with ease, has a silence and dot dmg of his own, viper beats everyone, puck and storm are better.

                        Other super huge weakness is she is awful once someone gets bkb. She'll do zero dmg. So knowing this you need to gank the crap out of side lanes and carrys before they get bkb. You are not going to carry the game. You're not even a semi carry. You're a nuker/ganker and that's it. Get your team a big early lead or you will lose.


                          @Timberwolf. R u serious????
                          so ur sayin me that a bloodseeker can withstand qop in mid asuming they r of equal skill....and storm can do the same?? (puck has the edge tho not by much). First things first qop aint a weak hero, as some1 that has her as my fav hero and over 500+ games i can say that she aint the best in a single specified role but she is quite versatile compared to heroes that ppl think do the same as her such as storm puck TA etc... she is a snowballing hero she deals good amount of aoe dmg and has high mobility but what makes her deadlier in my eyes is her ability to blink every 6 sec for 60 when the time comes to clear waves/jungles and splitpush u can consider her the best at that compared even to storm who needs to burn mos of his mana pool to move around with his ult, and the other thing is her natural high agility gain which makes qop a gr8 rightlicker (battlemage build along with furion and invoker), and a rightclicking qop will carry the game, just think of her as a ranged antimage blink on ranged hero means that u gonna get poked infinitely. Imagine say for example u excel at the early game and get a fast orchid ( which i bet my hat that qop is the fastest at getting a orchid) u start to transition to rightclicking....say after bkb u go armor deduction build deso/assault/crit. Whats gonna happen is that u gonna carry the game and far better than with a scythe or some god forbid it aghs that ppl tend to think is good on qop >.>. ofc that happens when ur teammates r incapable of doin their job and ofc varies from the enemy team...sometimes u dont have the luxury to stay for an autoattack even for a second so u will be forced to manage with orchid/shivas/scythe and even then her righclick is pretty decent.

                          To get to the point fast my advice would be:
                          Dont listen to these strange dudes who say dont farm, gank. Farm if u cant get the kill on the gank some heroes r harder to get a succesful kill, unless u r sure, or u already have the orchid. And with farm i mean farm ur ass off make sure to stay on top of the charts and get shit goin asap. Antimages rule applies here aswell, since u can blink u can farm faster than anyother mid hero but u cant outcarry the farm faster then them and get kills on the proccess since u can and end it before they come fully online and u r hopeless. :)


                            because you have no fucking farm


                              In short to much time dedicated to farming without actually farming anything. If you were better you could do both, farm and gank but given where you are you might have to just pick one till you get better.


                                worst farm i ever seen on QOP. dont know how u could be so poor on a hero with AOE nuke and 6sec blink.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!