General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker help

invoker help in General Discussion

    this is my first game with invoker since i became competent at dota, what could i have done better in this game, and lets kind of ignore my teammates as best as possible......

    We were a 5 stack and were kind of derping around, but we were serious about derping around!

    Also keep in mind, for some reason my fingers were off a little at times so i was hitting invoke when trying to switch orbs.

    the realm's delight

      uhm, first of all dont build a fucking radiance?
      and use a proper skill build


        ^i know, radiance was because we had the game in the bad at the time, but that armlet BF timber could only carry us so far.

        and what is a proper skill build, please elaborate.

        the realm's delight

          as i can see you went for the quas wex build, you usually get 4 points in quas and max wex, then go for exort (unless you rush an orchid in which case you can also max quas and leave exort for last, but even then i would get exort after wex)
          its not a big deal but your items dont really synergyse with your skill build, unless you would go for control comboes in which case you have assured follow up by your teammates (and you do with sonic wave and disruptor, but idk if you pulled those comboes up well)

          this is up to you now, but i usually put more points into invoke only after i max wex (so like i get lvl 2 invoke at lvl 14)

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            ^i usually try to max wex first (I get more quas if i really need the regen) because wex means better nado range and damage, more mana burn from emp, and faster running during ghost walk. After maxing wex i get the 4th point in quas and then max exort.

            Regardless, qw invoker is WAYY out of meta. QE invoker is the only way to go nowadays.

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              I'll give it a look tomorrow night


                @wink, i know QE is the better one to do, but QW is the one i can pull off right now. Landing SS to hard for me, i can land a hook, i can land an arrow, i can land a rocket, i can land and Ice blast, but SS too many skillz 4 me.


                  QE doesnt revolve around SS, it revolves around disintegrating towers with alacrity on your necro creeps and spirits :D

                  He can participate in a deathball with his tremendous push, or rat, or completely stop a deathball with icewall and DB. So OP in current meta if not shut down early.

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                  Low Expectations

                    The amount of WTF in the skillbuild and itemazation is just too high


                      I know that, but i still need to contribute else were, i can do the forge spirits and the coldsnap but i still want to help out my team....

                      I landed one SS in this game, and it was a kill steal on a low HP enemy in a corner

                      the realm's delight

                        also you dont need to be a ss master as long as you 5 stack, just get set up like a stun or something. nightmare disruption chrono fissure burrow strike etc


                          QE invoker cant do shit in teamfights until he has high levels, thus you splitpush.

                          I'll make a build real quick and link it to you so you can see what i generally do.


                            no, the right way to play invoker is to build aghanim straight after phase boots
                            #roadto7k :happytears:



                              Mouse over the yellow outlined stuff to read the descriptions.

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                                thank you wink, we still lost, but is this better



                                  Looks better, though you got your ulti really late. Also, against Tinker it's a good idea to get BKB instead of hex.



                                    wink can you watch this just to make sure im doing it right
                                    It feels good. I still have a lot to learn, but it feels really good.


                                      Last thing dota needs is more invoker fanboys.


                                        Unless you got your exort at level 3 for emergency sunstrike, its much better to get quas at level 3 so you can have coldsnap. The shivas was questionable, but it looks like you did the rest just fine (adequate HD, great TD) fine. Your gpm and xpm are a bit low, try to land more last hits instead of walking around doing nothing. A good rule of thumb to follow: If it feels good, you're on the right path.

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                                          Took me at least 4 hours over several months to write that guide. Hope it helps.


                                            i've read your guide grim, trust me ive read them. I just don't have the experience of invoker knowledge to know when to do what and when to have what spells up at what time. But with some help i feel ive gotten better.


                                              If you can't land sunstrikes QE is worthless IMO. He already is pretty useless helping sidelanes, if you can't land sunstrikes then a contested sidelane turns into a lost sidelane.
                                              On the other hand, QW has great ganking potential but his base dmg is trash and it's really hard to get much from your lane until 3-4 mins in. This lack of dmg forces him to rely on teammates to actually kill people after you initiate and set up the gank (tornado + emp + csnap = Kill secured). This is fine if you play stacked, but if you solo que you don't know what kind of people you're playing with, making this build kinda risky.


                                                After i saw this thread, i checked my last invoker matches. result:
                                                :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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                                                the realm's delight

                                                  if u play in stacks just pick lame shit like rhasta lycan (or luna) vengeful invoker and furion/veno offlane and 20 minutes into the game your supports will have more items/gold than their carry. necro units, forge spirits, alacrity, lycan wolfes and howl, rhasta wards, treants/veno wards and more damage auras? ppl cant walk into that shit, they will just melt. and so will towers. but then again you need to find experience for your supports so they kinda have to make those rotations happen.

                                                  we've all seen how gay pushing lineups are

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                                                    i would like tot hank you all for the help



                                                      try to go quas wex build and rush phase + orchid
                                                      go QQW + QQQ + orchid kill some heroes like a nyx
                                                      It's easiest build on this hero and might work on ur mmr


                                                        NEVER build radiance on that hero. NEVER.


                                                          Go wex exort build, instagib 5 heroes with a simple combo, get 5k mmr.


                                                            sunrise come we play some ar


                                                              u dont even need a eul if you get that necro book. shit's op on invo because of that cold snap procs with necro boys and forged spirits.