General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone know how to fix groups?

Anyone know how to fix groups? in General Discussion

    For example, Meepo.

    I have to manually set each Meepo a group from F1 to F5 and #1 and #2 for 2 seperate meepo groups. When I use Invoker, steam auto remembers my forge spirits grouping so why can't it do that for Meepo?


      dota doesnt remember your setting for invoker...

      by default, 1 is select all units and 2 is select all units except for main hero

      This comment was edited

        It does on many heroes...?

        Such as illusion grouping, forge spirit grouping, treants, wolves, Necromonicon blablabla.


          it never remembers mine



            Like on Furion it has 'remembered' my hotkeys as #1 select all units, #2 select treants, #3 necro. Its really important especially for clutch plays like levelling during a fight...

            which pisses me off I need to pause for 4-5 seconds to rearrange my Meepo groups.


              no... it didnt remember your setting, that is the default settting


                it does, but doesnt work randomly for some heroes

                most of my heroes have illusion (from runes) set to 1. my TA for some reason has 1 binded to ALL UNITS and i have to rebind it manually every match.

                no idea why

                .  .

                  it works for ctrl+number, it fails for F-something afaik


                    its annoying for meepo but i rearrange it every time..


                      Let me teach you the ways my brother. My controls for meepo are usually 1 - Every meepo 2 - main meepo 3 - clones.

                      So go to settings and change

                      Select Hero : 2
                      Select all units : 1
                      Select al other units : 3

                      Now you never ever have to ever do anything for meepo controls ever again. Unless u wnat to group 4 : 2nd and 3rd meepo 5: 4th and 5th meepo :)

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!