General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo MMR evolution

Solo MMR evolution in General Discussion

    I think most people are kinda stuck in the same solo MMR since the calibration.
    Any of you guys has had significant gain / loss?
    I started with 4450 and I'm now sitting at 4630, but it's a very slow evolution =(


      started 3.6k, lowest it ever got was 3k after 75 games, now it's 3.4k after 120. Was really depressing at 3k watching people build crap like BF BH

      Ples Mercy

        I lold.
        I have the exact same problem like u. I started at 4,4k but cant get past the 4,8k mark. Everytime i reach the end of 4,78x i get a losstreak and get back to 4,4k only to go back to 4,7xx and then again back to 4,4k

        Lion knows the feeling.

        Luckily i found that sexy storm guide, im hoping to break that fucking curse with it :'D

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          oddly enough i started at ~4050... raised it to 4900 in the first couple of days....had some issues started ruining and went down to 4600... second phase down to 4300 but im like dormant now and at a steady ~4500


            Since calibration I've been between 3350 and 3650, but played only about 50 ranked games.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I started with 5500. Highest I got was 5700. It's fucking impossible with all these retards.

              Proud Boi

                It might just mean you are where you belong at, sano. I started at an mmr of 4500, then went down to 4000, and up to 4800. I then lingered between 4800 and 4500 for a couple of months. A week ago i went on a 10 game lose streak, and while it emotionally decimated me, I did not suffer a mental breakdown (unlike this guy: ). Anyway, after that lose streak i went down to 4550. However, matchmaking has been real good to me this week, so during the past 7 days i have increased my mmr to an all time high of 5020 and thus ending my Roadto5k. But whatever, my point is that, at least from my experience, mmr do change a lot. And knowing that, I'm probably gonna take a break from Doto so not to ruin my 5K achievement.

                thx k bye.

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                  3900 started and I'm now in 3925

                  Maybe having played only a single game after I got my calibration score has something to do with it.


                    I do think I belong around 4,6k, but I feel I'm always slowly improving at Dota, and my MMR isn't going down as well, I'm veeeery slooowly climbing, but I never manage to get more than +25 a day.

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                      5.3k-5.4k-started playing support-5k-started playing terrorblade-5.3k


                        my team=drooling monkies, in beginning of ranked you were at my 3.7k mmr range so ur definitely lying about what you started at and most likely what you have now...


                          well sam... your mobility that game was resticted... youshoulve gotten...nvm u got all u shouldve gotten sadly your team sucked :D
                          shit happens


                            started at 3400 went up to 4100 now im at 3950


                              3.6 -> 4.0 k
                              now turning back


                                up almost 800 points now

                                amigo pool

                                  started at 5200, now I have



                                    start playing 4k,
                                    playing random hero 3 week 4,5k
                                    playing lycan 1 week 5k


                                      Dude I was watching monkeys-forever stream, that guy's almost 6k MMR and he had a Necro who ignored the whole team and went for Dagon
                                      I mean, I don't find this kind of player on SA at all. I find it funny because people mostly think SA is full of retards, but my experience in NA is way worse


                                        yer im watching monkeys stream too hes been pwned lately he was 6.2k last week now hes like 5.9k i think one day i watched him he lost 7 in a row D: he should just stick to his TB :D:D:D:D

                                        i started at 3.7k now 4.6k :)

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                                          ^^ SA is full of retards. It's just that people, for some reason think other servers are different.


                                            i started at calibration,didnt play anymore =D


                                              SA is full of retarded people, but even though they are retarded, they never pick a carry when you need a support, they never ignore the team and proceed to farm a Dagon, they never intentionally feed for no reason. In US east, I played like ~15 games in the last months and I've had issues like these in around 30% of them

                                              one and half gun

                                                went from 3k to 6.1k


                                                  sano thats cause lots of peruvians play on NA


                                                    ^^^ You have suddenly made me want to try SA again. Seeing as how one of my friends confirmed there is no lag anymore (would you beleive it?), I have even more reason to. I still shudder at all those NA games where someone picks a support in order to "rush" (gotten in 35 minutes after feeding 10 or so kills) a fucking Aghanim's...

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                                                      in SA i always run into issues like people fighting for mid lane, stacks flaming solo q player and not letting him play a core, leavers...iunno im brazilian but i have to admit most ppl here are batshit retarded


                                                        well sano u gotta understand! if u do your job right and your team doesnt (finish the game) then u dont give a fuck even if u win. in one of my last games i got 2 divines with crystal maiden and am still wasnt 6 slotted by the time i got my first one.


                                                          just face it, the only people rising significantly in mmr are those playing broken heroes like phoenix and tb

                                                          if u care so much about it, play them urself, but personally i rate self dignity and long term improvement higher

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Mine's gone down a lot, from 3600s to ~3200. Had some big losing streaks. Weird thing is my group keeps going up and I only 2 stack with a friend who is around same mmr. I think it's hero selection. I generally don't play the most pub friendly heroes but they do well in groups. It really sucks, it seems like if you want to win solo consistently you have to pick viper, mirana, luna etc every game.


                                                              Its strange because I have around 100 less MMR than I did when I started solo queue around 100 - 130 matches ago.

                                                              I started on 3900, fluctuated as low as 3600 and as high as 4100 and I now sit on 3800.


                                                                @ Sano or anyone here...

                                                                What is SA anyways?


                                                                  South America aka full of shit


                                                                    Ive moved up about 300 MMR +/-40 And its been all lately, though ive feel ive just begun playing a bit better then usual so idkkk


                                                                      started at 4.1k, reached the peak of 4.99k, currently at 4.75k.


                                                                        started at 3.4k and after a couple months was able to get 3.9k


                                                                          Started 4600, got 4800 in 1 day, now after 200 games still 4800/4899-ish . Cursed to stay under 4900 ( now i have 4899)


                                                                   (Game shown here is a party ranked)

                                                                            Tards in all brackets.

                                                                            I only got out of calibration yesterday and played 7 solo games, won them all, started at 4k now 4.2k. I expect I'll level out around 4500.

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                                                                              Honestly, i think you have to be alittle out of touch to think the 5.5k bracket is full of "retards". It is absolutely relative, but the reality almost all those players earned their way to that bracket, and everyone has bad games.

                                                                              Also, the game you linked doesn't even seem that bad. No ridiculous picks, no insanely bad item builds. Just people have bad games or getting beat. That is what happens in high tier dota games.


                                                                                down by 1k in solo mmr

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  @Concede It's not about the picks, but the gameplay. It was just so terrible. I was honestly trying to carry the team alone, whole game long. How does a QoP die 13 times with a first item BKB? Yes, she doesn't. I don't even know how did DUZA gaming won that tourney with a captain like this.


                                                                                    started with 3.2k now 3.7k im proud cuz im still going up


                                                                                      @ Sano

                                                                                      Check out this SA guy I had. Jakiro had 0 points in ice path the whole game, and using google translate (bad choice.... cant cut and paste....) he was doing a "farm jakiro" build. Bad choice trying to translate what he was saying as it ended up in my deaths several times.... will not do it again. Horrible lycan build by me.... stupid pick because I kept getting ganked and gambled I would but gambled I wouldn't... idk.... either way I would of had an easier time farming if he could stop the safe lane with an ice path every now and again and assist his hero in securing kills.

                                                                                      Either way I get about the equal dumb dumb babies from any country on North america, americas South america, it really doesn't matter. Stupid people breed every day and it just takes that what I call 10%er 1/10 guy to fuck it all up for your team.

                                                                                      P.S. I feel after playing with UK/Europe people on my friends list that their servers have less dummies then the NA/SA servers. EU West/East seems to be decent but the language barrier keeps me from playing there without one of my friends from there.

                                                                                      Oh up 400 pts but staying steady this weekend at 2.9k went 50%.... didn't solo mmr much though and went higher on my team mmr which is at 3.05k now. So a 700 pt improvement since January. (so long as I scope out my friends list who sucks, and who doesn't before dedicating to team mmr queue has helped out a ton. Still polite and will go unranked with them.)


                                                                                        went 300 up to 4.4k, back at 4287 now


                                                                                          i barely touch ranked but i went up 350 mmr from where i started. XVrogue grinded 100 games in the first 2 weeks of ranked and went from 3500 to 5500

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                                                                                            what hero does xvrogue using?


                                                                                              @ WINK

                                                                                              WTF 100 games in 2 weeks???????????? thats.... how much time???

                                                                                              What a game lasts about 30 min to an hour so.....

                                                                                              30 min games x 100 = 50 hours minimum ( not to mention queue time, and picking time is longer in captains draft/mode)

                                                                                              1 hr games x 100 = 100 hours minimum. I really need to rethink my lifestyle.

                                                                                              My Job and my kids/wife are getting in the way of my dota 2 life. Anyone want my kids? I'm putting them up for adoption and I'm quitting my job and going on gov't food stamps thats all there is to it. Having a house and a car is overrated. Or maybe these people that can dedicate that much time because everything is taken care for them. Why do I have to work for everything? Not fair I want to win the lottery or something.


                                                                                                I started with 3900, now I have 4400.


                                                                                                  I went from 3.7k - 3.9k with a 10 winstreak
                                                                                                  Barely played rank but Im going up the ladder

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                                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                                    I think there is a big discreptency between your "best hero" and your avrage hero, at least 700points. I dropped around 500 mmr in 3 days a while ago when I started playing tinker and meepo. Took me long time to work it up again using my more standard heroes. I prefare playing initiators (Storm,Bat etc) The problem now is that with 168h hour mute its difficult to sbow where I will jump. :D


                                                                                                      I've been playing very poorly and my rating has been dropping.