General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to really find players with good attitudes and fight the psycholo...

How to really find players with good attitudes and fight the psychology of dota. in General Discussion

    So I've been noticing things that people do in Dota which makes me cynical and not want to trust them. I've been trying to find teams and practice but it seems like when i put myself up on a website. I get bombarded with people in like 3k rating mmr wanting me to try out. Now I understand that they want to practice and start doing legit dota theory crafting but I think people truly don't understand when they are ready to be this serious about something.

    This happens in CM all the time when people pick heroes for people. They Always say, "Yo pick me Lycan (I have a 80% winrate with him). But it never occurs to them that they have 50 games with him and 30 of them were in normal skill pool where they won 100% of them and 20 games where they won 50% or whatever. I got 100% winrate with nightstalker but i only have 10 games, that doesnt mean I would tell people to pick it for me. I do have 150 games with rubick and even though I'm confident enough to play cm with rubick,but I know there are some things I need to work on in comparison to pro play.

    So why is this a thing? And why do people insist on only thinking in their own circle of friends and enemies. There is a whole pro scene that pretty much shows you the cream of the crop. There is no need to be indulged in your own ideas at a lower level.


      Sometimes players with low amount of games are very good with some heroes and less with others so they don't want a hero they don't master. I think you really get better with a hero after you practice it several times, usually when I'm capitain and listen others asking for heros I try to tell who I will pick and look how much players can play anything, for players who ask heroes they usually say 3-4 and one of them can fit in your strategy, if none of these heroes can fit in your strategy always get one or two heroes easy to play likethat they can take it. And when you'll take an hero more difficult to play always ask if someone can play him and if one say yes make sure to tell him to get it. But basically I never listen others if they try to make an other strategy that the one I have.

      Now I have a question about your invoker 69 games, very good KDA 4.23 but only 40% wr, what's wrong ?


        Playing with 3 accounts i realised that win% with heros doesnt seem accurate. I have very high disparity % with some heros which is really confusing.
        One of many reasons might be the fact that you just cant predict whenever MM places u in team as highest valued player or lowest.
        that means that you might have been lucky/coincidence whenever u picked a certain hero enemy team had leaver, you had someone playing his strongest who basically wins alone, etc which leads u to easy wins and a possible inaccurate display of your true performance with each hero (and viceversa ofc)

        Or the guy (which mm expects to have low impact due to his history (maybe because he randoms all the time and doesnt know how to squeeze the best out of each hero potential) who suddenly picks his best hero and has a much higher impact than expected and feels like the best rated player in your team but snowballs fast; ty to the "actual" highest rated player in your team. Those games usually end up in the One-Sided Matchmaking Game Log.

        This could be minimized if you play with a team. Solo queueing implies too many random factors that can truly fuck up your true display of skill whth each hero.

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          avoid people with [A] or navi in their name (other teams are ok)
          avoid people that have natures prophet/broodmother as their top 5 (THIS ONE IS REALLY IMPORTANT)
          avoid people who think they are god
          avoid anyone that ever 5-stacks the same strat/heroes for more than 2 matches in a row

          Gratz you just made your games more enjoyable

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            In CM mode I always ask captain to pick "easy" heroes. Because they often take heroes like Rubick, Shadow Demon or Visage completely ignoring his teammates capabilities to play these high skill heroes well.



              I disagree with you what you describe should even out the more you play and 70 games is a lot, it's his top 4 hero after all.


                oh well, i didnt chek his acc, just got hooked by you comment, because i have f.e. with pudge and wr a 15-20% difference.


                  You will find them when you see them. Or you could try calling them out and telling them to add you because you love them?

                  What I mean by "find them when you see them" -

                  Examples of people with pleasant attitudes:

                  1. I take the hero I want from the Captain Mode pool
                  2. Someone wanted the hero I took, but instead of rage quitting, he picked a different role and EVEN gave me a tango and ward!

                  A. Someone is bitching at my teammate before the game even started
                  B. That teammate that is being bitched at, is now trying to take my farm.
                  C. I say, "Hey man, calm down, me and him will just have a cs match (whoever farms better get's the farm).

                  fyi I'm not always that positive, it's highly unlikely that I'll be nice if you're a douchebag. (which is actually counter-productive)

                  And good players, will just show you that they're good players. If you're getting pissed off because they're whooping your ass in lane (and you know it's not luck or pure lane advantage), then you found a good player.

                  Lorenzo VI

                    How to avoid the general ass hole-ness in Dota?

                    Don't judge people by their MMR, Don't reject people based purely on stats and hero choices and don't make posts complaining about a stereotype you clearly are an example of.


                      Play other calm games, feel calm and play only 1 or 2 doto games per day.Feels good really, i do it myself.About raging players, i just laugh them silently and move on.


                        Ban Pinoys from playing dota


                          Well yes, the winrate for heroes is pretty inaccurate. There are people with a 90% winrate with heroes for like 6.78 and then they never play them again and keep the winrate. I have 80 games with pudge but I only have a 38% winrate. But I haven't touched pudge in over 4-5 months. I picked pudge back in my noob days when I didnt know what I was doing. Maybe they should have a thing that shows most played heroes withing a 2 month period and their winrate. Rather than throughout the whole time. 3 of my top played heroes i dont touch often on this account and ive been playing dota on it for a good 2 years now I think.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!