General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper Imbalanced?

Sniper Imbalanced? in General Discussion

    pretty much what fuhrer/whoji said. sniper has little to no flashfarm ability (compared to most carries...shrapel is quite underwhelming). you also are essentially making skadi a core on him simply because he needs more hp when in reality all he has to do is stack a ton of damage and positioning items.

    if you really want to go that route just go armlet. it gives you all of the things you want without getting you a waste of int/mana/slow, then go into damage items.

    also blink isn't really necessary, force staff is much better on him. works as a good repositioning spell so you cant get jumped. blink is kind of a waste because in reality all ur supposed to do in fights is afk in the back till it starts then find a good spot to fire from, which can be done from the back and force staff if they go on you.

    once again the same thing applies to sny. you're better off picking up something like a desolator or something. just stack single target damage over survivability since the survivability route makes him deal next to no damage = wasted money, even though you have a lot of survivability.



      What was your item build before you got to the end game? That's always the more insightful lesson.


        Thank you shadow, this seems like the perfect time to dispel the myth that you need damage items on sniper to do damage.

        Shadows game:
        +damage items
        +1 and half hours long
        +34.7k hero damage

        My game
        +47 minutes
        +S&Y and Skadi
        +39.8k hero damage

        King of Low Prio

          mask of madness and mkb are defensive items......



            The current "acceptable" build for sniper is to stack a whole bunch of damage items with maybe a blink. Any deviation from it is seen as bad, and in fact, every game of sniper I lose with my build, the whole team calls me a newbie even though I usually have the greatest hero damage, fewest deaths, and tons of impact. Had we lost with me getting damage items, they'd then annoying chop it up to "sniper is a bad hero." This is exactly the toddler mentality (which is against impartial thought, science, logic, and so on) that I am attacking with my thread.

            The fact that I have ANY HP items that are not damage is odd in the eyes of most people. And the point I made is still flaring: He made THREE damage items and played TWICE AS LONG AS ME. And I still did more damage than him.

            My build's merits end games faster, safer, and with less tension (things are easier). With an S&Y early, you are not 100% dead any time you get stunned. You aren't 100% dead every time a BH comes out. And, as I am trying to point out with a case study, you still fucking rape people. His ultimate is damage (a lot, actually). His headshot is damage, amplified greatly by cheap attack speed. And once you establish safety, get more damage.

            Mortimer Smith

              i dont know how good u are, but when i pick storm spirit or slark aganist sniper i own him.
              If u put close to snip he is die



                storm and slark:

                I distinctly remember that game - I picked up my ogre axe and a belt of strength from the side shop after my boots before anything else. I had 1.1k by the time storm tried to gank me. Ran home with about 200 hp.



                  we have a winner.
                  37 min. 31-0-15

                  Quick maffs

                    Sniper is my favorite food when i am playing clock ( or almost any other hero in dota 2 ) , but yeah if i ever played that piece of shit i would get S&Y instead of manta and if needed forcestaff.


                      whoji, no one is impressed with your performance against 5 hidden profiles in your bracket of play with 3000 or 4000 MMR.

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                        Here is an example of the "sniper blame game"


                        Apparently my choice of sniper made solo mid pugna never leave mid, go 0-4, and overall do nothing. It also made the mirana go 0-5 against solo faceless void, never leave her lane, and do nothing. It also made the supports never buy wards. Right...

                        The worst part is their hatred for me intensified when I was literally begging for them to just do things. "Mirana, please just come gank with arrow. You don't need to go toe-to-toe with FB. You'r just feeding him. Mid, please carry a TP. We just had a fucking 25 second battle with their mid, if you came we would have killed them all. etc.etc."


                          God, another example:

                          I would call it literally 25 to 40 seconds before I got ganked each and every time. The supports would just be sitting on mid doing nothing. Smokes bought: 0 (2 after I started telling them about it, but we had already lost). I kept bitching more and more and more. At 20 minutes, already 0 - 7 with sniper blame in full effect, I finally got through to one player, the ogre. I expained "these 2 players gank me 100% of the time - this is DETERMINISTIC PLAY. IT'S AS IF WE HAVE A MAP HACK AND THERE IS NO FOG OF WAR. I KEEP TELLING YOU GUYS TO BE HERE, SMOKE AROUND ME, KILL THEM, SECURE MY FARM, ETC." At 20 minutes, even without any farm, one player, ogre, finally helps me. I live, we get a kill. Too little too late. I am already 5,000 gold in the whole. We lost. But yeah, lack of support movements/obvious help (obvious since I called they are ganking me), lack of wards, lack of smokes, lack of ANYTHING really = "blame sniper".

                          Arek Akashi

                            I tried your build Vandal and it's fucking awesome I usually make 1)phase-->sange yasha -->MoM--> mkb (if we need more dmg and they have evasion) or eye of skadi . Tank sniper rules!!



                              "... in your bracket of play with 3000 or 4000 MMR."

                              lol. I bet everyone in this thread are 3000 or 4000MMR. if you are 5000 mmr , why the fuck you still play sniper . XD

                              la the yeezy

                                Had the guts to play sniper ranked solo queue for the first time. Damn that hero is not as weak as they say it is. He is a beast in the early laning stage considering your enemy doesn't have lockdown (bane potm) for example. Bristleback got shitted in lane. I tried your build im tot a fan of your build though vandal. Madness--->Drums-->Manta--->Daedalus--->skadi is much better imo

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                                la the yeezy

                                  Of course I think you know better than me

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Vandal, i agree with your item build, i dont agree in saying that sniper is a good choice in a high level game


                                      sniper is one of the worst heroes in the game