General Discussion

General DiscussionAnother ranked MM whining

Another ranked MM whining in General Discussion

    Last calibrating game. Invoker+LV+riki in a party, all reported me for feeding :D.

    Ok, got my rank, ~3700.

    Again, same 3 guys, slardar not in the stack. How? Don't reports mean that those guys do not want to play with me any more? Jungling mirana. Rubik hit more arrows then she did. SB slardar, SB venge. Does ranked ever get better? Does going CM and not AP really help?

    Had a great game before that. It was hard, but at least team tried.

    Ples Mercy

      Cm is even worse.

      Also no it doesnt, you can report them as much as u want, u will still get matches with them.


        well cm is no guarantee of a good match
        1 week ago i played with a rubick on my team that left the base without ANYTHING (really, no tango, branches, salve, wards, really NOTHING). he rushed an arcane boots, kept using bolt to steal farm from our carry, kept pushing the safelane, if i'm not wrong he didnt uplvl telekinesis even once.. the only spell he stole was that splash from naga, which is pretty useless on rubick

        the rest of the team was decent so we managed to win despite him

        King of Low Prio

          CM has the same retards the only benefit is you dont have to deal with ES or brood