General Discussion

General DiscussionRepetetive Strain Injury (RSI)

Repetetive Strain Injury (RSI) in General Discussion

    Anyone has it or think they're going to get it...If yes share your story :D Cause imo, playing dota daily will surely give us RSI, no doubt about it


      lay off the mouse.

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      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        use the claw method. Helps to practise Iron palm technique too. If you are getting numbing by elbows your using a low dpi mouse also helps to relax the eblow. Get a high one like 3000+ dpi so 1 inch is whole screen. Finger bending and stretching helps too. Your body will get used to 10 hours a day for dota in 2-3 years. Also all pro SC2 players have some from of nearsightness & arthritis, so it's inevitable.

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        Woof Woof

          as someone who played 12 years day in day out at least 10h+back in school days and aroun 20h when i quit with literally 0 other activities i can tell you one thing it takes a lot of time + first thing that will go out will be your knees which is funny because its last thing i would expect back in the day now i cant even stand up from chair properly without pain in both of them
          i would sy you got solid 3 years beforing developing any sort of pain /feeling of tightness in wrists + 2/3 years for pain in elbows and when it come to numbness its usually pretty random timing with it
          srsly if you play all day long just do some pushups, sit ups some stretches so you wont end up like a walking wreck in your 20s

          #you should be more concern with mental issues and psychosis u are going to develop rather sooner than later

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            yup dead hand is ded


              Go to gym 3x-4x per week and all fine.


                I had to wear a brace for 6 months when it was really's what I get for putting so much time into DotA and Battlefield


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