General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport jungling doom.

Support jungling doom. in General Discussion

    any guides or good replays? Or tell me starting/early-game items as I'm not used to jungling with this hero.

    King of Low Prio

      eat stuff


        kill low and medium camps till lvl 3, stack the high camp
        devour a wildkin and kill with high camp stack with a tornado

        build for a support doom would be arcane boots, mek, vlads
        eat the alpha wolf or the ice ogre later


          Thanks, but I'm generally talking about starting/early items. shield and then bottle or straight headdress? what's a good item progression.


            start with stout, optional regen, get a bottle into boots necro 1into basi (you need the mana pool first, after the time you get necro 1 your stout shield starts to lose effectiveness and you need to back it up with armor) into necro 3 into vlads. skill build should be at least 3 points in devour (you should spend your levels 1-5 in jungle mostly) and at least 1 point in scotched earth, then 1 point in lvl death, save skill points to put into lvl death depending on the first few heroes that you are going to gank.
            Necro has good synergy with doom as it provides you with mana pool that you need and the necrowarriors gain the regen and movespeed bonus


              if there are better mek carriers then doom shouldnt go mek. doom is mana starved, and the synergy of necrobook and the need to get it early means mek and necrobook are mutually exclusive items, in which case necrobook would be the better option

              Woof Woof

                stout + 1 salve + 1 mana potion usually is enough unless you have no luck and get centaurs/ursas everywhere
                when it comes to items just go botle + bots unles enemy is roaming then bots first

                + then usually mana boots/ or that armor for 550 which is part of mek forgot its name it also depends how u play if u dont gank and just farm armor first

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                  "Neutral camps will not spawn the same set of creeps twice in a row." this reduces the chance a bit but it's still luck based I agree. But chance to not get a single wildwing is very low


                    HNS made this video a while ago, but luck is a bitch sometimes.


                      ^^ Love the vid.

                      Doom needs Armor badly. Stout + Ring of Protection should help here.

                      The next problem is mana. A soul ring or Basilius can fix this. Basilius fits well into item progression. Soul ring is not that bad I guess combined with scorched earth - you'll actually get all the HP back. His strength gain is 3.2/l so you'll have plenty of HP after a few levels. By the time you have a soul ring and if you have some armor that will lower the EHP sacrifice a decent percentage. Only thing is at 800 gold it's quite a lot of gold for an item with no support utility. The mana regen % is not great early on since your base INT is low meaning you are only really utilising the active. You get more hp regen too though, so tanking creep is even easier. 400 gold when you sell it, so it will cost you 3-4 camps. If it saves you a trip to the fountain then it's the item you need.

                      As for abilities it might be worth eating the Ice ogre fairly early if you get them. +8 armor , attack slow and move slow for 40 mana is a very decent ability. The slow and armor combined should mean you only take 50-60% of the damage you would otherwise and you should be able to take out small / medium camps without too much HP loss. It's probably wiser to get the troll camp first for the raise dead if you can. Taking no damage is better than taking reduced.

                      Item progression depends heavily on your team really. There are no fixed builds. Vlads and Mek both offer good auras and once you are dominating you may well own both. Right clickers will be happy with Vlads. AC is a great item on doom, so much tanky.

                      Personally if I got Ice armor around level 6/7 I'd go gank. Early armor doom is going to raise far more hell in a team lane than sat in jungle. Ice armor is 5s cooldown so you can get it on 2/3 people easily before a fight starts. You should have a Basilius by then anyway so doom can give +10 armor to a few people on his team which is huge early game.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          You guys don't get the word "support" it seems. If he is gonna be a support, he will buy sentries/wards/cour means he will have limited gold to buy stout shield and optimal regen. Therefore most pro players don't buy a lot of items, generally a clarity and 1-2 branches and go for a straight bottle. That way you can bottle crow and if needed control the runes.


                            Utility doom*

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                              Better pick chen ?


                                Sometimes you want a utility hero in the jungle, and you want to play late game. Chen is good at the first, not so much the second.

                                But Doom is pretty crap early game, so you need to be playing against a team that *also* doesn't want to do anything early the circumstances where utility jungle Doom is optimal are somewhat rare.

                                Woof Woof

                                  doom is rly strong early u just need mana and manapool to use your spells especially the ones u stole from creeps

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                                    pick better? chen


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