General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
The DarKNovA

    G: knows how to spam meta-heroes
    B: but that's pretty much it
    jk of course

    Shadows Die Twice

      G: Decent number of games

      B: Winrates


        B: Smurf

        B: Smurf

        Shadows Die Twice

          G: SB winrate

          B: Still 3k.


            G: Nice performance as MK
            B: typical carry picker

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            Shadows Die Twice

              G: 100 games but still not smurf, WP

              B: Brood spammer?


                G: overall winrate and hero winrate
                B: fooken smurf lad


                  @englando man
                  G: winrate
                  B: smurf


                    G: nice win rate on luna
                    B: pleb

                    The DarKNovA

                      G: high win rate and good carry play
                      B: too new of a smurf to make legit statements


                        G: spectre and morphling
                        B: improves way too slow

                        The Dark Destroyer

                          G: Nice profile pic, and positive win rate.
                          B: Under 50% win rate in top 5 hero's.


                            Never touched lina or sf after 6.84
                            Maybe I should fix that

                            The Dark Destroyer

                              SF worth it. Lina maybe not so much.


                                Good KDA
                                Should diversify builds and adapt to lineups. Your wraith king game would be free win if you build it differently.


                                  Complex and diverse range of heroes that you play
                                  Play more ranked!!

                                  I Quit Dota

                                    G: good support player
                                    B: need to raise more mmr


                                      G: lycan lord
                                      B: np god


                                        G: midlaner
                                        B: not exactly a good one


                                          G : Decent Mid-player
                                          B : "Me mid, I'm pro" - Rip english, why you use me mid, instead of "I mid"?

                                          I can’t believe its not h...

                                            G: Broodmother, very underrated hero, hats off to you. Overall winrate is also 👍
                                            B: not much really, a smurf? Not sure

                                            Player 345068850

                                              G:Plays earth spirit.


                                                G: relatively high winrate
                                                B: a new acc, few ranked games, normal skill ranked

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                                                  good tree spamm wins
                                                  bad seer winrate seer iw op hero u should not lose when u pick


                                                    I don't play DS anymore and won't in the future. I just don't feel the hero.


                                                      G: Dental Techinician nick.
                                                      B: Not much actually.

                                                      Massive Dynamic

                                                        G: Good support player
                                                        B: Lots of unplayed heroes


                                                          Good wr on certain heroes, never give up(very little abandons)
                                                          Bad positioning, map awareness, a lot of death


                                                            Damn, been years since I posted on here. Alrighty, let's see if I still remember how to doto.

                                                            G: Very nice WR, not only in overall but also on top heroes. That Arc, wish I could play it as well!
                                                            B: Slark in most played heroes

                                                            Super Senko-san Time

                                                              G: Plays mostly fun heroes, Rubick most played
                                                              B: Ranked winrate


                                                                G: Actually only plays heros he has a +60% winrate with, one of the few smart people :)
                                                                B: smurf


                                                                  G: decent support
                                                                  B: pub memer


                                                                    G: Great winrates on your top 3 heroes.
                                                                    B: 90% of your games are on your top 3 heroes. Work on practicing more heroes and basic dota mechanics.

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                                                                      G: Decent win rate.
                                                                      B: Decent win rate didn't translate to a good MMR, yet.

                                                                      Ƨwamp Ƨweaty

                                                                        G: Really nice visage supporting.
                                                                        B: Not flexible to the team.

                                                                        and congrats on 5k!

                                                                        [DFG] Whale King

                                                                          G: Most played heroes are supports
                                                                          B: Not many games, but youve got a pretty good MMR


                                                                            G: that storm spirit holy shit
                                                                            B: meh winrate recently


                                                                              Good: Only plays ranked, good way to get gud

                                                                              Bad: Boring heroes, :p :P :p



                                                                                G: decent mid
                                                                                B: pub memer and meepo
                                                                                I would practice fun mid heroes if I doesn't play like a 500 mmr every time I pick mid


                                                                                  g: winrate
                                                                                  b: needs learn more heroes

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    @bws, 5 minutes late lmao
                                                                                    gud: Fab Void plays, generally great carry player.
                                                                                    bad: I don't see much variability between heroes played, needs to open up to higher skillcap heroes whose success do not depend on number of last hits.

                                                                                    gud: Okay offlane player, part support player. We need more players like you man; good utility cores.
                                                                                    bad: Haven't played that much recently. Winrates aren't outstanding by any means, both in general and hero to hero.

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                                                                                    Cruel SummeR

                                                                                      Slark Picker...

                                                                                      I don't have any nice things to say to slark pickers

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                                                                                        good : 60 winrate on 550 games git gud more
                                                                                        bad : pic bro u cant find girl here ,


                                                                                          G : Templar Assassin

                                                                                          B : Sven

                                                                                          queen's speech

                                                                                            G: avatar
                                                                                            b: everything, u're trash


                                                                                              G: Impressive winrate
                                                                                              B: Slark, Broodmother among most played

                                                                                              Edit: Fella underneath me, sorry, I ninja'd you!

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                                                                                                G: most played cores
                                                                                                B: bugger. 100 no stats recorded. Report this hacker

                                                                                                monk, tibetan

                                                                                                  G: great Mirana and PA wr, pretty good wr with SF, which is your most played hero.
                                                                                                  B: lots of losses recently, very bad Puck wr


                                                                                                    @The Selfless TeamMate :

                                                                                                    G : 60+ % winrate
                                                                                                    B : Everything, you're dog.

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