General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow question

Drow question in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    should I be getting helm of dominator before dragon lance or the other way around


      afaik u only buy early lifesteal if you are forced into jungle or have a very hard lane. otherwise why would u need it? normally u rush pt/dragon lance, and then get other items.

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        hotd only in farm heavy games, treads 1 hotd component lance then complete hotd


          just rush dragon lance and push towers with ur team


            Report yourself for even thinking of going lifesteal on drow

            King of Low Prio

              whenever I get part of helm I always feel obligated to buy the rest because dominate and 20dmg is such a massive upgrade for the 900g


                You don't need it, if you need regen get a tango set if that's not enough, get a potion and keep farming.


                  it isn't esential but it can be nice, and I'd rather have lifesteal than continually ferrying out salves or going back to base


                    Don't listen to this noob, lifesteal doesn't help you at ALL! You're not supposed to manfight anyone and if you do end up manfighting someone at melee range, you're gonna lose that battle cause you're gonna have shit dmg. No one is going to stay in range for you to kill them with lifesteal!! They will run away and even if they stayed, having a dmg/agi item would be better than a measly 20 dmg shit item when you're not getting touched.

                    DON'T GET LIFESTEAL


                      I'd get lifesteal only if I want wolf aura or that creep who gives ice armor or something.

                      King of Low Prio

                        you mean those creeps that spawn hundreds of times a game?



                          King of Low Prio


                            I get Benao is autistic and all but I dont get why hes so against the item

                            lm ao

                              Benao sama is blink core or can u forego it for force staff into pike

                              Stupid question ik

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't want to get on beano's bad side and I play a shitty drow ranger but.... I think of dominator more as sustain than for manfighting or farming. After a big ass team fight on their t2 or t3 I want to rax and finish off another t3, not have to tp back to base cus I'm half hp, and you can't count on your dumbass teammates in pubs to mek and urn you. Unless there's a bounty hunter or nightstalker or spirit breaker no one gets urn.

                                Dominator also makes solo'ing rosh a breeze. You'll have to reset the fight without it several times I'm pretty sure. Cus rosh won't reset just running all the way to pit edge and will get some knocks in, nothing you can't healing up with dominator, but without I think you have to run out of pit.


                                  Put yourself in this position, you just won a teamfight and teamwiped them and want to take raxes yes? Ok, what are you gonna hit with dominator to get full hp? Are you going to waste 20 seconds woods healing up? Are you going to slow down the push on the tower asking to hit every creepwave in front of you? And even if you do how much are you going to heal? The item is trash, now if you invested your money on a seemingly big item like dragon lance + yasha and a potion or tangos instead you'd do more in the fight, have full hp and not delay anything when going for highground!!

                                  Does it hurt or matter you use up (or waste) 100 gold every now and then? No it doesn't, now does it HURT to waste 2k gold early on on a trash item that does nothing for you? YES!!

                                  Just think of the potion as paying taxes for earning too much (being too good atm)


                                    wolf or ice armor is worth it


                                      If you're going to go blink you need to adapt your build for it! It's 2k gold for what? You're supposed to be standing still attacking people/towers or hunting them down, not moving around and running like a bitch (0 dps). Now let's say you use it for initiation which is good, what happens if someone jumps on you from the side`? 2k gold wasted and 0 dmg the rest of the game cause you're not gonna get such ez farm again. Or let's say you like to push and want to escape or juke with dagger, how much dmg/sec are you even dealing like that? Is it worth it? Are you helping your team that way? Remember you're using up 2k gold which could be filled with agi dmg to just chip on a tower? Don't you think that's retarded? Even more so if you're playing pubs and can't trust your team to make full use of that dagger. Assume you're alone, what are you going to do min 20 with half the dmg? Team needs you to fight and the only thing you can do before running away is blink silence and hit 2 times before you start running, can you even escape now? What are you going to do if they push you? Blink them to death? I'm not saying blink is bad but why would you go for it and still be like carry of the team? Drow is versatile so dagger works but in that case get some stats before like drums and stack it with orchid? At least that way you're a cheap version of storm and save the silence/push for incoming threats... Else, I would just get dagger for positioning (have done that). Though imo drow is more like a hunter so i prefer to risk it with shadow blade in that case.

                                      Ask EE for tips on how to throw games on retarded items in retarded situations


                                        orchid sounds like a terrible idea on drow, even worse than HotD, she already has a silence


                                          hows this garbage?

                                          also dont forget ur teammates and other summons , necros, chen creeps or w/e the fuck

                                          free dmg for everyone for 2k gold


                                            Someone else should get it? Is it a solo game now? How long does that silly creep stay alive? (Though I agree the changes made the creeps more tank now)

                                            Besides the dmg is that great because of the lateness of the game, we're talking here about a fucking dominator before or right after treads, fucking disgusting practice

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                                              seems worth for me


                                                Is it a good idea to get 2 or 3 dragon lance?


                                                  I would say at least treads first and probably dl before too but over all I would say it's worth it to get HotD, you can also upgrade to satanic too in late game.


                                                    This was last patch when Storm was OP and Drow wasn't OP + lots of other changes.. I don't play this orchid drow much now

                                           I blame the loss on ES not leaving me alone mid, it would often happen and I would report these c*nts as drow needs experience fast and the kill potential level 1-5 is very bleak.
                                           I blame it on the team throwing it, check structures
                                           Can't win them all?


                                                      @bearwhatevernoob Ofc you'd say that you're a fucking failed normal skill smurf that can't even maintain a 50% win


                                                        @salza not unless you're absolutly sure of a quick win because if you build multiple you will have no lategame transition


                                                          Think dps and gauge your attack speed with and without an attack speed item like yasha/maelstrom... Does 2 or 3 dragon lance look good now? What if the target moves? How many attacks do you get with a better attack speed item? Remember frost arrow doesn't last long


                                                            @benao Happens to be my only account and I've only been playing for like 8 months.


                                                              also have a 60% winrate this month and 51% over last 6 months


                                                                Does the range bonus stack?


                                                                  no it doesnt that would be retarded if it did

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                                                                    Why not Vlads instead of Dominator? This way you get useful item for pushing, teamfights and lifesteal (even with your frosty arrows) all at the same time (it also gives +2 agility, whoohoo!).


                                                                      dominator lets u enchant the wolf, which is basically the main reason to get this item.
                                                                      also u can upgrade it into satanic later.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        cus dominator dominates useful creeps and can be upgraded into satanic later. Vlads on ranged in general, just no.


                                                                          First you need to find that wolf, and second you need to keep it alive, which may be almost impossible in teamfights (depends on enemy heroes and their Midases).


                                                                            do u know HotD gives additional HP to the enchanted unit, right?


                                                                              also most of the time dominated units wont get focused on


                                                                                Triple, come on, do not pretend that you do not understand...

                                                                                Besides, I saw numerous times how this wolf actually kills its teammates by blocking path or simply because of that extra target for chain frost or casks.

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                                                                                  idk i think i havent seen any hotd creeps being killed untill min 30, except for the creeps used to stack ancients that were dying w/o the owner noticing it, and deaths to Devour or midas.
                                                                                  generally u just get hotd, find a wolf, and make him tail you for the rest of the game. thats the basic concept that literally everyone is using and was using since years ago.

                                                                                  extra target for casks in midgame and chain is a pro, not a con. durig the laning phase, u r not supposed to have the wolf (or w/e unit u r using) yet.

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                                                                                    Why would it be retarded if bonus range stacked?


                                                                                      because 1200 attack range


                                                                                        Let's be honest here, drow as a hero gets eclipsed by Sniper, just play Sniper


                                                                                          Drow buffs all of her ranged teammates and this can often win lanes that wouldn't neccessaraly be won. Drow often tankier and better escape. Drow much better at pushing early. Drow better disable. There is a reason drow is being played in pro matches while sniper is not.


                                                                                            This other hotsalza is making me look like an idiot


                                                                                              whenever there's a drow thread it just turns to a shitfest thanks to benao
                                                                                              why isn't he banned yet

                                                                                              phantom riki was too banned for "encouraging players to playing the game wrong way" so why not him

                                                                                              anyway i like getting 3 bands of elven skin after treads/aquila for lance yasha
                                                                                              it gives a pretty good boost to your teammate's damage too

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                ofc when confronted with the fact that hotd can give drow upwards of 70+ damage he says ur teammates should be buying hotd for you


                                                                                                  or is HotSalza just trolling us all


                                                                                                    yea i'll surely have courier running to base and back with salve 24/7 because i get hit somewhere every teamfight, it's not like my teammates sometimes need to use it too
                                                                                                    and you totally dont hit creeps while pushing so lifesteal is wasted
                                                                                                    also it sounds like a really good idea to regen 400 hp for 10 seconds, maybe if i'm like 400/1600 after a fight i should wait a half minute so courier gets to me, then another half minute to regain my hp and then.. oh whoops meanwhile everyone respawned how did this happen SoBayed
                                                                                                    also the 20 damage and regen+armor from helm component is utterly useless as well as the option to upgrade to satanic right


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                                                                                                      narrowminded noobs


                                                                                                        orchid drow NotLikeThis

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