General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow question

Drow question in General Discussion

    If it works it ain't stupid


      Btw, trade that dominator for scepter and you'd be killing 3 people at once instead of dying while going for your second target!


        There's different ways to play Drow. Benao chooses one, you choose the other.


          20 damage and regen+armor from helm component is utterly useless as well as the option to upgrade to satanic right

          It actually is


            or I can go dominator and scepter because the items are compatable

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Ladies, Aghs + Maelstrom (or Mjolnir) is the new build for drow.


                You can solo rosh really easily with helm, if you have to jungle a decent amount for whatever reason I think this item is pretty mandatory unless you want to ferry salves for 20 minutes.


                  why is there no way to disable posts from non star players


                    Needs to be a hero stars so ppl who actually play a hero at a high level gets it even if they are not 5k. Haha

                    Anyway my humble opinion is that HOTD gives u that alpha wolf and allows u to solo rosh early which is one of the strong points of drow. At least in 1k no one notices.

                    Upgrade to satanic is nice. Why wouldn't u get satanic on a squishy hero?


                      Obviously satanic is core on drow, in 90% of cases.

                      HOWEVER, getting HotD early on is a stupid decision imo, (unless u have a sneaky-roshan-aegis-rush strategy or u want the alpha wolf aura for early gg team push).

                      I opt for a farm-focused build going RoA->Treads->Dragon Lance->Aghs->Maelstrom and after this consider BKB/daedulus/Helm->Satanic.

                      Drow does not benefit much from the armour or the lifesteal from helm in the early stages. Late game, obv satanic is invaluable


                        For a hero that likes to go into jungle early on to farm. Why isn't the life steal good? Granted if u r good and know how to manage ur hp and kite, u wouldn't need it. But it's the same with getting vlads on AM innit?


                          im pretty sure that with just RoA, agility treads and lvl 6, the jungle is no problem for drow. And why wud u leave ur lane before lvl 6?

                          also, vlads on am is not core or necessary, u can make it if u want, or u can skip it for manta rush, esp if u make vanguard first. Infact, with the changes to abyssal, im pretty sure vlads am isnt a thing anymore

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                            u dont get satanic on drow. u get hod because the mask lets u jungle which is what u wanna do once u hit 6, give the lane to a support and go hit jungle creeps or better is ancients. u get hod cuz u get 5 free armor more regen a creep and 20 damage for 950 gold.

                            sitting in lane results in drow feeding.


                              aghs mjollnirs really good on drow but not if youre trying to end early.


                                It actually is

                                okay my bad
                                i shouldn't have editted the post where i added that line :horse:

                                do you just sell dominator in late then?


                                  Yes get HOTD. You can tame a wolf or a purge satyr, even a stomping centaur. Drow hits very hard from lvl 6 , and that lifesteal really helps. You never have to go back to town. Satanic is also excellent if it goes late and against tough heroes.


                                    Mute santana and jacked holy shit


                                      im not rly against it or flaming u, but why are you trying to give advice to others if you are so much below even the average level?


                                        why shouldn't drow jungle? Isn't it more efficient to rotate in and out of jungle between 6 and 11 rather than stay in lane and easy gank. I saw fear play it this way. I noticed success in my games from doing that to. Some concepts are simpler and can be shared across mmr ranges. Like why to buy an item or not, usually depends on a lot of simple things like cost efficiency, synergy with hero play style, item timing, Late game potential, etc. these are concepts that influence item choices at all mmr ranged and can be understood even by a 1ker.

                                        Of course some things change, like solo rosh potential probably doesn't exist in higher levels. And you'd be right to call me out as an idiot if I told u the item was solely for that purpose. Anyone can give advice as long as the advice is valid for that mmr range.

                                        On topic: Now that I think about it, I don't even recal getting to the point where satanic gets built on this hero. Usually drow games are really strong before it goes super late and then the hero starts to fall off. I also learned that from listening to casters talk about drow in TI. used to think he was a >40 min hero but surprised to hear he was strong around 30min.


                                          drow is not an efficient jungler and its very easy to punish her, assuming enemy team supports are not afk. its pretty difficult for drow to come back and be relevant after a bad start in jungle, too.
                                          like, beastmaster and enigma stay relevant even if they were forced out of jungle, just thanks to their skill set, but thats not drows case.


                                            I agree to Mr. 3plesteal- in the argument that you need the lifesteal when you have a hard lane. It's just that everyone has their own playstyle and we adhere to our own needs. If you dont like buying lifesteal and go send potions everytime your low then fine, and if you like to buy lifesteal on Drow, it's also fine. What matters is how efficient you are in using Drow and how good you are in decision making and in teamfights.

                                            My point is there is always a "standard" on building a hero, and Mr. Benao wants you to suck his build right through your anuses. And if you dont follow his "standard" he considers you a brainless noobshit. What a complete asshole just like his dick pic.

                                            Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                              Can I just ask if MoM is good on Drow with Mael and Aghs?


                                                MoM is actually good on drow when you are really good at positioning where the enemies cannot easily punish you.
                                                It is actually better to go Dragon lance than MoM since it makes you tankier, but if you want maximum dps MoM really is the better item.
                                                If you can gauge that your opponents are less punishing on your mistakes, go try building MoM. It is not bad, it's just not the "right way in playing drow" according to Mr. Benao.

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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Mask is good for rat drow, get a blink or shadowblade, sneak up to towers and kill them before enemy can respond, then run away.

                                                  Question about my last drow match. Luna was first picked so I went drow offlane to compliment her, then team picked a venge and medusa mid. Holy auras batman! Because of this I opted to go for agility items over aghs or crit so we'd have maximum dmg as a team, plus luna and medusa already have multi target dmg. But i'm not sure if that was the right call. I ended up going treads, aquila, lance, dominator, bkb, butterfly, mkb, hurricane pike. Sold bkb at the very end for aghs to try and make a megas last stand.

                                                  In the end we lost cus I wasted a buyback when I didn't need to so didn't have it when we needed it, not sure it would've mattered, but then our medusa got picked off across river like 4 times late game and our luna was a fucking moron who rushed aghs and never built mkb vs a tinker and somehow died 17 times despite getting a satanic. I mean look at that build, no manta, ac isn't horrible I guess, aghs lol. And 779 tower dmg in a 66 minute game ON A LUNA. Embarrassing.