General Discussion

General Discussion6 slotted carry

6 slotted carry in General Discussion

    6-slotted hero is a myth... How can you be 6-slotted when you need slot for boots, slot for tp and slot for tango or clarity -_-


      6 slotted ursa is pretty good and considered deadly at earlier game cuz of dem fury swipes... ez jungler means ez 6 slot

      Dire Wolf

        Sven is pretty bad late cus he's super easy to kite. By the time supports have ghost scepters and force staffs he struggles to hit anyone and needs a lot of setup from his team. Sven's advantage is actually more early game with amazing flash farming to transition into mid game. Early he has a ton of armor and great dmg, then mid when his skills are maxed and he has his blink he's really hard to deal with.


          ^^^the fuck is wrong with u

          saving private RTZ

            ^^except Ursa almost never reaches 6 slots or at least its very slow at least compared to other carries. Or they need to be very very fed at which point the game should be over anyway

            Dire Wolf

              I don't think ursa is that strong super late anyway, he's very kitable, suffers from same issues as sven but without cleave to potentially wipe teams with setup. And fury swipes doesn't work on structures so his tower dmg isn't that great.


       Had match that's perfect example of ursa falling off late game yesterday .


                  Ursa is still good at jumping on a hero and either killing them or bringing them low late, but he usually can't kill the enemy carry and after making his jump often just gets kited around. He's much like lc in this way but lc is much more likely to kill the enemy carry and gains more from the kill.


                    Enigma can kill 5 ppl in 4 sec.. also ET... and huskar...and necro..


                      Pointless question


                        6 slotted CM or Oracle. EZ game EZ life


                          What are u talking about ? Void is the best 1vs1.


                            Yeah 1vs1 against feeders.

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