General Discussion

General Discussion6 slotted carry

6 slotted carry in General Discussion

    Which is the most powerful 6 slotted carry.give oponions

    doc joferlyn simp

      id shit my pants if i saw a six slotted io with an eaten moonshard tbh

      let me say i'm the bigges...

        Techies Kappa


          Techies right clicker????kappa

          Hatsune Miku

            annoying :

            kunkka and storm


              Spectre pretty much
              Global presence,running around in circles while saying "u hit me u die u run u die too lol xd"
              Medusa doesn't deal that much damage although she's harder to kill


                medusa kinda falls off in super lategame same as lets say sven, antimage and spectre.
                out of the classic carries slark is a nightmare when 6 slotted, but he also needs team´s presense to have time to hit people.


                  ember, necro and timbersaw are pretty good in ultra lategame

                  Dire Wolf

                    It really depends on the game and matchups. Like for example, medusa is not a very scary 1v1 carry but she's a tank and impossible to bring down and will wipe your whole team with aoe dmg.

                    Or terror blade, he's a nightmare if you can't stop his sunder cus you have to kill him twice, but if you have a shitload of stun then it's easy, same goes for slark. A well fed legion command who gets the jump and duels them will crush either.

                    So it's really a dumb question but I still like talking about it.

                    My nods then go to legion commander and chaos knight. Legion of course cus duel dmg makes you more like an rapier wielding normal carry. CK cus his dmg gets multiplied by 3 or 4 times during his ult. He just farms so slow he doesn't get 6 slotted that often.


                      every hero has counters theres no strongest carry, depending on lineup heroes will be strong or weak


                        almost a same thread
                        tinker and druid(with 6 slotted bear)

                        Dire Wolf

                          Oh and sniper, he's hard to get to late game but once there he's pretty amazing.


                            morphling or anti or spec


                              Slark with refresher, dusa with rapier and spectre that can get 7th slot refresher . Although I think a 6 slotted slark would win game vs the 6 slotted dusa since good luck for dusa hitting anyone between bashes and 2 abyssal uses . The 7 slotted spectre may trump all however I have never witnessed it myself . Purely with 6 slots though I without spec being able to use that 7th refresher slot I think I maybe have to go with slark again but I guess it depends on how tanky slarks allies are . so final decision for me with just 6 slots slark but if allowed to have 7 items then spectre .
                              Edit I never seen a 6 slotted morph vs another six slotted carry so not sure how that would go .

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                                Spectre, Antimage, Dusa, Void, Slark, Morph

                                6 Slotted void with Refresher can kill every other hero under chrono. He isnt played as a classical safelanecarry as much these days, but he still has that long ass duration disable.

                                Antimage is so fucking mobile, he can just play the ratgame, while he cant rly go toe toe with many other hardcarries.

                                Dusa with rapier is just a teamfight force.

                                Spectre deals by far the most damage in teamfights compared to every other carry. Although he falls of once enemy has pipe, euls, glimme etc.

                                Morph can also rat super hard, nearly as effetive as antimage.

                                Slark is just super imba with refresher etc. He can go toe to toe with any other carry, since he hits harder, the more he hits.

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  once opposing team carries get abyssal's and mkb's to counter am's blinks and butterfly he kinda sucks. he can't take fights and can only rat. He's not that great.

                                  sin blyadi

                                    CK, OD, PL,Spectre ,Morph, slark. Those are the most strong


                                      idk man i might be wrong but imo dusa am sven slark ta ld imba spirit also 12 slotted naga :P

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                                            Forgot to mention ck .

                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              illusion heroes get 6 slotted = tears
                                              good luck killing those tanky 6 slotted illusions


                                                Morpling and invoker.



                                                  why is timber good in ultra late game? is it because of the fact that octarine aghs shivas bloodstone etc makes him rly hard to kill, not to mention his creep clear being strong + bkbs are starting to wear off?


                                                    Ember is garbage are you kidding me. I would shit my pants if a 6 slotted CK got hold of me, and he has... and I did.

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                                                      we shudnt forget pl either. Butterfly, Satanic, Skadi, Abyssal make him into a monster


                                                        Anti fun/sven/CK

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                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          Monkey King


                                                            Question is stupid. This is team game.


                                                              I mean legion could technically get to the point where she could one shot every hero in the game but at that point the legions doing something wrong if the games not over.


                                                                ^^ Technically Pudge could get to the point where he can one shot anyone plus he'll be utterly unkillable with 4 million HP :P

                                                                Being more reasonable, Morph, Medusa, Spectre, Sven and Terrorblade are some of the most powerful late gamers. Slark and CK are also powerful, but Slark needs to build up essence shift stacks to reach max potential, meaning he's weakest at the start of a fight, when other carries are often at their strongest. CK has pretty much the highest single target DPS with his ult but is pretty unimpressive if his ult is down or his illusions get instakilled.

                                                                I'd say for Single Target DPs, Morph wins out over the other Super carries, he attacks like a machine gun and has a built in shotgun to instakill supports. In full 5 vs 5 teamfights, Spectre and Medusa are stronger. Medusa is harder to kill but Spectre is also tanky and really punishes anyone caught out alone during a fight too. Sven probably does more teamfight damage than those two if hes able to Hit people and cleave several heroes but his damage output is less reliable than Spec and Medusa since he gets Kited to hell. TB is probably the fastest pusher (Morph is close though) and also has decent teamfight and single target DPS. Basically if you don't have a way to counter or deal with these heroes and they get farmed, you're going to lose.


                                                                  medusa spectre sven are all weak in ultralate


                                                                    So many stupid comments


                                                                      unkillable, mobile, heavy dmg, hard to escape fom, very fast waveclean


                                                                        Morphing because you can't kill him and he has tons of damage output

                                                                        Storm because everyone's bkb would be on 5 sec so he can zap until it ends

                                                                        Ember cause he can 1 shot the entire enemy team

                                                                        Spectre matter what any noob says. This hero does not fall off, without rapier and bkb(which is on 5 sec at 90 min) you cannot reliably deal enough damage for spectre to fear dying.

                                                                        Slark because he can abysal you amd finish you, anti mage who is maxed out should not have a problem

                                                                        Either way this meta there aren't many 90 min matches anyway, If there are it's because both teams have split pushing heroes or because u didn't end when u had the chance.

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                                                                          Spectre is super bad when everyone has stuff, cause his ultimate no longer unallow support to do their job, and it's only a 30% damage illusion on a hero with horrible stat growth. The only thing that hurt about that illusion is desolate, and unless you go rapier build, you either have bkb or manta to protect yourself from that (or sata and don't care at all).
                                                                          -spectre is probably the scariest of all carry if he is 6 slotted and most of opponent are 4 sloted (and opponent support 2 slotted at max)-

                                                                          Ember is super scary due to high mobility and being the best rapier wearer of the game. However as a solo carry he doesn't do enough damage (or rish his rapier).

                                                                          Storm is super scary as he spend all his time in ult and still deal good amount of damage, especially if he bought a rapier.

                                                                          A fully transitionned morphling (butter/mkb/daedalus/bkb/skady* -can choose somthing else than skady-) is probably the biggest single target dps hero in the game, superior bat, superior stats. if it didn't transitionned from the eblade/linken/skady build, it's great but not that scary for a 6 slots.

                                                                          Medusa suck, you'll split push her and any carry beside spectre damage building faster than her even if she has rapier.

                                                                          Sven has a shot lategame, via the cleave, but that's not reliable.

                                                                          Ck is probably the scariest of all carry with 6 slots. -> reality rift = dead, he suffer a bit like medusa, slow at pushing you can still rat him (but you cann't base race him :p).

                                                                          6 slots slark is super scary and probably even more scary than all previously noted, as long as he can enter the fight properly (which most other carry previously stated don't care at all).

                                                                          If opponents carry is 6 slotted aswell tb aint that scary.

                                                                          OD = no
                                                                          Pl = depend on enemy team, but most likely no.

                                                                          6 slot am is scary lategame if he fully transition and go glass canon build (with rapier) due to his high advange via blink + abyssal. Else its streng is only in outfarming.

                                                                          6 slots slardar is super scary aswell.
                                                                          6 slot titan is uber scary.
                                                                          (but hell, the game must last at least 120 minutes for those 2 to be 6 slotted carry)

                                                                          (oh and don't forget a 6 slotted right click invoker, which has for only issue to have even an harder step than morphling to go to his right click build directly -and even more item to change if he want to switch build, which would not be even as effectiv as stacking centaure/ursa for magic resistance via dominator for that amount of gold-))

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                                                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                            Enigma with aghanim+refresher can also kill any hero no matter their hp, since midnight pulse is pure damage and deals 105% max health with double pulse into double black hole.

                                                                            But in late game people will just buyback and you're suddenly useless (similar issue with glass cannon carry void if you don't buy aghanim).

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                                                                              I almost forgot about CK pulling your ass with 5 stat items and bursting you down like you're a creep


                                                                                blue star wars BEGIN!!


                                                                                  Chaos Knight. Even that cowardly Es can't do much against a good ck


                                                                                    would druid be considered, because you can get him 2x six slotted


                                                                                      there is no "best" carry.

                                                                                      if you just mean "maxed" then lone druid, but that's 13 slots not 6.

                                                                                      as far as a standard carry, they all have pros and cons and the best carry depends on the game and who you are against.





                                                                                          maybe Arc Warden. I think he was meant to be the best carry.


                                                                                            i mean how many heroes are put there to withstand double hex, double bloodthorn, double ethereal, double dagon, double refresher, double BoT?


                                                                                              ^ That build kinda has its weakness since you can only kill 1 hero. If you go Physical DP and Mjollnir, he becomes insane. you have dd with every single proc for 16 seconds and without for only 14 seconds

                                                                                              Professor Dog

                                                                                                Regardless of situation, as a support I can say ck. Or 5 cks running at me makes me cry


                                                                                                  arc warden
                                                                                                  gyro satanic rapier build
                                                                                                  old void
                                                                                                  medusa is alright
                                                                                                  TROLL WARLORD is a scary one

                                                                                                  SJW shitlord

                                                                                                    No best carry. Sven has the highest physical burst damage, CK can reign vs ST cores, Slark is elusive and difficult to catch so he's a hit + run like Ember, AM performs less against physical carries, Spectre can't man fight the big DPS heroes like Sven or AM but team fights very well, PL shits on non-cleave carries.

                                                                                                    If you pitted every carry 1v1 against every other carry, Sven would probably be top most of the time. Gods Strength potentially triples his DPS, unless he gets stun locked, he owns almost every carry.

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                                                                                                      ^ slark would shit on Sven one vs one , troll would too . Sven isn't a super late game type of carry , he'll usually just get kited , and in one vs one there is better carries for sure . Slark is king of one vs one then I'd say troll cuz of the perma bash . I guess you could throw in a slardar as great one vs one but he farms so slow who are we kidding he'll never be 6 slotted lol . Edit just saw your mention of stun lock lol still is say Sven isn't one of the top laregame carries .

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