General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's something that instantly triggers/pisses you off?

What's something that instantly triggers/pisses you off? in General Discussion

    I think mine is when i'm jungling and some random fucking asshole just goes in and last hits.

    Another one is when you're walking towards a rune, only to see your allied crystal maiden also walking towards said rune. You see it happening, cm picking up the rune for absolutely no fucking reason since she doesn't have a bottle, you ping ping ping ping the rune, alt click your bottle to no avail, only to see the "Crystal Maiden has activated a bounty rune".


      I'm 3.3k. What makes me mad is when you enter the ranked draft and there's this guy who types "hc" and check the safelane. You know he is -25.

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          1) i mark mid then someone picks a mid then asks, can i mid? like i have a choice
          2) see my carry start with quelling blade stout shield 1 regen
          3) when im a support and im trying to pool my offlaner/mid wards/tango and they fucking run circles around the base trying to juke the shit out of me or something


            Well it might seem weird but I get pissed only at one thing in Dota.

            It is when a teammate and me are trying to kill an opposition hero and the teammate instead of hitting him is waiting to LH him. LH a hero is such bullshit play. I had to face the same 2 days back and it makes me mad.


              when someone jump towards and enter a badfight, you know already if its bad fight, but your whole body automaticly enter the fight too cause a mass loss

              Bad Intentions

                The good old you kill him oh no you kill him, in the end the enemy escape with 1 hp.


                  Andy Mage being picked
                  k guys we lost


                    1) Stealing nc last hit per what TS had mentioned.

                    2) Disputing mid as per mentioned above. Or any lane for that matter.

                    3) The timing is 7.50. You walked toward the rune spot and wanted to grab the rune. You reached the rune spot just nice at 8.00. Then your mid ping that they want the rune cause they have bottle. WTF, can't you go contest the other rune at 7.50 when you see me walking there?

                    4) The timing is 8.10. You walked toward the rune spot trying to see your luck. Surprise the bounty rune is still there! Then your mid ping that they want the rune cause they have bottle. WTF, why aren't you securing the rune earlier???

                    5) For scenario 3 and 4, you give the rune as you are supposed to. If it is a bounty rune which can be activated instantly, you then politely asked for 1 charge of bottle heal so you can continue to roam. And no, no heal from your sucky mid.

                    6) Furion cliff jungling.

                    7) People spamming I need ward non-stop. F off and go buy yourself.

                    8) People trolling in all chat.


                      I actually love it when people troll in all chat. Dota is a game for me instead of like competition for most of people here and trolling in chat is fun on most occasions.

                      the realm's delight



                          VIVA LA PUTIN/PERU


                            2) see my carry start with quelling blade stout shield 1 regen

                            Why ? :P I often start like that with an alchemist or AM and it works quite well with a decent support who give u some tangos. I buy Ring of HP in minute 2-4 anyway.

                            1) Any kind of flaming is a disaster and make me nervous. Toxic chat makes me wanna kill myself cos u cant do shit about it.
                            2) Questioning item chosing and hero chosing in a flaming way. U dont know how to play meepo ? It doesnt mean that i dont, and we wont win.


                              you shouldnt rely on being pooled regen as a safelaner, and if you encounter agr tri/dual u defnitely need more than 1 set, but obviously you cant use the courier to send regen because that is game losing for the mid
                              also getting roh first item as a carry gives the offlaner so much space compared to boots



                                or when person says ez mid after i was 1v5ing entire game



                                  Point 3 and 4 - are you serious man? I thought it was pretty obvious that giving the mid with an empty bottle the rune, unless of course you can really do something with it that the mid cant.. I mean I see nothing wrong with people grabbing runes mid to late game when mid probably got rid of his bottle anyway, but grabbing them in the first 10 mins when you can see your mid is going for them is slack IMO, cause he pretty much always needs the bottle charges.


                                    When i see a shadow fiend is making meka or eul, i simply destroy my items and stay base


                                      u have issues


                                        i do, but this is not one of them.


                                          For point 3, it is not so irritating if your mid also start to walk toward the same rune spot at 7.50 to ensure the rune is being secured. But these mid players tend to be very passive. And you will never see them walk toward the rune spot at earlier timing ever. In fact they are still farming creeps at 8.05 and expect you to stand there to protect the rune. They just feel that they are entitled to every thing just cause they are playing mid.

                                          Point 4 is similar to point 3, and the frustration is usually due to the vibe given by your mid that they are not competent enough.

                                          It is a bit hard to explain but I believe all players do encounter such scenarios before.


                                            When people pick Enchantress and don't enchant a creep.

                                            That and telling me necro is a support. Instant mute ftw

                                            Oh, and ursas who don't try and take rosh.

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                                            Pale Mannie

                                              - When people say that INT heroes are only supports and AGI/STR heroes are only carries.
                                              - People pinging at me and others in the ENTIRE GAME. i feed and leave those games after 10 min. of pinging.
                                              - PA offlane in both teams
                                              - When i am a safelaner and the offlaners are playing aggressive and the supports dont zoning them out and after this i got reported (mostly a combo with Axe and any Stun Hero)
                                              - Russian Pudgepickers (always 12 yrs old kids)
                                              - Teammate Kotl dont give mana to people that have no mana
                                              - Axe as enemy in my lane

                                              And many others...


                                                In all Pick when a teammate randoms at the last second completely ruining your draft after indicating he was going to play a specific hero the entire time.

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Contest my mid at loading screen, the moment they do that i get a game full of joy.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    When you say this is a bad play and don't go with them, then they flame you for not doing the same retarded shit.

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                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        Hmm more for last patch but...

                                                        1. Bloodseeker pickers
                                                        2. People who pick junglers
                                                        3. When I support and people don't work with me on smokes etc.
                                                        4. Maybe the biggest one people who mid on heroes that don't need bottles so they let other hero freely get runes even though taking that rune would absolutely cripple the other mid!!


                                                          if they don't need the rune, shouldn't it be the supports going to contest it so they can focus on farming?

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            I agree but at the sametime if you know your against a hero that 100% depends on it you might as well take it plus it maybe for a gank you can do now instead of them.

                                                            Plus I should have added for heroes that need runes too I hate sitting at a top rune waiting on a mid who needs it but has tunnel vision.

                                                            Low 4k problems man..

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              When people random or they pick stupid shit, you tell them please don't pick that and they tell you shutup they have xxx amount of games on this hero and rock with them etc, etc. Then you proceed to lose cus 1. The hero sucks and/or was nerfed recently, 2. the hero doesn't fit your lineup at all.

                                                              Happens all the time, people will shadow techies when we have like an all melee early fight team or some shit and other team has like zeus and naga for example. Or they'll pick like brood into axe and tell you to stuff it cus they are so amazing with brood. And you lose.

                                                              edit: lol shut the f up acryonym is a banned term?

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                                                                wish i had low 4k problem ;)



                                                                  I think its when i randomly visit dotabuff at random intervals and see new "predict my mmr" threads, that literally no one, n o o n e , gives shit about.


                                                                    nothing i guess? since im the one who usually make people pissed. kappa.


                                                                      ping abusers

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        They ask for mid like I have a choice, they pick jungle Axe, they last pick Pudge when we need a support, the fact that I always get the hardest lanes, no matter where I go, only to have my teammates feed 0-4 before they even hit level 6. I literally lane against Silencers who spam Q all day, and scary Tusk, while my teammates have a tri lane against a Dark seer, and somehow Dark Seer is on a killing spree, then you ask yourself, WTF IS HAPPENING DOWN THERE IN SAFE LANE that the lone dark seer is raping 3 of our heroes.

                                                                        Excuse me cough, i'm tilting very hard, and every game my teammates start off 0-4, and my mids are almost always first blooded, carry on. :) I need to get gud.


                                                                          when i play support and my carries are complete dogshits

                                                                          when i play carry and my supports are not supports

                                                                          when i play any hero and the team decides to go 9v1


                                                                            gg mid no gank

                                                                            edit : ez mid after a game, just make me wanna punch them in the face

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                                                                            Polish Hussar

                                                                              When someone tells me to git gud I'm sooo triggered right now.

                                                                              Mad the Mike

                                                                                People who actively hate 2k scrubs, please ignore this post:

                                                                                - people not marking their hero/lane and deciding lanes after game starts
                                                                                - people locking a hero that was already marked by someone else
                                                                                - clueless autoattacking in lane, people not even trying to stack/pull
                                                                                - getting tacked on to a Turkish 4-man premade that doesn't even have voice comms; yay4EUW
                                                                                - having absolutely no clue how to turn a trainwreck of a game around and why it ended up like that
                                                                                - team not pushing after kills
                                                                                - people being toxic and/or leaving the game for no good reason

                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  Russians picking any solo carry or snowballing hero (Slark, Ursa etc.) and feeding hard cuz theyre thinking they can solo any fight


                                                                                    When people feed the fucking courier because they're fucking idiots


                                                                                      1. Players who ONLY EVER play Safelane carry or mid. They would literally rather play core and lose, than support and win. These players have no fucking clue how to play support and spam "We need wards" when there's 2 wards on the map.

                                                                                      2. When my supports don't buy wards. When I support I always have to buy every single ward and rarely have anything besides brown boots and wand at 20 minutes, yet when I play Core, there's never more than 1 ward on the map and when I ask the support with 900 gold to buy wards the reply is "Anyone can buy wards, you buy them"

                                                                                      3. Kids who just pick whatever hero they feel like playing. Fuck all attention to draft cohesiveness or if they have the hard counter already picked on the other team.

                                                                                      4. When I say "Smoke Rosh" and I'm sitting in jungle with a smoke on courier 8 seconds away then some kid just walks visibly into the Rosh pit.

                                                                                      5. Supports on my team who only ever ward in the most obvious of spots, get de warded, then just put another ward there later only for it to be de warded in 1 minute.

                                                                                      6. When I say "We need wards" and the support gets mad and alt clicks that wards are out of stock, yet there are no wards on the map because the wards have been in their inventory for 10 minutes.

                                                                                      7. Feeding offlaners who think they need even CS against enemy trilane and don't understand they should just soak XP.

                                                                                      8. Kids who highlight Mirana in draft and say "Roam" then proceed to not set up a single kill with an arrow and are level 2 at 11 minutes.

                                                                                      9. When my team is at a 25-30k gold/xp deficit and want to extend the loss as long as possible instead of just letting the enemy team finish, wasting everyone's time.

                                                                                      10. Players who don't carry TP scrolls to help team mates who are being dove hard in the laning stage. Can't be fucked to have a 75 gold item to turn a death on safe lane carry into first blood.

                                                                                      I think that's enough for now

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                                                                                        Pinging out a _visible_ movement (no one is in position to get there in time), carry stays, get's ganked, dies, and starts spamming "we need wards".
                                                                                        Ppl spamming "we need wards" against an at least average iq Zeus, or Nightstalker w aghs and gem.. Shop is ofc out of wards for another minute and a half..
                                                                                        I love my wards tho.


                                                                                          When the host won't lock is another one.

                                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                                            Safelaners goes to offlane
                                                                                            Offlaners goes to safelane
                                                                                            Carries underfarmed AF in 30 min.
                                                                                            Whole team is autoattacking in earlygame

                                                                                            welcome to >1k



                                                                                              This guy.


                                                                                              Ppl arguing for lanes, throwing by picks (esp junglers).

                                                                                              I mean, ok you wanted to play spectre, we got it. I placed my icon first and pick am. He 2. picks spectre after my am pick. Why? Why would you do this?


                                                                                                When my carry goes to lane with no regen. And worst! Hust stand by the tower doing nothing, no block and no contesting runes.

                                                                                                It's funny how many mistakes you can make from minute 0


                                                                                                  -People calling GG after 5 minutes because the start went bad. I have the feeling most of these games get lost because people stop trying to win after a bad start and not giving their best.


                                                                                                    when someone has all their slots filled and when they get travels they sell their upgraded boots rather than their TP scroll


                                                                                                      @androgynous sometimes it's worth it, to have extra buyback money, slot for gem or aegis or dust or whatever. oh wait, tp scroll. nevermind


                                                                                                        When Secret loses the game that I've bet all my rares on.